
Defines functions entanglement.dendrogram entanglement.dendlist entanglement.phylo entanglement.hclust entanglement.default entanglement match_order_dendrogram_by_old_order match_order_by_labels

Documented in entanglement entanglement.dendlist entanglement.dendrogram entanglement.hclust entanglement.phylo match_order_by_labels match_order_dendrogram_by_old_order

# Copyright (C) Tal Galili
# This file is part of dendextend.
# dendextend is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# dendextend is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
#  A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
#  http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/

#' @title Adjust the order of one dendrogram based on another (using labels)
#' @export
#' @description
#' Takes one dendrogram and adjusts its order leaves valeus based on the order
#' of another dendrogram. The values are matached based on the labels of the
#' two dendrograms.
#' This allows for faster \link{entanglement} running time, since we can be
#' sure that the leaves order is just as using their labels.
#' @param dend_change tree object (dendrogram)
#' @param dend_template tree object (dendrogram)
#' @param check_that_labels_match logical (TRUE). If to check that the labels
#' in the two dendrogram match. (if they do not, the function aborts)
#' @return Returns dend_change after adjusting its order values to
#'  be like dend_template.
#' @seealso \link{entanglement} , \link{tanglegram}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' dend <- USArrests[1:4, ] %>%
#'   dist() %>%
#'   hclust() %>%
#'   as.dendrogram()
#' order.dendrogram(dend) #  c(4L, 3L, 1L, 2L)
#' dend_changed <- dend
#' order.dendrogram(dend_changed) <- 1:4
#' order.dendrogram(dend_changed) # c(1:4)
#' # now let's fix the order of the new object to be as it was:
#' dend_changed <- match_order_by_labels(dend_changed, dend)
#' # these two are now the same:
#' order.dendrogram(dend_changed)
#' order.dendrogram(dend)
#' }
match_order_by_labels <- function(dend_change, dend_template, check_that_labels_match = TRUE) {

  # let's put the leaves' numbers and labels in two data.frames
  #    tree_to_change_labels_order <- data.frame(labels = labels(dend_change), values = order.dendrogram(dend_change))
  # 	tree_template_labels_order <- data.frame(labels = labels(dend_template), values = order.dendrogram(dend_template))
  tree_to_change_labels <- labels(dend_change)
  tree_template_labels <- labels(dend_template)

  if (check_that_labels_match) {
    if (!identical(sort(tree_to_change_labels), sort(tree_template_labels))) {
      stop("labels do not match in both trees.  Please make sure to fix the labels names!
(make sure also that the labels of BOTH trees are 'character')")

  tree_template_order <- order.dendrogram(dend_template)

  # this gives us how to order y so it would be in the order of x.
  # y_to_order_like_x <- c(2,3,1,4)
  # y_to_order_like_x[match(c(1:4), y_to_order_like_x)]
  # I want to order the numbers in yoav_tree so that they would match the needed order in dans_tree

  ss_order_change_leaf_numbers_to_match_template <- match(x = tree_to_change_labels, table = tree_template_labels)
  tree_new_leaf_numbers <- tree_template_order[ss_order_change_leaf_numbers_to_match_template]
  order.dendrogram(dend_change) <- tree_new_leaf_numbers


#' @title Adjust the order of one dendrogram based on another (using order)
#' @export
#' @description
#' Takes one dendrogram and adjusts its order leaves valeus based on the order
#' of another dendrogram. The values are matached based on the order of the
#' two dendrograms.
#' This allows for faster \link{entanglement} running time, since we can be
#' sure that the leaves order is just as using their labels.
#' This is a function is FASTER than \link{match_order_by_labels}, but it
#' assumes that the order and the labels of the two trees are matching!!
#' This will allow for a faster calculation of \link{entanglement}.
#' @param dend_change tree object (dendrogram)
#' @param dend_template tree object (dendrogram)
#' @param dend_change_old_order a numeric vector with the order of leaves in
#' dend_change (at least before it was changes for some reason).
#' This is the vector based on which we adjust the new values of dend_change.
#' @param check_that_labels_match logical (FALSE). If to check that the labels
#' in the two dendrogram match. (if they do not, the function aborts)
#' @param check_that_leaves_order_match logical (FALSE). If to check that
#' the order in the two dendrogram match. (if they do not, the function aborts)
#' @return Returns dend_change after adjusting its order values to
#'  be like dend_template.
#' @seealso \link{entanglement} , \link{tanglegram},
#' \link{match_order_by_labels}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' dend <- USArrests[1:4, ] %>%
#'   dist() %>%
#'   hclust() %>%
#'   as.dendrogram()
#' order.dendrogram(dend) #  c(4L, 3L, 1L, 2L)
#' # Watch this!
#' dend_changed <- dend
#' dend_changed <- rev(dend_changed)
#' expect_false(identical(order.dendrogram(dend_changed), order.dendrogram(dend)))
#' # we keep the order of dend_change, so that the leaves order are synced
#' # with their labels JUST LIKE dend:
#' old_dend_changed_order <- order.dendrogram(dend_changed)
#' # now we change dend_changed leaves order values:
#' order.dendrogram(dend_changed) <- 1:4
#' # and we can fix them again, based on their old kept leaves order:
#' dend_changed <- match_order_dendrogram_by_old_order(
#'   dend_changed, dend,
#'   old_dend_changed_order
#' )
#' expect_identical(order.dendrogram(dend_changed), order.dendrogram(dend))
#' }
match_order_dendrogram_by_old_order <- function(dend_change, dend_template,
                                                check_that_labels_match = FALSE,
                                                check_that_leaves_order_match = FALSE) {

