
Defines functions checkMicroData

Documented in checkMicroData

#' Check utable outputs for microdata
#' This function checks a summarized utable object for microdata. Currently it
#' checks all data colums and all rows. This means it may flag means, medians,
#' etc as microdata, even though they might be fine to export (i.e if the mean
#' value of some variable is 2, this function will flag it as microdata).
#' @param dat Table to be checked. Must be the summarized output of Publish::utable()
#' @param min.val The minimum value allowed, anything below this value will be flagged as microdata
#' @return A message showing the location of any microdata found, or a statement that no microdata was found
#' @export
#' @examples
#' checkMicroData(summary(Publish::utable(cyl ~ vs, data=mtcars)))
checkMicroData <- function(dat, min.val = 5) {
  if (class(dat)[1] != "summary.univariateTable")
      "Input dataset must be of class 'summary.univariateTable', which is
         the output of summary(utable()) (see 'Publish' package)"
  warn.msg <- paste0("!! numeric value <", min.val)
  d <- data.table::copy(dat)
  col.names <- tolower(colnames(d))
  cols.to.test <- !grepl("^variable|^level|p-value", col.names)
  cols.test.names <- col.names[cols.to.test]
  cols.ref <- grepl("^variable|^level", col.names)
  # Loop over columns
  tmp <- d[, ..cols.to.test][, lapply(.SD, function(k) {
    # Loop over cells
    for (i in seq_len(length(k))) {
      # Remove thousands sep (,) and removes anything after first number in cell
      k[i] <- gsub(",|\\s+.*", "", k[i])
    k <- as.numeric(k)
    inx <- k < min.val
    out <- rep("ok", length(inx))
    out[inx] <- warn.msg
  out.flag <- any(vapply(tmp, function(i) {
    any(i != "ok")
  }, logical(1)))
  if (out.flag) {
    cbind(d[, ..cols.ref], tmp)
  } else {
        paste0("No values <",
               " found in the following columns: "),
        paste0(cols.test.names, collapse = "\n"),
        sep = "\n"
      prefix = "   ",
      initial = ""
tagteam/heaven documentation built on May 28, 2024, 9:22 p.m.