
Defines functions autoplot.ate

Documented in autoplot.ate

 ### autoplot.ate.R --- 
## author: Brice Ozenne
## created: apr 28 2017 (14:19) 
## Version: 
## last-updated: okt  7 2021 (20:54) 
##           By: Brice Ozenne
##     Update #: 191
### Commentary: 
### Change Log:
### Code:

## * autoplot.ate (documentation)
#' @title Plot Average Risks
#' @description Plot average risks.
#' @name autoplot.ate
#' @param object Object obtained with the function \code{ate}.
#' @param type [character vector] what to displayed.
#' Can be \code{"meanRisk"} to display the risks specific to each treatment group,
#' \code{"diffRisk"} to display the difference in risks between treatment groups,
#' or \code{"ratioRisk"} to display the ratio of risks between treatment groups,.
#' @param ci [logical] If \code{TRUE} display the confidence intervals for the average risks.
#' @param band [logical] If \code{TRUE} display the confidence bands for the average risks.
#' @param plot [logical] Should the graphic be plotted.
#' @param plot.type [character] Type of plot to be used.
#' \code{plot.type="2"} is useful when looking simulateneous at all eventtimes.
#' Otherwise use \code{plot.type="1"}.
#' @param digits [integer, >0] Number of decimal places.
#' @param alpha [numeric, 0-1] Transparency of the confidence bands. Argument passed to \code{ggplot2::geom_ribbon}.
#' @param ylab [character] Label for the y axis.
#' @param first.derivative [logical] If \code{TRUE}, display the first derivative over time of the risks/risk differences/risk ratios.
#' (confidence intervals are obtained via simulation).
#' @param smooth [logical] Should a smooth version of the risk function be plotted instead of a simple function?
#' @param estimator [character] The type of estimator relative to which the risks should be displayed. 
#' @param ... Additional parameters to cutomize the display.
#' @return Invisible. A list containing:
#' \itemize{
#' \item plot: the ggplot object.
#' \item data: the data used to create the plot.
#' }
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{ate}} to compute average risks.

## * autoplot.ate (examples)
#' @examples
#' library(survival)
#' library(rms)
#' library(ggplot2)
#' #### simulate data ####
#' n <- 1e2
#' set.seed(10)
#' dtS <- sampleData(n,outcome="survival")
#' seqTimes <- c(0,sort(dtS$time[dtS$event==1]),max(dtS$time))
#' #### Cox model ####
#' fit <- cph(formula = Surv(time,event)~ X1+X2,data=dtS,y=TRUE,x=TRUE)
#' #### plot.type = 1: for few timepoints ####
#' ateFit <- ate(fit, data = dtS, treatment = "X1",
#'               times = c(1,2,5,10), se = TRUE, band = TRUE)
#' ggplot2::autoplot(ateFit)
#' \dontrun{
#' ggplot2::autoplot(ateFit, band = FALSE)
#' ggplot2::autoplot(ateFit, type = "diffRisk")
#' ggplot2::autoplot(ateFit, type = "ratioRisk")
#' }
#' #### plot.type = 2: when looking at all jump times ####
#' \dontrun{
#' ateFit <- ate(fit, data = dtS, treatment = "X1",
#'               times = seqTimes, se = TRUE, band = TRUE)
#' ggplot2::autoplot(ateFit, plot.type = "2")
#' ## customize plot
#' outGG <- ggplot2::autoplot(ateFit, plot.type = "2", alpha = 0.25)
#' outGG$plot + facet_wrap(~X1, labeller = label_both)
#' ## Looking at the difference after smoothing
#' outGGS <- ggplot2::autoplot(ateFit, plot.type = "2", alpha = NA, smooth = TRUE)
#' outGGS$plot + facet_wrap(~X1, labeller = label_both)
#' ## first derivative
#' ## (computation of the confidence intervals takes time)
#' ## (based on simulation - n.sim parameter)
#' ggplot2::autoplot(ateFit, plot.type = "2", smooth = TRUE,
#'                   band = FALSE, type = "diffRisk")
#' ggplot2::autoplot(ateFit, plot.type = "2", smooth = TRUE, first.derivative = TRUE,
#'                   band = FALSE, type = "diffRisk")
#' }

## * autoplot.ate (code)
#' @rdname autoplot.ate
#' @method autoplot ate
#' @export
autoplot.ate <- function(object,
                         type = "meanRisk",
                         first.derivative = FALSE,
                         estimator = object$estimator[1],
                         ci = object$inference$ci,
                         band = object$inference$band,
                         plot.type = "1",
                         plot = TRUE,
                         smooth = FALSE,
                         digits = 2,
                         alpha = NA,
                         ylab = NULL,

