Man pages for tanaylab/shaman
shaman - Sampling HiC contAct Matrices for Aparametric Normalization

ctcf_forwardHuman CTCF motifs found on forward strand on hg19 genome
ctcf_reverseHuman CTCF motifs found on reverse strand on hg19 genome
dot-shaman_dump_configDump config file templates.
dot-shaman_load_configLoad all the configuration files required for the package.
get_paramGet params from saved var
get_param_listGet params from saved var
init_paramsRead params from files
shaman_generate_feature_gridCalculate spatial enrichment of contacts between two features
shaman_get_test_track_dbreturns test misha db
shaman_gplot_mapplot an observed or expected hic map
shaman_gplot_map_scoreplot a normlized hic map
shaman_kk_normCompute a score matrix for observed data based on the...
shaman_plot_feature_gridPlot spatial enrichment of contacts between two features
shaman_plot_map_score_with_annotationsplots hic normalized map with annotations
shaman_plot_tracks_and_annotationsplots misha 1D tracks and annotations
shaman_score_hic_matgenerate a score matrix for observed data based on the...
shaman_score_hic_mat_for_trackgenerate a score matrix for observed data based on the...
shaman_score_hic_pointsgenerate a score matrix for observed data based on the...
shaman_score_hic_trackgenerate a score hic track based on observed and expected...
shaman_score_palReturns the color palette used to display normalized scores
shaman_shuffle_and_score_hic_matInline function for generating an expected matrix and...
shaman_shuffle_hic_mat_for_trackGenerate an expected matrix from observed data as a process...
shaman_shuffle_hic_trackgenerate an expected hic track based on observed hic data
tanaylab/shaman documentation built on April 2, 2022, 1:32 a.m.