# test.compute.counts.nas <- function( data, bins, nas )
# {
# .Call("compute_counts_nas", data, bins, nas, package = "bnstruct")
# }
# test.na.rows.int <- function( data )
# {
# .Call("na_rows_int", data, package = "bnstruct")
# }
# Silander and Myllymaki complete search, BDeu score, high memory occupation.
sm <- function(x, node.sizes, scoring.func = 0, cont.nodes = NULL, max.fanin = NULL,
layering = NULL, max.fanin.layers = NULL, ess = 1, cpc.mat = NULL,
mandatory.edges = NULL )
n.cases <- nrow(x)
n.nodes <- ncol(x)
storage.mode(node.sizes) <- "integer" # just to be sure
storage.mode(scoring.func) <- "integer"
# if no max.fanin is given, assume maximum possible
if( is.null(max.fanin) )
max.fanin <- n.nodes - 1
# if no layering is given, assume one layer
if( is.null(layering) )
layering <- rep( 1, n.nodes )
n.layers <- 1
if( !is.null(max.fanin.layers) )
stop("no max.fanin.layers without layering.")
max.fanin.layers <- array(max.fanin)
n.layers <- length(unique(layering))
if( is.null(max.fanin.layers) )
# derive max.fanin.layers from layering
max.fanin.layers <- array(cumsum(table(layering)))
max.fanin.layers[1] <- 0 # default, no parents for nodes at layer 1
if( ( !is.array(max.fanin.layers) ) ||
( dim(max.fanin.layers)[1] != n.layers ) ||
( is.matrix(max.fanin.layers) && dim(max.fanin.layers)[2] != n.layers) )
stop("max.fanin.layers must be either an array of #layers elements or a #layers x #layers squared matrix")
# get matrix from 1D array
if( !is.matrix(max.fanin.layers) && n.layers > 1 )
max.fanin.layers <- diag(max.fanin.layers)
max.fanin.layers[upper.tri(max.fanin.layers)] <- -1 # don't care
# thresholding with max.fanin
max.fanin.layers[max.fanin.layers > max.fanin] <- max.fanin
# trick, to avoid stupid R behaviour
dim(max.fanin.layers) <- c(n.layers,n.layers)
# quantize with NAs
levels <- rep( 0, n.nodes )
levels[cont.nodes] <- node.sizes[cont.nodes]
# data <- quantize.with.na.matrix( x, levels )
# data <- quantize.matrix( x, levels )
out.data <- quantize.matrix( x, levels )
data <- out.data$quant
# quantiles(bn) <- out.data$quantiles
# quantiles(dataset) <- out.data$quantiles
ifm <- impossible.family.mask( n.nodes, layering, max.fanin.layers )
# remove parents not in cpc, if cpc.matrix is given
if( !is.null(cpc.mat) )
for( i in 1:n.nodes )
ifm[ i, (.Call("bnstruct_fumt_mask", n_elements = n.nodes, pattern = which(cpc.mat[i,]==0),
PACKAGE = "bnstruct") > 0) ] <- FALSE
# remove candidate parents not consistent with mandatory edges.
# The idea is to transform this matrix in something similar to
# the CPC matrix: the idea is to leave only candidate parent sets
# that contain the mandatory edge(s).
if (!is.null(mandatory.edges) ) {
for ( i in 1:n.nodes ) {
if ( sum(mandatory.edges[i,]) > 0 || sum(mandatory.edges[,i] > 0)) {
ifm[ i, (.Call("bnstruct_fumt_mask", n_elements = n.nodes, pattern = which(mandatory.edges[i,]==1),
PACKAGE = "bnstruct") > 0) ] <- FALSE
backup.ifm <- ifm[i,]
for ( j in 1:n.nodes ) {
if (mandatory.edges[j,i] == 1 && i != j) {
ifm2 <- rep(TRUE, length(backup.ifm))
ifm2[ (.Call("bnstruct_fumt_mask", n_elements = n.nodes, pattern = j,
PACKAGE = "bnstruct") > 0) ] <- FALSE
backup.ifm <- backup.ifm & !ifm2
ifm[i, ] <- backup.ifm
# aflml <- all.families.log.marginal.likelihood( data, node.sizes, ifm, ess )
aflml <- .Call("bnstruct_all_fam_log_marg_lik", data, node.sizes, ifm, ess, scoring.func, PACKAGE = "bnstruct" )
# bps <- find.best.parents( aflml )
bps <- .Call("bnstruct_fbp", aflml = aflml, PACKAGE = "bnstruct");
# sinks <- find.best.sinks( bps, aflml )
sinks <- .Call("bnstruct_fbs", bps = bps, aflml = aflml, PACKAGE = "bnstruct");
order <- find.best.ordering( sinks )
parents <- find.best.network( order, bps )
dag <- parents.to.dag( parents )
return( dag )