    ## initialize and check
    estimator <- match.arg(estimator, choices =  object$estimator, several.ok = FALSE)
    plot.type <- match.arg(as.character(plot.type), choices = c("1","2"), several.ok = FALSE)
    name.treatment <- object$variable["treatment"]
    type <- match.arg(type, c("meanRisk","diffRisk","ratioRisk"))
    if(ci[[1]]==TRUE && object$inference$ci[[1]]==FALSE){
        stop("argument \'ci\' cannot be TRUE when no standard error have been computed \n",
             "set arguments \'se\' and \'confint\' to TRUE when calling the ate function \n")
    if(band[[1]] && object$inference$band[[1]]==FALSE){
        stop("argument \'band\' cannot be TRUE when the quantiles for the confidence bands have not been computed \n",
             "set arguments \'band\' and \'confint\' to TRUE when calling the ate function \n")
    if(any(rank(object$times) != 1:length(object$times))){
        stop("Invalid object. The prediction times must be strictly increasing \n")
    if(first.derivative && plot.type == "1"){
        stop("Argument \'first.derivative\' currently only implemented for plot.type=\"1\" \n")
    ## dots <- list(...)
    ## if(length(dots)>0){
    ##     txt <- names(dots)
    ##     txt.s <- if(length(txt)>1){"s"}else{""}
    ##     stop("unknown argument",txt.s,": \"",paste0(txt,collapse="\" \""),"\" \n")
    ## }

    ## display
    test.ylab <- is.null(ylab)
    dataL <- object[[type]][estimator,.SD,on="estimator"]
    if(type %in% c("meanRisk")){
        data.table::setnames(dataL, old = "treatment", new = name.treatment)
        if(first.derivative && test.ylab){
            ylab <- "Derivative of the average absolute risk"
        }else if(is.null(ylab)){
            ylab <- "Average absolute risk"
    }else if(type %in% c("diffRisk")){
        dataL[, c(name.treatment) :=  paste0(.SD$B,"-",.SD$A)]
        if(first.derivative && test.ylab){
            ylab <- "Derivative of the difference in average absolute risks"
        }else if(is.null(ylab)){
            ylab <- "Difference in average absolute risks"
    }else if(type %in% c("ratioRisk")){
        dataL[, c(name.treatment) :=  paste0(.SD$B,"/",.SD$A)]
        if(first.derivative && test.ylab){
            ylab <- "Derivative of the ratio between average absolute risks"
        }else if(is.null(ylab)){
            ylab <- "Ratio between average absolute risks"
    dataL[,row := as.numeric(as.factor(.SD[[name.treatment]]))]
        setnames(dataL, old = c("lower","upper"), new = c("lowerCI","upperCI"))
        dataL$time <- dataL$time + dataL$landmark
    if(first.derivative && ci){
        attr(first.derivative,"vcov") <- attr(object[[type]],"vcov")[[estimator]]

        dataL$time <- as.factor(dataL$time)
        gg.res <- list(data = dataL,
                       plot = NULL)
                if(band==1){ylab <- paste0(ylab, " (simultaneous ci over time)")}
                if(band==2){ylab <- paste0(ylab, " (simultaneous ci over time and treatment)")}
            gg.res$plot <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = dataL, aes_string(x = "time", y = "estimate", ymin = "lowerBand", ymax = "upperBand", color = name.treatment))
            gg.res$plot <- gg.res$plot + ggplot2::geom_pointrange(position = ggplot2::position_dodge(width = 0.5))
        }else if(ci){
            if(test.ylab){ylab <- paste0(ylab, " (pointwise ci)")}
            gg.res$plot <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = dataL, ggplot2::aes_string(x = "time", y = "estimate", ymin = "lowerCI", ymax = "upperCI", color = name.treatment))
            gg.res$plot <- gg.res$plot + ggplot2::geom_pointrange(position = ggplot2::position_dodge(width = 0.5))
            gg.res$plot <- ggplot(data = dataL, ggplot2::aes_string(x = "time", y = "estimate", color = name.treatment))
            gg.res$plot <- gg.res$plot + ggplot2::geom_point()
        gg.res$plot <- gg.res$plot + ggplot2::labs(y = ylab)
    }else if(plot.type=="2"){
        gg.res <- predict2plot(dataL = dataL,
                               name.outcome = "estimate", # must not contain space to avoid error in ggplot2
                               ci = ci, band = band,
                               group.by = name.treatment,
                               conf.level = object$inference$conf.level,
                               smooth = smooth,
                               alpha = alpha,
                               xlab = "time",
                               ylab = ylab,
                               first.derivative = first.derivative,

### autoplot.ate.R ends here
tagteam/riskRegression documentation built on Oct. 19, 2024, 7:43 p.m.