# Convert a CPT outputted by learn.params for a fancy print
fancy.cpt <- function( cpt )
d <- dim(cpt)
dn <- dimnames(cpt)
if( length(dn) <= 2 )
return( cpt )
new.dn <- list(apply(expand.grid(dn[1:(length(dn)-1)],stringsAsFactors=T),
1,paste,collapse=", "),dn[[length(dn)]])
names(new.dn) <- list(paste(names(dn[1:(length(dn)-1)]),collapse=","),
dim( cpt ) <- c(prod(d[1:(length(d)-1)]),d[length(d)])
dimnames(cpt) <- new.dn
return( cpt )
# Compute Structural Hamming Distance between graphs g1 and g2
#' compute the Structural Hamming Distance between two adjacency matrices.
#' Compute the Structural Hamming Distance between two adjacency matrices, that is,
#' the distance, in terms of edges, between two network structures. The lower the \code{shd},
#' the more similar are the two network structures.
#' @name shd
#' @rdname shd
#' @param g1 first adjacency matrix.
#' @param g2 second adjacency matrix.
#' @export shd
shd <- function(g1, g2)
dif <- (g1 != g2)
sum( dif | t(dif) ) / 2
# Check if the (directed) graph is acyclic (recoded in c as "is_acyclic")
is.acyclic <- function(g)
rem <- rep(FALSE,nrow(g))
while( !all(rem) ) # still some edges to remove
leaves <- (rowSums(g) == 0)
if( !any(leaves & !rem) )
g[,leaves] <- 0L
rem <- rem | leaves
# sample a random chain from a dataset
sample.chain <- function( dataset )
net <- BN(dataset)
net.dag <- dag(net)
n <- num.nodes(net)
chain <- sample(n,n)
for( i in 2:n )
net.dag[chain[i-1],chain[i]] <- 1
dag(net) <- net.dag
return( suppressMessages(learn.params(net,dataset)) )
# Quantize each column i of the continuous matrix data in a number of levels
# equal to levels[i]
# levels[i] == 0 if the column is already discrete
quantize.matrix <- function(data, levels)
nr <- nrow(data)
nc <- ncol(data)
quant <- matrix(0,nr,nc)
quantiles.list <- list()
# print(levels)
for( i in 1:nc )
if( levels[i] == 0 ) {
# already discrete
quant[,i] <- as.matrix(data[,i],nr,1)
quantiles.list[[i]] <- c()
quantiles <- unique(quantile( data[,i], probs = (0:levels[i])/levels[i], na.rm = TRUE ))
quantiles.list[[i]] <- quantiles
# cut the range using the quantiles as break points.
quant[,i] <- as.matrix( cut( data[,i], quantiles, labels=FALSE, include.lowest=TRUE),nr,1 )
storage.mode(quant) <- "integer"
# print(sapply(1:nc,function(x)max(quant[,x])))
colnames(quant) <- colnames(data)
return(list("quant"=quant, "quantiles"=quantiles.list))
# Compute quantiles for each column i of the continuous matrix data,
# given numbers of levels equal to levels[i]
# levels[i] == 0 if the column is already discrete
quantiles.matrix <- function(data, levels)
nr <- nrow(data)
nc <- ncol(data)
quant <- vector("list",nc)
for( i in 1:nc )
if( levels[i] != 0 )
quant[[i]] <- unique(quantile( data[,i], probs = (0:levels[i])/levels[i], na.rm = TRUE ))
names(quant) <- colnames(data)
ind2subv <- function(siz,index)
# IND2SUBV Subscript vector from linear index.
# IND2SUBV(SIZ,IND) returns a vector of the equivalent subscript values
# corresponding to a single index into an array of size SIZ.
# If IND is a vector, then the result is a matrix, with subscript vectors
# as rows.
n <- length(siz)
if( n == 0 )
return( index )
cum.size <- cumprod(siz)
prev.cum.size <- c(1,cum.size[seq_len(length(siz)-1)])
index <- index - 1
sub <- rep(index,n) %% rep(cum.size,length(index))
sub <- sub %/% rep(prev.cum.size,length(index)) + 1
factors.to.graph <- function(factors, sep = '(')
# compute adjacency matrix from factor chain
# eg: (1)(2)(3|1,2)
# accepts '(' or '[' as separator character
# nodes are numbers from 1 to N
l <- list()
if (sep == '(') {
sep1 = '('
sep2 = ')'
} else if (sep == '[') {
sep1 = '['
sep2 = ']'
} else {
# error
for (i in unlist(strsplit(factors, sep1, TRUE)))
for (j in unlist(strsplit(i, sep2, TRUE)))
l[[length(l)+1]] <- list(j)
num_nodes = length(l)
am = matrix(rep(0, num_nodes*num_nodes), c(num_nodes,num_nodes))
for (i in l)
item <- unlist(strsplit(unlist(i), "|",TRUE))
if (length(item) > 1)
to <- as.integer(item[1])
for (j in unlist(strsplit(unlist(item[2]), ",", TRUE)))
from <- as.integer(j)
am[from,to] <- 1
graph.to.factors <- function(am, sep = '(', names = NULL)
# compute factor chain from adjacency matrix
# accepts '(' or '[' as separator character
# nodes are numbers from 1 to N
# names should be a vector containing the variable names
l <- list()
if (sep == '(') {
sep1 = '('
sep2 = ')'
} else if (sep == '[') {
sep1 = '['
sep2 = ']'
} else {
# error
if (missing(names) || is.null(names))
use.names <- FALSE
use.names <- TRUE
factors <- c()
# build up string node after node
for (i in 1:nrow(am))
if (use.names)
factor <- c(sep1, names[i])
factor = c(sep1,i)
parents <- which(am[,i] > 0)
if (length(parents) > 0)
factor <- c(factor,'|')
# build up parents
while(length(parents) > 1)
if (use.names)
factor <- c(factor, names[parents[1]], ',')
factor <- c(factor, parents[1],',')
parents <- parents[-1]
if (use.names)
factor <- c(factor, names[parents[1]])
factor <- c(factor, parents[1])
factor <- c(factor,sep2)
factors <- c(factors, factor)
factors <- paste(unlist(factors), collapse='')
# concatenate strings: paste an arbitrary number of strings with default sep=''
# input strings are not checked, be careful
strcat <- function(..., sep = '')
s <- ""
args <- list(...)
for (i in unlist(args))
s <- paste(s, as.character(i), sep=sep)
fast.bincombinations <- function(p)
# computes all the combinations of p elements
# many many thanks to
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13891604
return(vapply(X = seq_len(p),
FUN = function(i)rep(rep(0L:1L, each = 2^(p-i)), times = 2^(i-1)),
FUN.VALUE = integer(2^(p))))
# identifies the connected components of a network structure,
# in case the DAG is divided into disconnected subnetworks.
# Return: a list whose elements are arrays containings the subgraphs
identify.subgraphs <- function(am) {
visited <- rep(0, nrow(am))
subgs <- list()
csd <- c()
l <- 1
while (length(which(visited == 0)) > 0) {
curr <- which(visited == 0)[1]
visited[curr] <- l
csd = c(curr)
connected <- c(which(am[,curr] > 0), which(am[curr,] > 0))
while(length(connected) > 0) {
i <- connected[1]
connected <- connected[-1]
if (visited[i] == 0) {
connected <- unique(sort(c(connected,which(am[,i] > 0), which(am[i,] > 0))))
visited[i] <- l
csd <- c(csd, i)
subgs[[l]] <- sort(csd)
csd <- c()
l <- l+1
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