# quantize.with.na <- function(data, levels)
# {
# nr <- nrow(data)
# nc <- ncol(data)
# quant <- data
# for( i in 1:nc )
# {
# if( levels[i] > 0 ) # to be discretized
# {
# quantiles <- quantile( data[,i], probs = (0:levels[i])/levels[i], na.rm = TRUE )
# # cut the range using the quantiles as break points.
# quant[,i] <- as.data.frame( cut( data[,i], quantiles, labels=FALSE, include.lowest=TRUE) )
# }
# }
# return(quant)
# }
# quantize.with.zeros.matrix <- function(data, levels)
# {
# nr <- nrow(data)
# nc <- ncol(data)
# quant <- matrix(0,nr,nc)
# for( i in 1:nc )
# {
# if( levels[i] == 0 ) #already discrete
# quant[,i] <- as.matrix(data[,i],nr,1)
# else
# {
# quantiles <- quantile( data[,i], probs = (0:levels[i])/levels[i], na.rm = TRUE )
# # cut the range using the quantiles as break points.
# quant[,i] <- as.matrix( cut( data[,i], quantiles, labels=FALSE, include.lowest=TRUE),nr,1 )
# }
# }
# # turn NAs to 0s
# quant[is.na(quant)] <- 0
# return(quant)
# }
impossible.family.mask <- function( n.nodes, layering, max.fanin.layers)
# filter based on maxFanIn
# base.mask <- rep(0,2^n.nodes)
# base.mask[ 2^((1:n.nodes)-1)+1 ] <- 1
# base.mask <- fumt(base.mask) > max(diag(max.fanin.layers))
base.mask <- (.Call("bnstruct_fumt_mask", n_elements = n.nodes, pattern = seq_len(n.nodes),
PACKAGE = "bnstruct") > max(diag(max.fanin.layers)) );
ifm <- !matrix( rep(base.mask,n.nodes), n.nodes, 2^n.nodes, byrow = TRUE)
for( i in 1:n.nodes )
# mask <- rep(0, 2^n.nodes)
# mask[ 2^(i-1)+1 ] <- 1
# mask <- fumt(mask) > 0
mask <- (.Call("bnstruct_fumt_mask", n_elements = n.nodes,
pattern = i, PACKAGE = "bnstruct") > 0);
ifm[ i, mask ] <- FALSE
if( length(layering) > 1 )
for( i in 1:n.nodes )
# false entries if they violate layering
invalidParents <- which( layering > layering[i] )
# mask <- rep(0, 2^n.nodes)
# mask[ 2^(invalidParents-1)+1 ] <- 1
# mask <- fumt(mask) > 0
mask <- (.Call("bnstruct_fumt_mask", n_elements = n.nodes,
pattern = invalidParents, PACKAGE = "bnstruct") > 0);
ifm[ i, mask ] <- FALSE
# false entries if they violate max.fanin.layers-layering
# this refines the filter on max.fanin above
# (which was not specific to a particular child)
for ( j in unique(layering[layering <= layering[i]]) )
if( max.fanin.layers[j,layering[i]]==-1 )
next # no restriction
if( j == layering[i] )
parents <- (layering<=j)
parents <- (layering==j)
parents[i] <- FALSE
parents <- which(parents)
# mask <- rep(0, 2^n.nodes)
# mask[ 2^(parents-1)+1 ] <- 1
# mask <- fumt(mask) > max.fanin.layers[j, layering[i]];
mask <- ( .Call("bnstruct_fumt_mask", n_elements = n.nodes, pattern = parents,
PACKAGE = "bnstruct") > max.fanin.layers[j, layering[i]] );
ifm[i, mask] <- FALSE;