  # this function was made to help make entanglement.dendrogram faster.
  # But it relies on some important assumptions (otherwise, its results will be nonsense!)

  if (check_that_labels_match) { # I am turning this check to FALSE since it takes 0.03 sec from the function (which is a long time when running this function a lot)
    if (any(sort(labels(dend_change)) != sort(labels(dend_template)))) stop("labels do not match in both trees.  Please make sure to fix the labels names!")
  if (check_that_leaves_order_match) { # I am turning this check to FALSE since it takes 0.03 sec from the function (which is a long time when running this function a lot)
    if (any(sort(order.dendrogram(dend_change)) != sort(order.dendrogram(dend_template)))) stop("order.dendrogram do not match in both trees.  Please make sure to fix the labels names!")

  #    if(print_NOTE) cat("NOTE:
  #                       Make sure that the values in dend_change_old_order match the labels of dend1 in the same way
  #                       as the values and labels of the dend_change!
  #                       ")

  # let's put the leaves' numbers and labels in two data.frames
  # 	tree_to_change_labels_order <- data.frame(labels = labels(dend_change), values = order.dendrogram(dend_change))
  # 	tree_template_labels_order <- data.frame(labels = labels(dend_template), values = order.dendrogram(dend_template))
  tree_to_change_order <- order.dendrogram(dend_change)
  tree_template_order <- order.dendrogram(dend_template) # these should be values after some change was done outside the function (and dend_change_old_order are the values before the change)

  # this gives us how to order y so it would be in the order of x.
  # y_to_order_like_x <- c(2,3,1,4)
  # y_to_order_like_x[match(c(1:4), y_to_order_like_x)]
  # I want to order the numbers in yoav_tree so that they would match the needed order in dans_tree

  ss_order_change_leaf_numbers_to_match_template <- match(x = tree_to_change_order, table = dend_change_old_order)
  #    ss_order_change_leaf_numbers_to_match_template <- match(x= tree_template_order, table= dend_change_old_order)
  #    ss_order_change_leaf_numbers_to_match_template <- match(tree_to_change_order, dend_change_old_order)

  new_leaves_order <- tree_template_order[ss_order_change_leaf_numbers_to_match_template]
  order.dendrogram(dend_change) <- new_leaves_order


