factors.to.graph <- function(factors, sep = '(')
# compute adjacency matrix from factor chain
# eg: (1)(2)(3|1,2)
# accepts '(' or '[' as separator character
# nodes are numbers from 1 to N
l <- list()
if (sep == '(') {
sep1 = '('
sep2 = ')'
} else if (sep == '[') {
sep1 = '['
sep2 = ']'
} else {
# error
for (i in unlist(strsplit(factors, sep1, TRUE)))
for (j in unlist(strsplit(i, sep2, TRUE)))
l[[length(l)+1]] <- list(j)
num_nodes = length(l)
am = matrix(rep(0, num_nodes*num_nodes), c(num_nodes,num_nodes))
for (i in l)
item <- unlist(strsplit(unlist(i), "|",TRUE))
if (length(item) > 1)
to <- as.integer(item[1])
for (j in unlist(strsplit(unlist(item[2]), ",", TRUE)))
from <- as.integer(j)
am[from,to] <- 1
graph.to.factors <- function(am, sep = '(')
# compute factor chain from adjacency matrix
# accepts '(' or '[' as separator character
# nodes are numbers from 1 to N
l <- list()
if (sep == '(') {
sep1 = '('
sep2 = ')'
} else if (sep == '[') {
sep1 = '['
sep2 = ']'
} else {
# error
factors <- c()
# build up string node after node
for (i in 1:nrow(am))
factor = c(sep1,i)
parents <- which(am[,i] > 0)
if (length(parents) > 0)
factor <- c(factor,'|')
# build up parents
while(length(parents) > 1)
factor <- c(factor, parents[1],',')
parents <- parents[-1]
factor <- c(factor, parents[1])
factor <- c(factor,sep2)
factors <- c(factors, factor)
factors <- paste(unlist(factors), collapse='')
# create a file with scores in the format used by Jaakkola et al, Cussens.
# 1st row: number of nodes
# then, for each node:
# node, number of cpcs
# followed by score, length of cpc, cpc as list of nodes in ascending order, one per row
# start.cpcs.vars should contain also the start index of edge vars
save.scores <- function(instance.name, num.nodes, scores, cpcs.vars, start.cpcs.vars)
file.name <- paste(instance.name, ".scores", sep="")
row <- NULL
k <- 1
row[[k]] <- paste(num.nodes)
k <- k + 1
for (i in 1:num.nodes)
row[[k]] <- (paste(i, start.cpcs.vars[i+1] - start.cpcs.vars[i]))
k <- k + 1
for (j in 0:(start.cpcs.vars[i+1]-start.cpcs.vars[i]-1))
cpc <- c(unlist(cpcs.vars[[start.cpcs.vars[i]+j]]))
scpc <- paste(cpc, collapse=" ")
row[[k]] <- paste(scores[start.cpcs.vars[i]+j], length(cpc), scpc)
k <- k + 1 #print(s)
write(row, file=file.name)
# read a file of scores in the format used by Jaakkola et al, Cussens.
# return the informations the orientation.init method would have returned,
# plus the whole cplex problem filled
read.scores <- function(file.name, cplex.problem)
# l <- readLines(file.name)
# num.nodes <- strtoi(l[1])
# k <- 1
# scores <- c()
# cpcs <- NULL
# cpcs.vars <- NULL
# start.cpcs.vars <- c()
# start.edge.vars <- -1
# num.cpcs.vars <- length(l) - 1 - num.nodes
# edge.vars <- matrix(rep(0, num.nodes*num.nodes), nrow = num.nodes)
# curr.line <- 2
# for (i in 1:num.nodes)
# {
# start.cpcs.vars <- c(start.cpcs.vars, k)
# line <- c(unlist(strsplit(l[curr.line], split = " ")))
# num.i.vars <- strtoi(line[2])
# curr.line <- curr.line + 1
# local.cpcs.vars <- c()
# for (j in 1:num.i.vars)
# {
# line <- c(unlist(strsplit(l[curr.line], split = " ")))
# scores <- c(scores, as.numeric(line[1]))
# len.cpc <- strtoi(line[2])
# cpc.vs <- c()
# if (len.cpc > 0)
# {
# for (m in 1:len.cpc)
# {
# cpc.vs <- c(cpc.vs, as.integer(line[2+m]))
# }
# local.cpcs.vars <- unique(c(local.cpcs.vars, cpc.vs))
# }
# cpcs.vars[[k]] <- as.list(cpc.vs)
# curr.line <- curr.line + 1
# k <- k + 1
# }
# for (u in local.cpcs.vars)
# edge.vars[u, i] <- 1
# cpcs[[i]] <- as.list(sort(local.cpcs.vars))
# }
# # print(edge.vars)
# # print(cpcs)
# # print(start.cpcs.vars)
# # print(cpcs.vars)
# start.edge.vars <- k
# # create combinations
# # create constraints and fill into model
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