
# One function from systemPipeR, current SPS is not
# depending on SPR, so copy this
# function over

# #' @importFrom assertthat is.string
# .subsetRmd <- function(p, input_steps=NULL,
#                       exclude_steps=NULL,
#                       p_out=NULL,
#                       save_rmd=TRUE){
#     # function start, check inputs
#     assert_that(file.exists(p))
#     if (not_empty(input_steps)) assert_that(is.string(input_steps))
#     if (not_empty(p_out)) assert_that(file.exists(dirname(p_out)))
#     if (not_empty(exclude_steps)) assert_that(is.string(exclude_steps))
#     # default out behavior, in ISO 8601 time format
#     if (is.null(p_out)) p_out <- paste0('new',
#                                         format(Sys.time(), "%Y%m%d_%H%M%S"),
#                                         basename(p))
#     # read file
#     file <- readLines(p)
#     # check for proper start and end
#     t_start <- file %>% str_which("^#")
#     if (length(t_start) == 0) stop("This Rmd does not have any '#' titles")
#     # get code chunks
#     chunk_start <- file %>% str_which("^```\\{.*\\}.*")
#     chunk_end <- file %>% str_which("^```[[:blank:]]{0,}$")
#     if (length(chunk_start) != length(chunk_end))
#         stop("unmatched number of code chunk starts and ends")
#     for (i in seq_along(chunk_start)[-length(chunk_end)]){
#         if (chunk_start[i+1] <= chunk_end[i])
#             stop(paste("A code chunk does not end: chunk line",
#                        chunk_start[i+1]))
#     }
#     # remove '#' titles in code chunk
#     t_start <- t_start[
#         !unlist(lapply(t_start,
#                        function(x) any(x >= chunk_start & x <= chunk_end)))
#     ]
#     # get end
#     t_end <- append((t_start - 1)[c(-1)], length(file))
#     # get # levels and text
#     t_text <- file[t_start] %>% str_remove("^[#]+")
#     t_lvl <- file[t_start] %>% str_extract("^[#]+") %>% nchar()
#     # parse levels
#     for (lvl in unique(t_lvl)[-length(t_lvl)]){
#         if (lvl == min(unique(t_lvl))){
#             step_main <- which(t_lvl == lvl)
#             names(t_lvl)[step_main] <- names(step_main) <- seq_along(step_main)
#             step_main <- append(step_main, 9999)
#         }
#         sub_lvl <- lvl
#         while (sub_lvl <= max(t_lvl)) {
#             step_sub <- which(t_lvl == sub_lvl + 1)
#             if (length(step_sub) < 1) {
#                 sub_lvl <- sub_lvl + 1
#             } else {
#                 break()
#             }
#         }
#         jump_step_glue <-
#             if (sub_lvl - lvl == 0) "." else rep(".1.", sub_lvl - lvl) %>%
#             paste0(collapse = "") %>%
#             str_replace_all("\\.\\.", "\\.")
#         for (i in seq_along(step_main[-1])) {
#             subs <- step_sub[
#                 step_sub > step_main[i] & step_sub < step_main[i + 1]
#             ]
#             names(t_lvl)[subs] <-
#                 names(step_sub)[step_sub %in% subs] <-
#                 paste0(names(step_main[i]), jump_step_glue, seq_along(subs))
#         }
#         step_main <- append(step_sub, 9999)
#     }
#     # get code in lists
#     code_list <- lapply(seq_along(t_start), function(t_index) {
#         code_start <-
#             chunk_start[chunk_start %in% (t_start[t_index]: t_end[t_index])]
#         code_end <- chunk_end[chunk_end %in% (t_start[t_index]: t_end[t_index])]
#         code_lines <- lapply(seq_along(code_start), function(code_index) {
#             (code_start[code_index]+1):(code_end[code_index]-1)
#         }) %>% unlist()
#         file[code_lines]
#     })
#     # create a df to store everything
#     rmd_df <- data.frame(t_lvl = t_lvl, t_number = names(t_lvl),
#                          t_text = t_text, selected = FALSE,
#                          row.names = NULL, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#     rmd_df$code <- code_list
#     # add sample run/success, step link cols
#     rmd_df$no_run <- NA
#     rmd_df$no_run <- ifelse(vapply(rmd_df$code, length, 1L) == 0, 0, NA)
#     rmd_df$no_success <- NA
#     rmd_df$no_success <- ifelse(vapply(rmd_df$code, length, 1L) == 0, 0, NA)
#     rmd_df$link_to <- NA
#     rmd_df$link_to[seq_len(nrow(rmd_df) - 1)] <-
#         rmd_df$t_number[seq_len(nrow(rmd_df))[-1]]
#     # list all steps if no input_steps
#     if (!not_empty(input_steps)) {
#         cat("No input_steps is given, list all sections and exit\n")
#         cat("This file contains following sections\n")
#         str_replace(t_text, "^",
#                     paste0(strrep("    ", (t_lvl - 1)), names(t_lvl), " ")) %>%
#             paste0(., collapse = '\n') %>% str_replace("$", "\n") %>% cat()
#         return(rmd_df)
#     }
#     # parse steps
#     index_select <- .parse_step(t_lvl, input_steps)
#     index_exclude <- .parse_step(t_lvl, exclude_steps)
#     index_final <- index_select[!index_select %in% index_exclude]
#     rmd_df$selected[index_final] <- TRUE
#     # print again what will be write in the new file
#     cat("The following sections are selected\n")
#     str_replace(t_text[index_final],"^",
#                 paste0(strrep("    ", (t_lvl[index_final] - 1)),
#                             names(t_lvl[index_final]), " ")) %>%
#         paste0(., collapse = '\n') %>% str_replace("$", "\n") %>% cat()
#     # to print new titles and return
#     if (save_rmd == FALSE) return(rmd_df)
#     # sebset lines
#     t_start[index_final]
#     t_end[index_final]
#     final_lines <- mapply(seq, t_start[index_final], t_end[index_final]) %>%
#         unlist() %>%
#         append(seq_len(t_start[1] - 1), .) %>%
#         unique()
#     writeLines(file[final_lines], p_out)
#     cat(paste("File write to", normalizePath(p_out), '\n'))
#     return(rmd_df)
# }
# # internal parse function
# .parse_step <- function(t_lvl, input_steps){
#     t_lvl_name <- names(t_lvl)
#     input_steps <- unlist(input_steps %>%
#                               str_remove_all(" ") %>%
#                               str_split(",") %>% list())
#     # single steps
#     nocolon_steps <- input_steps[str_which(input_steps, "^[^:]+$")]
#     lapply(nocolon_steps, function(x) {
#         if (!any(t_lvl_name %in% x)) stop(paste('Step', x, 'is not found'))
#     })
#     # dash linked steps
#     dash_list <- NULL
#     for (i in str_which(input_steps, ":")){
#         dash_step <- unlist(str_split(input_steps[i], ":"))
#         dash_parse <- unlist(lapply(dash_step, function(x) {
#             which(t_lvl_name %in% x) %>%
#                 ifelse(length(.) > 0,
#                        .,
#                        stop(paste('Step', x, 'is not found')))
#         })) %>% {
#             t_lvl_name[.[1]: .[2]]
#         }
#         dash_list <- append(dash_list, dash_parse)
#     }
#     # merge
#     all_step_name <- unique(append(nocolon_steps, dash_list))
#     # if upper level step is selected, all sub-level steps will be added
#     unlist(lapply(all_step_name, function(x) {
#         str_which(t_lvl_name, paste0('^', x, '\\..*'))
#     })) %>%
#         append(which(t_lvl_name %in% all_step_name)) %>%
#         unique() %>% sort() %>% return()
# }
######## INSTRUCTIONS #########
# subsetRmd(p, p_out=NULL, input_steps=NULL, exclude_steps=NULL)