# untangle.dendrogram # A function to take two dendrograms and rotate them so to minimize some penalty on entanglement

# entanglement

#' @title Measures entanglement between two trees
#' @rdname entanglement
#' @export
#' @description
#' Measures the entanglement between two trees.
#' Entanglement is a measure between 1 (full entanglement) and 0
#' (no entanglement). The exact behavior of the number depends on the L norm
#' which is chosen.
#' @param dend1 a tree object (of class dendrogram/hclust/phylo).
#' @param dend2 a tree object (of class dendrogram/hclust/phylo).
#' @param which an integer vector of length 2, indicating
#' which of the trees in a dendlist object should have
#' their entanglement calculated
#' @param L the distance norm to use for measuring the distance between the
#' two trees. It can be any positive number, often one will want to
#'  use 0, 1, 1.5, 2 (see 'details' for more).
#' @param leaves_matching_method a character scalar, either "order"
#' or "labels" (default) . If using "labels", then we use the labels for
#' matching the leaves order value (safer).
#' And if "order" then we use the old leaves order value for matching the
#' leaves order value.
#' Using "order" is faster, but "labels" is safer. "order" will assume that
#' the original two trees had their labels and order values MATCHED.
#' Hence, it is best to make sure that the trees used here have the same labels
#' and the SAME values matched to these values - and then use "order" (for
#' fastest results).
#' @param ... not used
#' @details
#' Entanglement is measured by giving the left tree's labels the values of
#' 1 till tree size, and than match these numbers with the right tree.
#' Now, entanglement is the L norm distance between these two vectors.
#' That is, we take the sum of the absolute difference (each one in the power
#' of L). e.g: \code{sum(abs(x-y)^L)}.
#' And this is devided by the "worst case" entanglement level (e.g:
#' when the right tree is the complete reverse of the left tree).
#' L tells us which panelty level we are at (L0, L1, L2, partial L's etc).
#' L>1 means that we give a big panelty for sharp angles.
#' While L->0 means that any time something is not a streight horizontal line,
#' it gets a large penalty
#' If L=0.1 it means that we much prefer streight lines over non streight lines
#' @return The number of leaves in the tree
#' @seealso \link{tanglegram}, \link{match_order_by_labels}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' dend1 <- iris[, -5] %>%
#'   dist() %>%
#'   hclust("com") %>%
#'   as.dendrogram()
#' dend2 <- iris[, -5] %>%
#'   dist() %>%
#'   hclust("sin") %>%
#'   as.dendrogram()
#' dend12 <- dendlist(dend1, dend2)
#' tanglegram(dend12)
#' entanglement(dend12)
#' entanglement(dend12, L = 0)
#' entanglement(dend12, L = 0.25)
#' entanglement(dend1, dend2, L = 0) # 1
#' entanglement(dend1, dend2, L = 0.25) # 0.97
#' entanglement(dend1, dend2, L = 1) # 0.93
#' entanglement(dend1, dend2, L = 2) # 0.88
#' # a somewhat better tanglegram
#' tanglegram(sort(dend1), sort(dend2))
#' # and alos a MUCH better entanglement
#' entanglement(sort(dend1), sort(dend2), L = 1.5) # 0.0811
#' # but not that much, for L=0.25
#' entanglement(sort(dend1), sort(dend2), L = .25) # 0.579
#' ##################
#' ##################
#' ##################
#' # massing up the order of leaves is dangerous:
#' entanglement(dend1, dend2, 1.5, "order") # 0.91
#' order.dendrogram(dend2) <- seq_len(nleaves(dend2))
#' # this 0.95 number is NO LONGER correct!!
#' entanglement(dend1, dend2, 1.5, "order") # 0.95
#' # but if we use the "labels" method - we still get the correct number:
#' entanglement(dend1, dend2, 1.5, "labels") # 0.91
#' # however, we can fix our dend2, as follows:
#' dend2 <- match_order_by_labels(dend2, dend1)
#' # Now that labels and order are matched - entanglement is back at working fine:
#' entanglement(dend1, dend2, 1.5, "order") # 0.91
#' }
entanglement <- function(dend1, ...) {

entanglement.default <- function(dend1, dend2, ...) {
  stop("no default function for entanglement")

#' @export
#' @rdname entanglement
entanglement.hclust <- function(dend1, dend2, ...) {
  dend1 <- as.dendrogram(dend1)
  dend2 <- as.dendrogram(dend2)
  entanglement(dend1, dend2, ...)

#' @export
#' @rdname entanglement
entanglement.phylo <- function(dend1, dend2, ...) {
  dend1 <- as.dendrogram(dend1)
  dend2 <- as.dendrogram(dend2)
  entanglement(dend1, dend2, ...)

#' @export
#' @rdname entanglement
entanglement.dendlist <- function(dend1, which = c(1L, 2L), ...) {
  # many things can go wrong here (which we might wish to fix):
  # we could get a dendlist with a length of 1 - in which case, we can't plot
  if (length(dend1) == 1) stop("Your dendlist has only 1 dendrogram - entanglement can not be calculated")
  # we could get a dendlist with a length of >2 - in which case, should we only plot the first two items?
  if (all(which %in% seq_len(length(dend1)))) {
    entanglement.dendrogram(dend1[[which[1]]], dend1[[which[2]]], ...)
  } else {
    stop("You are trying to calculate the entanglement for trees which are outside the range of trees in your dendlist")

#' @export
#' @rdname entanglement
entanglement.dendrogram <- function(dend1, dend2, L = 1.5, leaves_matching_method = c("labels", "order"), ...) {
  # One day, one might think of other measures of entanglement.
  # But for now, we have only one method ("cor.spearman").  Which is the 1-absolute value of the tanks of the values in the two dendrograms.
  # A level close to 1 is bad (very entangled).  A number close to 0 is good (low entanglement)
  # leaves(dend1),leaves(dend2)
  # L tells us which panelty level we are at (L0, L1, L2, partial L's etc).  L>1 means that we give a big panelty for sharp angles.  While L->0 means that any time something is not a streight horizontal line, it gets a large penalty
  # If L=0.1 it means that we much prefer streight lines over non streight lines

  if (L == 0) L <- L + 1e-50 # this is in order to make sure L is not ==0.  Because that would just create nonsical meaning.