# Fast Upwards Moebius Transform
# Based on code by Smets, http://iridia.ulb.ac.be/~psmets/
# fumt <- function( h0 )
# {
# lh0 <- length( h0 )
# n <- round( log2( lh0 ) )
# # if( lh0 != 2^n)
# # stop("length of h0 must be a power of 2")
# hn <- h0
# for( i in seq_len(n) )
# {
# dim(hn) <- c( 2^(i-1), 2^(n+1-i) )
# ind <- seq_len( 2^(n-i) ) * 2
# hn[,ind] <- hn[,ind] + hn[,ind-1]
# }
# dim(hn) <- lh0
# return( hn )
# }
# all.families.log.marginal.likelihood <- function( data, node.sizes, ifm, ess )
# {
# n.nodes <- ncol(data)
# LM <- matrix( -Inf, n.nodes, 2^n.nodes )
# bitmask <- 2^(0:(n.nodes-1))
# for( i in 1:n.nodes )
# {
# # select possible parent sets and compute log-likelihood
# possible.families <- which(ifm[i,])
# for( k in possible.families )
# {
# pa <- which( bitAnd(k-1,bitmask) > 0 )
# # LM[i,k] <- log.likelihood.na( pa, i, node.sizes, ess, data)
# LM[i,k] <- log.lik.na( node.sizes[c(i,pa)], ess, data[,c(i,pa)] )
# }
# }
# return(LM)
# }
# log.lik.na <- function( node.sizes, ess, data )
# {
# n.nodes <- length(node.sizes)
# if( n.nodes > 1 )
# {
# prod.sizes.pa <- prod(node.sizes[2:n.nodes])
# prod.sizes <- prod.sizes.pa * node.sizes[1]
# na.rows <- .Call("na_rows_int", mat = data, PACKAGE = "bnstruct")
# # counts <- compute.counts( data, node.sizes )
# # prior <- array( ess/prod.sizes, node.sizes ); # faster !
# counts <- .Call("compute_counts_nas", data, node.sizes, na.rows, package = "bnstruct")
# prior <- ess/prod.sizes;
# # correct for NAs with maximum a posteriori estimate
# n.na <- sum(na.rows)
# counts <- counts + n.na * (counts + prior) / ( nrow(data) - n.na + ess )
# # LL <- sum( lgamma(prior+counts) - lgamma(prior) )
# LL <- sum(lgamma(prior+counts)) - prod.sizes*lgamma(prior) # faster!
# # alpha_ij <- colSums( prior )
# # alpha_ij <- array( ess/prod.sizes.pa, node.sizes[2:n.nodes] )
# alpha_ij <- ess/prod.sizes.pa
# N_ij <- colSums( counts )
# # return( LL + sum( lgamma(alpha_ij) - lgamma(alpha_ij+N_ij) ) )
# return( LL + prod.sizes.pa*lgamma(alpha_ij) - sum(lgamma(alpha_ij+N_ij)) ) # faster !
# }
# else
# {
# na.rows <- as.integer(is.na(data))
# # counts <- compute.counts( data, node.sizes )
# counts <- .Call("compute_counts_nas", data, node.sizes, na.rows, package = "bnstruct")
# #prior <- rep( ess/node.sizes, node.sizes );
# prior <- ess/node.sizes
# # correct for NAs with maximum a posteriori estimate
# n.na <- sum(na.rows)
# counts <- counts + n.na * (counts + prior) / ( length(data) - n.na + ess )
# # LL <- sum( lgamma(prior+counts) - lgamma(prior) )
# LL <- sum(lgamma(prior+counts)) - node.sizes*lgamma(prior) # faster!
# return( LL - lgamma(1+sum(counts)) )
# }
# }
log.lik <- function( node.sizes, ess, data )
n.nodes <- length(node.sizes)
if( n.nodes > 1 )
prod.sizes.pa <- prod(node.sizes[2:n.nodes])
prod.sizes <- prod.sizes.pa * node.sizes[1]
# na.rows <- .Call("na_rows_int", mat = data, PACKAGE = "bnstruct")
# counts <- compute.counts( data, node.sizes )
# prior <- array( ess/prod.sizes, node.sizes ); # faster !
# counts <- .Call("compute_counts_nas", data, node.sizes, na.rows, package = "bnstruct")
counts <- .Call("bnstruct_compute_counts", data, node.sizes, PACKAGE = "bnstruct")
prior <- ess/prod.sizes;
# correct for NAs with maximum a posteriori estimate
# n.na <- sum(na.rows)
# counts <- counts + n.na * (counts + prior) / ( nrow(data) - n.na + ess )
# LL <- sum( lgamma(prior+counts) - lgamma(prior) )
LL <- sum(lgamma(prior+counts)) - prod.sizes*lgamma(prior) # faster!
