
##' Update date database
##' Update database
##' @title Update admission dates database
##' @param dpp Data preprocessing object
##' @param id The name of the column containing the id numbers
##'     (default is pnr)
##' @param inddto The name of the column containing the admission
##'     start date (default is inddto)
##' @param uddto The name of the column containing the admission end
##'     date (default is uddto)
##' @param add Logical value, per default set to FALSE which means
##'     that already existing data in the preprocessing object will be
##'     overwritten.
##' @param value The data set to be loaded to the object.
##' @examples
##' admdata <- simAdmissionData(10)
##' d <- dpp()
##' admdb(d) <- admdata
##' @author Helene Charlotte Rytgaard
##' @export  
`admdb<-` <- function(dpp,
                      id     = "pnr",
                      inddto = "inddto",
                      uddto  = "uddto",
                      add = FALSE,
                      value) {
    varnames <- c(id,inddto,uddto)
    ## varTF <- sapply(varnames, function(x) {
    ## any(names(value) == x)
    ## })
    ## if (any(!varTF)) {
    ## cat("ERROR - the following specified columns cannot be found in data:")
    ## cat("\n")
    ## cat(paste(varnames[!varTF], collapse=", "))
    ## cat("\n")
    ## cat("\n")
    ## cat('see help("admdb<-") for more details')
    ## } else {
    newdata <- subset(value, select = varnames)
    setnames(newdata,c("id", "inddto", "uddto"))
    if (!inherits(newdata$inddto, "Date") | !inherits(newdata$uddto, "Date")) {
        cat("ERROR: Dates must be in date format. Use as.Date()")
    } else {
        if (add) {
            dpp$admdb <- rbindlist(list(dpp$admdb, newdata),use.names=TRUE)
        } else {
            dpp$admdb <- newdata
    ## }
tagteam/heaven documentation built on May 28, 2024, 9:22 p.m.