  n_leaves <- nleaves(dend1) # how many leaves do we have? (number of leaves)
  one_to_n_leaves <- seq_len(n_leaves)

  leaves_matching_method <- match.arg(leaves_matching_method)
  if (leaves_matching_method == "order") {
    dend1_old_order <- order.dendrogram(dend1)
    order.dendrogram(dend1) <- one_to_n_leaves # change the leaves of dend1 to be 1:n
    dend2 <- match_order_dendrogram_by_old_order(dend2, dend1, dend1_old_order)
    # make sure that the numbers if the
  } else { # "labels" - this method is "safer" (since we can easily see if the labels on the two trees match or not
    # however, this is twice as slow (which adds up quite a bit with the functions that rely on this)
    # Hence, it is best to make sure that the trees used here have the same labels and the SAME values matched to these values
    order.dendrogram(dend1) <- one_to_n_leaves # change the leaves of dend1 to be 1:n
    dend2 <- match_order_by_labels(dend2, dend1) # This one is "slow"

  sum_abs_diff_L <- function(x, y, L) {
    sum(abs(x - y)^L)

  entanglement_result <- sum_abs_diff_L(order.dendrogram(dend1), order.dendrogram(dend2), L)
  worse_entanglement_result <- sum_abs_diff_L(one_to_n_leaves, rev(one_to_n_leaves), L)
  normalized_entanglement_result <- entanglement_result / worse_entanglement_result # should range between 0 (no etnaglement) and 1 (max entangelment


# ### OLD entanglement concept.
# entanglement.dendrogram <- function(dend1,dend2 , method = c("absolute.rank.sum", "cor.spearman") )
# {
# 	# One day, one might think of other measures of entanglement.  But for now, we have only one method ("cor.spearman").  Which is the 1-absolute value of the tanks of the values in the two dendrograms.
# 	# A level close to 1 is bad (very entangled).  A number close to 0 is good (low entanglement)
# 	# leaves(dend1),leaves(dend2)
# 	n_leaves <- nleaves(dend1) # how many leaves do we have? (number of leaves)
# 	order.dendrogram(dend1) <- seq_len(n_leaves) # change the leaves of dend1 to be 1:n
# 	dend2 <- match_order_by_labels(dend2	, dend1) # make sure that the numbers if the
# 	if(method[1] == "cor.spearman") {
# 		order_cor <- cor(order.dendrogram(dend1),order.dendrogram(dend2), method = "spearman")
# 		entanglement_result <- (1-order_cor)/2 # cor=1 is best (0 entanglement), cor = 0 is bad (0.5 entanglement), cor = -1 is worst (1 entanglament)
# 	}
# 	if(method[1] == "absolute.rank.sum") {
# 		entanglement_result <- sum(abs(order.dendrogram(dend1)-order.dendrogram(dend2)))
# 	}
# 	entanglement_result
# }

# # OLD and SLOW
# entanglement.dendrogram <- function(dend1,dend2, L = 1.5)
# {
#    # One day, one might think of other measures of entanglement.  But for now, we have only one method ("cor.spearman").  Which is the 1-absolute value of the tanks of the values in the two dendrograms.
#    # A level close to 1 is bad (very entangled).  A number close to 0 is good (low entanglement)
#    # leaves(dend1),leaves(dend2)
#    # L tells us which panelty level we are at (L0, L1, L2, partial L's etc).  L>1 means that we give a big panelty for sharp angles.  While L->0 means that any time something is not a streight horizontal line, it gets a large penalty
#    # If L=0.1 it means that we much prefer streight lines over non streight lines
#    if(L==0) L <- L + 1e-50 # this is in order to make sure L is not ==0.  Because that would just create nonsical meaning.
#    n_leaves <- nleaves(dend1) # how many leaves do we have? (number of leaves)
#    one_to_n_leaves <- seq_len(n_leaves)
#    order.dendrogram(dend1) <- one_to_n_leaves # change the leaves of dend1 to be 1:n
#    dend2 <- match_order_by_labels(dend2	, dend1) # make sure that the numbers if the
#    sum_abs_diff_L <- function(x,y,L) {sum(abs(x-y)^L)}
#    entanglement_result <- sum_abs_diff_L(order.dendrogram(dend1), order.dendrogram(dend2), L)
#    worse_entanglement_result <- sum_abs_diff_L(one_to_n_leaves, rev(one_to_n_leaves), L)
#    normalized_entanglement_result <- entanglement_result/worse_entanglement_result # should range between 0 (no etnaglement) and 1 (max entangelment
#    normalized_entanglement_result
# }
talgalili/dendextend documentation built on Jan. 27, 2024, 7:43 p.m.