# p: string, path to the Rmd file
# p_out: string, path to the out Rmd file
# input_steps: string, only one string of all steps you want to subset,
# ':' to jump steps, '.' for substeps, ',' to separate selections
# exclude_steps: string, only one string of all steps you
# want to exclude from input_steps
# save_rmd: bool, default TRUE, if FALSE, list new selected tiles and exit
## return: a dataframe of title levels, title numbers, title text,
# whether it is selected, and R code under this title

# if no input_steps, only list steps in a Rmd and return the dataframe
# but all titles are unselected (FALSE).
# input_steps and exclude_steps must be ONE character string.
# Jump from major step to sub-step is supported, but
# if a major step is selected/excluded, all sub-steps of this major step will be
# selected/excluded. Repeatedly selected steps will only result a unique step.
# It is recommended to put major steps in `input_steps`, like '1:4, 6:8, 10';
# unwanted sub-steps in `exclude_steps`, like '1.1, 3.1.1-3.1.3, 6.5'.
# Reverse selecting is supported e.g. '10:1'.

# p = "../systemPipeR_testing/cwl_testing/systemPipeRNAseq.Rmd"
# input_steps = "1:2.1, 3.1:4.1.1, 4:6"
# exclude_steps  = '3.1, 4.1'
# p_out = 'test_out.Rmd'
# test = subsetRmd(p)
# dplyr::tibble(test)
# test = subsetRmd(p, input_steps, exclude_steps, save_rmd = FALSE)
# dplyr::tibble(test)
# test = subsetRmd(p, input_steps, exclude_steps, p_out)

# Run from cml
# Rscript subsetRmd.R <p>
# Rscript subsetRmd.R <p> <p_out> <input_steps> <exclude_steps>
# e.g Rscript subsetRmd.R ../cwl_testing/systemPipeR.Rmd test_out.Rmd "1-5" "4"
# in_args = commandArgs(TRUE)[1:4]
# input_steps = in_args[3]
# exclude_steps = in_args[4]
# if (is.na(input_steps)) input_steps = NULL
# if (is.na(exclude_steps)) exclude_steps = NULL
# subsetRmd(in_args[1], in_args[2], input_steps, exclude_steps)
systemPipeR/systemPipeS documentation built on Oct. 21, 2023, 12:18 p.m.