
#' @title Import data from the dzVis database
#' @description Gets data from the dzVis database according to the specified table and columns.
#'              Original column types are set to its equivalents in R.
#' @param table A \code{character}. The name of the table.
#' @param columns A \code{character vector}. The name(s) of the column(s). If all columns should be imported, this argument must be set to \code{*}.
#' @param restrictions A n x 2 \code{matrix}. Equality restrictions. The first column must contain the names of the columns. The second, its values.
#' @param limits A n x 3 \code{matrix}. Inequality restrictions. See the details section for important information.
#' @param alternatives A n x 2 \code{matrix}. Alternative values of a column (joined by 'or' conditions in a SQL query). The first column must contain the names of the columns. The second, its values.
#' @param connection A \code{DBI} Connection object if a new connection should not be estabilished.
#' @return A \code{data.frame} with the requested data.
#' @details The \code{limits} matrix must have the following columns
#' \enumerate{
#'    \item targetColumn: A \code{character} value. Column on which restrictions should apply.
#'    \item min: A \code{numeric} value. Lower bound for the \code{targetColumn}. Should be set to \code{NA} when not applicable.
#'    \item max: A \code{numeric} value. Upper bound for the \code{targetColumn}. Should be set to \code{NA} when not applicable.
#' }
#' @section Conversion rules (SQL -> R):
#' \enumerate{
#'    \item \code{enum} -> \code{factor}
#'    \item \code{int} -> \code{integer}
#'    \item \code{double} -> \code{numeric}
#'    \item \code{date} or \code{datetime} -> \code{Date}
#'    \item \code{varchar} -> \code{character}
#' }
#' @import DBI

importData <- function(table, columns, restrictions = NULL, limits = NULL, alternatives = NULL, connection = NULL){

  conn <- connection

    conn <- connect()

  dateCol <- getColumnsByCategory(table,.TIME,conn)
  altDates <- formatDates(table, alternatives[alternatives[,1] == dateCol,2], toStandard = TRUE)
  restDates <- formatDates(table, restrictions[restrictions[,1] == dateCol,2], toStandard = TRUE)

  alternatives[alternatives[,1] == dateCol,2] <- altDates
  restrictions[restrictions[,1] == dateCol,2] <- restDates

  cols <- paste(columns,collapse = ", ")
  query <- paste("select",cols,"from",table)

  #-- Set up query
  if(!is.null(restrictions) && !is.null(limits) && !is.null(alternatives)){
    query <- pasteIdRestrictions(query,restrictions,whereClause = TRUE)
    query <- pasteLimitRestrictions(query,limits)
    query <- pasteIdRestrictions(query,alternatives, andClause = FALSE)
  else if(!is.null(restrictions) && !is.null(limits)){
    query <- pasteIdRestrictions(query,restrictions,whereClause = TRUE)
    query <- pasteLimitRestrictions(query,limits)
  else if(!is.null(restrictions) && !is.null(alternatives)){
    query <- pasteIdRestrictions(query,restrictions,whereClause = TRUE)
    query <- pasteIdRestrictions(query,alternatives, andClause = FALSE)
  else if(!is.null(limits) && !is.null(alternatives)){
    query <- pasteLimitRestrictions(query,limits, whereClause = TRUE)
    query <- pasteIdRestrictions(query,alternatives, andClause = FALSE)
  else if(!is.null(restrictions)){
    query <- pasteIdRestrictions(query,restrictions,whereClause = TRUE)
  else if(!is.null(limits)){
    query <- pasteLimitRestrictions(query,limits, whereClause = TRUE)
  else if(!is.null(alternatives)){
    query <- pasteIdRestrictions(query,alternatives, whereClause = TRUE, andClause = FALSE)

  query <- debugCharacters(query)

  data <- dbGetQuery(conn, query)
  types <- getDataTypes(table, columns, conn)

  for(colName in names(data)){
    type = types[types$cod == colName,2]

    if(type == .DB_ENUM){
        data[,colName] <- as.factor(data[,colName])
    else if(type == .DB_INT){
      data[,colName] <- as.integer(data[,colName])
    else if(type == .DB_DOUBLE){
      data[,colName] <- as.numeric(data[,colName])

    else if(type == .DB_DATE || type == .DB_DATETIME){
      data[,colName] <- as.Date(data[,colName])
    else if(type == .DB_VARCHAR){
      data[,colName] <- as.character(data[,colName])


  if(is.null(connection)) {


talithafs/dzVis-Package documentation built on May 31, 2019, 2:54 a.m.