# alpha_ij <- colSums( prior )
# alpha_ij <- array( ess/prod.sizes.pa, node.sizes[2:n.nodes] )
alpha_ij <- ess/prod.sizes.pa
N_ij <- colSums( counts )
# return( LL + sum( lgamma(alpha_ij) - lgamma(alpha_ij+N_ij) ) )
return( LL + prod.sizes.pa*lgamma(alpha_ij) - sum(lgamma(alpha_ij+N_ij)) ) # faster !
# na.rows <- as.integer(is.na(data))
# counts <- compute.counts( data, node.sizes )
# counts <- .Call("compute_counts_nas", data, node.sizes, na.rows, package = "bnstruct")
# prior <- rep( ess/node.sizes, node.sizes );
counts <- .Call("bnstruct_compute_counts", data, node.sizes, PACKAGE = "bnstruct")
prior <- ess/node.sizes
# correct for NAs with maximum a posteriori estimate
# n.na <- sum(na.rows)
# counts <- counts + n.na * (counts + prior) / ( length(data) - n.na + ess )
# LL <- sum( lgamma(prior+counts) - lgamma(prior) )
LL <- sum(lgamma(prior+counts)) - node.sizes*lgamma(prior) # faster!
return( LL - lgamma(1+sum(counts)) )
# log.likelihood.na <- function( pa, ni, node.sizes, ess, data )
# {
# n.pa <- length(pa)
# prod.sizes.pa <- prod(node.sizes[pa])
# prod.sizes <- prod.sizes.pa * node.sizes[ni]
# counts <- compute.counts( data[,c(ni,pa)], node.sizes[c(ni,pa)] )
# prior <- array( ess/prod.sizes, node.sizes[c(ni,pa)] );
# if( n.pa > 0 )
# {
# # correct for NAs with maximum a posteriori estimate
# n.na <- sum(.Call("na_rows", mat =data[,c(pa,ni)], PACKAGE = "bnstruct"))
# counts <- counts + n.na * (counts + prior) / ( nrow(data) - n.na + ess )
# # LL <- sum( lgamma(prior+counts) - lgamma(prior) )
# LL <- sum(lgamma(prior+counts)) - prod.sizes*lgamma(ess/prod.sizes) # faster!
# # alpha_ij <- colSums( prior )
# alpha_ij <- array( ess/prod.sizes.pa, node.sizes[pa] );
# N_ij <- colSums( counts )
# # return( LL + sum( lgamma(alpha_ij) - lgamma(alpha_ij+N_ij) ) )
# return( LL + prod.sizes.pa*lgamma(ess/prod.sizes.pa) - sum(lgamma(alpha_ij+N_ij)) ) # faster !
# }
# else
# {
# # correct for NAs with maximum a posteriori estimate
# n.na <- sum(is.na(data[,ni]))
# counts <- counts + n.na * (counts + prior) / ( nrow(data) - n.na + ess )
# # LL <- sum( lgamma(prior+counts) - lgamma(prior) )
# LL <- sum(lgamma(prior+counts)) - prod.sizes*lgamma(ess/prod.sizes) # faster!
# return( LL - lgamma(1+sum(counts)) )
# }
# }
# log.likelihood.na.rows <- function( pa, ni, node.sizes, ess, data )
# {
# n.pa <- length(pa)
# prod.sizes.pa <- prod(node.sizes[pa])
# prod.sizes <- prod.sizes.pa * node.sizes[ni]
# counts <- compute.counts( data[,c(pa,ni)], node.sizes[c(pa,ni)] )
# prior <- array( ess/prod.sizes, node.sizes[c(pa,ni)] );
# if( n.pa > 0 )
# {
# # correct for NAs with maximum a posteriori estimate
# n.na <- sum(rowSums(is.na(data[,c(pa,ni)]))>0)
# counts <- counts + n.na * (counts + prior) / ( nrow(data) - n.na + ess )
# # LL <- sum( lgamma(prior+counts) - lgamma(prior) )
# LL <- sum(lgamma(prior+counts)) - prod.sizes*lgamma(ess/prod.sizes) # faster!
