
Defines functions FI.brm

Documented in FI.brm

FI.brm <-
function( params,                            # parameters over which to calculate
          theta,                             # values/estimates of theta
          type = c("expected", "observed"),  # which information to calculate
          resp = NULL )                      # a response vector/matrix                         
# First, make sure that resp is NULL if type is "expected"
  if( type == "expected" )
    resp <- NULL
# Then turn params into a matrix:
  params <- rbind(params)

# Argument Checks #

# Then make sure that the arguments are OK:

## 1 ## (Make sure that resp exists if we are calculating observed information)
  if( is.null(resp) & type == "observed" )
    stop( "need response scalar/vector to calculate observed information" )
## 2 ## (Make sure that params, thet, resp are ALL numeric)
  if( mode(params) != "numeric" | mode(theta) != "numeric" )
    stop( "params and theta need to be numeric" )
  if( !is.null(resp) & mode(resp) != "numeric" )
    stop( "resp needs to be numeric" )

# Expected Fisher Information #

# Expected Fisher Information: p'^2/(p*q)
  if( type == "expected" ){

## Calculating the probability of response: ##  	
  	p <- p.brm(theta, params)
  	q <- 1 - p

## Calculating the first derivative: ##  	
  	pder1 <- pder1.brm(theta, params)
  	info <- pder1^2 / ( p * q )


# Observed Fisher Information #

  if( type == "observed" ){
  	info <- -lder2.brm(resp, theta, params)

# If theta is a scalar, item information is a vector and test information is a scalar
# If theta is a vector, item information is a matrix and test information is a vector

  if( length(theta) == 1 ){
    i.info <- info
    t.info <- sum(info)
  } else{
    i.info <- info
    t.info <- rowSums(i.info)
  } # END ifelse STATEMENT
  sem <- ifelse(test = signif(t.info) > 0, yes = sqrt( 1 / t.info ), no = NA)
  return( list( item = drop(i.info), test = t.info, sem = sem, type = type ) )
swnydick/catIrt documentation built on June 13, 2022, 9:30 p.m.