
Defines functions load_occ

Documented in load_occ

#' @include checkargs.R
#' @importFrom shiny incProgress
#' @importFrom spThin thin
#' @importFrom raster res extract

#'Load occurrence data
#'Load occurrence data from CSV file to perform \code{\link{modelling}},
#'\code{\link{ensemble_modelling}} or \code{\link{stack_modelling}}.
#'@param path character. Path to the directory that contains the occurrence table.
#'@param Env raster stack. Environmental variables in the form of a raster stack used to
#'  perform spatial thinning (can be the result of the
#'  \code{\link{load_var}} function).
#'@param file character. File containing the occurrence table, if NULL
#'  (default) the .csv file located in the path will be loaded.
#'@param ... additional parameters given to \code{\link[utils]{read.csv}}.
#'@param Xcol character. Name of the Latitude or X coordinate variable.
#'@param Ycol character. Name of the Longitude or Y coordinate variable.
#'@param Spcol character. Name of the column containing species names or IDs.
#'@param GeoRes logical. If \code{TRUE}, performs geographical thinning on occurrences
#'  to limit geographical biases in the SDMs.
#'@param reso numeric. Resolution used to perform the geographical thinning,
#'  default is the resolution of \code{Env}.
#'@param verbose logical. If \code{TRUE}, allows the function to print text in the
#'  console.
#'@param GUI logical. Parameter reserved for graphical interface.
#'@return A data frame containing the occurrence dataset (spatially thinned or
#'  not).
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' load_occ(path = system.file('extdata',  package = 'SSDM'), Env,
#'          Xcol = 'LONGITUDE', Ycol = 'LATITUDE',
#'          file = 'Occurrences.csv', sep = ',')
#' }
#'@seealso \code{\link{load_var}} to load environmental variables.
load_occ <- function(path = getwd(), Env, file = NULL, ..., Xcol = "Longitude",
                     Ycol = "Latitude", Spcol = NULL, GeoRes = TRUE, reso = max(res(Env@layers[[1]])),
                     verbose = TRUE, GUI = FALSE) {
  # Check arguments
  .checkargs(path = path, file = file, Xcol = Xcol, Ycol = Ycol, Spcol = Spcol,
             GeoRes = GeoRes, reso = reso, verbose = verbose, GUI = GUI)

  # pdir = getwd()
  if (verbose) {
    cat("Occurrences loading \n")
  # setwd(path)
  if (is.null(file)) {
    file <- as.character(list.files(path = path, pattern = ".csv")[[1]])
  if (!is.null(path)) {
    file <- paste0(path, "/", file)
  Occurrences <- read.csv2(file = file, stringsAsFactors = TRUE, ...)  # Occ = occurrences

  # Checking columns format
  if (!is.null(Spcol)) {
    if (!inherits(Occurrences[, which(names(Occurrences) == Spcol)],
                  "factor")) {
      Occurrences[, which(names(Occurrences) == Spcol)] <- as.factor(Occurrences[,
                                                                                 which(names(Occurrences) == Spcol)])
  if (!inherits(Occurrences[, which(names(Occurrences) == Xcol)], "numeric")) {
    if (inherits(Occurrences[, which(names(Occurrences) == Xcol)],
                 "factor")) {
      Occurrences[, which(names(Occurrences) == Xcol)] <- as.numeric(as.character(Occurrences[,
                                                                                              which(names(Occurrences) == Xcol)]))
      Occurrences[, which(names(Occurrences) == Ycol)] <- as.numeric(as.character(Occurrences[,
                                                                                              which(names(Occurrences) == Ycol)]))

  # Checking points validity
  Occurrences$validity <- raster::extract(Env[[1]], Occurrences[, c(which(names(Occurrences) ==
                                                                            Xcol), which(names(Occurrences) == Ycol))])
  if (length(which(is.na(Occurrences$validity))) > 0) {
    warning("You have occurrences that aren't in the extent of your environmental variables, they will be automatically removed ! \n")
    Occurrences <- Occurrences[-which(is.na(Occurrences$validity)),
  Occurrences <- Occurrences[-which(names(Occurrences) == "validity")]
  Occurrences <- droplevels(Occurrences)

  # Geographical resampling
  if (is.null(Spcol)) {
    Occurrences$SpNULL <- 1
    Spcol <- "SpNULL"
    Occurrences$SpNULL <- as.factor(Occurrences$SpNULL)
  for (i in seq_len(length(levels(Occurrences[, which(names(Occurrences) ==
                                                      Spcol)])))) {
    if (GeoRes) {
      if (verbose) {
        cat(levels(as.factor(Occurrences[, which(names(Occurrences) ==
                                                   Spcol)]))[i], "geographical resampling \n")
      SpOccurrences <- subset(Occurrences, Occurrences[which(names(Occurrences) ==
                                                               Spcol)] == levels(as.factor(Occurrences[, which(names(Occurrences) ==
      thin.result <- thin(SpOccurrences, long.col = Xcol, lat.col = Ycol,
                          spec.col = Spcol, thin.par = reso, reps = 1, locs.thinned.list.return = TRUE,
                          write.files = FALSE, write.log.file = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
      if (GUI) {
        incProgress(1/length(levels(as.factor(Occurrences[, which(names(Occurrences) ==
                                                                    Spcol)]))), detail = paste(levels(as.factor(Occurrences[,
                                                                                                                            which(names(Occurrences) == Spcol)]))[i], "thinned"))
      deleted <- {
      occ.indices <- c(seq_len(length(row.names(SpOccurrences))))
      res.indices <- as.numeric(row.names(thin.result[[1]]))
      for (i in seq_len(length(occ.indices))) {
        if (!(occ.indices[i] %in% res.indices)) {
          deleted <- c(deleted, occ.indices[i])
      deleted <- row.names(SpOccurrences[deleted, ])
      deleted <- which(row.names(Occurrences) %in% deleted)
      if (length(deleted) > 0) {
        Occurrences <- Occurrences[-deleted, ]
  Occurrences <- droplevels(Occurrences)

  # Test species occurrences > 3
  for (i in seq_len(length(levels(Occurrences[, which(names(Occurrences) ==
                                                      Spcol)])))) {
    sp <- levels(as.factor(Occurrences[, which(names(Occurrences) ==
    spocc <- subset(Occurrences, Occurrences[, which(names(Occurrences) ==
                                                       Spcol)] == sp)
    l <- length(spocc[, 1])
    if (l < 4) {
      warning(paste(sp, "have 3 or less occurrences after spatial thinning, it's not enough for modelling, this species will be automatically removed ! \n"))
      Occurrences <- Occurrences[-which(Occurrences[, which(names(Occurrences) ==
                                                              Spcol)] == sp), ]
  if (Spcol == "SpNULL") {
    Occurrences <- Occurrences[-which(names(Occurrences) == "SpNULL")]
  Occurrences <- droplevels(Occurrences)

  # setwd(pdir)
sylvainschmitt/SSDM documentation built on May 16, 2024, 4:16 a.m.