# alpha_ij <- rowSums( prior, dims=length(pa) )
# N_ij <- rowSums( counts, dims=length(pa) )
# # return( LL + sum( lgamma(alpha_ij) - lgamma(alpha_ij+N_ij) ) )
# return( LL + prod.sizes.pa*lgamma(ess/prod.sizes.pa) - sum(lgamma(alpha_ij+N_ij)) ) # faster !
# }
# else
# {
# # correct for NAs with maximum a posteriori estimate
# n.na <- sum(is.na(data[,ni]))
# counts <- counts + n.na * (counts + prior) / ( nrow(data) - n.na + ess )
# # LL <- sum( lgamma(prior+counts) - lgamma(prior) )
# LL <- sum(lgamma(prior+counts)) - prod.sizes*lgamma(ess/prod.sizes) # faster!
# return( LL - lgamma(1+sum(counts)) )
# }
# }
# compute.counts <- function( data, bins )
# {
# l <- length(bins)
# if( l > 1 ) # at least one parent
# {
# prev.cum.size <- c( 1, cumprod(bins[seq_len(l-1)]) )
# index <- data %*% prev.cum.size - sum(prev.cum.size) + 1
# }
# else
# index <- data
# counts <- tabulate( index, prod(bins) )
# dim(counts) <- bins
# return(counts)
# }
# find.best.parents <- function( aflml )
# {
# n.nodes <- nrow( aflml )
# bps <- matrix( 0, nrow=n.nodes, ncol=2^n.nodes )
# bss <- matrix( 0, nrow=n.nodes, ncol=2^n.nodes )
# bitmask <- 2^(seq_len(n.nodes)-1)
# for( ni in seq_len(n.nodes) )
# for( si in seq_len(2^n.nodes) ) # loop over all parent sets
# {
# if( bitAnd( si-1, bitmask[ni] ) ) # can't be parent of itself
# next
# bps[ni,si] <- si
# bss[ni,si] <- aflml[ni,si]
# # loop over all parents subsets that vary by 1 bit
# for( bi in which(bitAnd( si-1, bitmask ) > 0) )
# {
# ssi <- bitXor( si-1, bitmask[bi] ) + 1
# # cat(ni,si,bss[ni,si],bitmask,"\n")
# # cat(ni,ssi,bss[ni,ssi],bitmask,"\n")
# if( bss[ni,ssi] > bss[ni,si] )
# {
# bps[ni,si] <- bps[ni,ssi]
# bss[ni,si] <- bss[ni,ssi]
# }
# }
# }
# return(bps)
# }
# find.best.sinks <- function( bps, aflml )
# {
# n.nodes <- nrow(bps)
# bitmask <- 2^(seq_len(n.nodes)-1)
# scores <- rep( 0, 2^n.nodes )
# sinks <- rep( -1, 2^n.nodes )
# for( si in seq_len(2^n.nodes) )
# for( sink in which(bitAnd( si-1, bitmask ) > 0) )
# {
# upvars <- bitXor( si-1, bitmask[sink] ) + 1
# skore <- scores[upvars] + aflml[sink, bps[sink, upvars]]
# if( sinks[si] == -1 || skore > scores[si] )
# {
# scores[si] <- skore
# sinks[si] <- sink
# }
# }
# return(sinks)
# }
find.best.ordering <- function( sinks )
n.nodes <- log2(length(sinks))
bitmask <- 2^(seq_len(n.nodes)-1)
order <- rep( 0, n.nodes )
left <- 2^n.nodes
for( i in n.nodes:1 )
order[i] <- sinks[left]
left <- bitAnd( left-1, bitFlip(bitmask[order[i]], bitWidth=n.nodes) ) + 1
return( order )
find.best.network <- function( order, bps )
n.nodes <- length(order)
bitmask <- 2^(seq_len(n.nodes)-1)
parents <- rep( 0, n.nodes )
predecs <- 1
for( i in seq_len(n.nodes) )
parents[order[i]] <- bps[order[i], predecs];
predecs <- bitOr(predecs-1, bitmask[order[i]] ) + 1;
return( parents )
# convert array of parent sets to a full dag
parents.to.dag <- function( parents )
n.nodes <- length( parents );
bitmask <- 2^(seq_len(n.nodes)-1)
dag <- matrix( 0, n.nodes, n.nodes);
for( ni in seq_len(n.nodes) )
bits <- which( bitAnd(parents[ni]-1,bitmask) > 0 );
dag[bits, ni] <- 1;
return( dag )
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