Man pages for tbradley1013/KEGGerator
Identify genomic functionality with KEGG

as_keggeratorConvert an object into class keggerator
filter_orgsFilter OTUs and kegg organisms
genomic_func_heatmapGenomic Functional Heatmap
get_datasetsGet Updated KEGG datasets
get_enzyme_modulesQuery all modules related to each enzyme in a dataset
get_enzymesQuery all enzymes related to each genome in the dataset
get_org_idsretrieve KEGG genome id for all organims
get_orthologiesQuery all orthologies related to each genome in the dataset
get_orthology_modulesQuery all modules related to each orthology in a dataset
get_pathway_enzymesQuery all enzymes associated with a given pathway
get_pathway_modulesQuery all modules associated with a given pathway
get_pathway_orthologiesQuery all orthologies associated with a given pathway
has_complete_functionreturns genomes that have all the functions in specified...
has_specific_functionfind all genomes that complete all of the desired functions
is_kegg_tblCheck whether KEGGerator datasets have the correct class
keggeratorA keggerator object
keggerator_uncertaintyCalculate total uncertainty
keggtapCreate a keggtap object
orgs_tibbleextract organisms from tax table or tax tibble
otu_refCreate a otu reference table
otu_tibbleConvert OTU table to tibble
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
sam_tibbleConvert sam_data to tibble
tax_tibbleConvert tax table to tibble
tbradley1013/KEGGerator documentation built on Feb. 23, 2020, 6:44 a.m.