
Defines functions exaggerate add.exaggerated.axis add.log.axis add.error.bars.logy add.error.bars.logx add.error.bars plot.image add.barplot.bar make.cex add.shade add.violin add.boxplot.box plot.boxplot plot.grid plot.quiver

Documented in add.barplot.bar add.boxplot.box add.error.bars add.error.bars.logx add.error.bars.logy add.exaggerated.axis add.log.axis add.shade add.violin exaggerate make.cex plot.boxplot plot.grid plot.image plot.quiver

#' @title Quiver Plot
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @param x x locations for quivers
#' @param y y locations for quivers
#' @param u The x component for the quiver arrow
#' @param v The y component for the quiver arrow
#' @param scale Used to scale the arrow length (optional)
#' @param xlim xlim
#' @param ylim ylim
#' @param col the quiver color
#' @param ... optional arguments passed to plot()
#' @export
plot.quiver = function(x, y, u, v, scale = NULL, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, col = 'black', ...) {
  if (is.null(xlim)) { xlim = range(x, na.rm = T)}
  if (is.null(ylim)) { ylim = range(y, na.rm = T)}
  if (is.null(scale)) { scale = (xlim[2] - xlim[1]) / sqrt(mean(u)^2 + mean(v)^2) / length(u) * 1.5 }

  plot(x, y, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, xaxs = 'i', yaxs = 'i', pch = 20, cex = 0.8, ...)
  arrows(x0 = x, x1 = x + u * scale, y0 = y, y1 = y + v * scale, length = scale/5, col = col)

#' @title Plot strcutured grid
#' @description Function used to plot grid data (an array) with arbitrary positions, which can be provided as either an array of z values (along with optional palette options) or as an array of colors directly.
#' @export
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
plot.grid = function(x, y, z = NULL, col = NULL, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, xlab = 'x', ylab = 'y',
                     zlim = NULL, pal = 'greyscale', n = 255, rev = F) {

  if (is.null(dim(z)) & is.null(dim(col))) { stop('plot.grid: Either z or col arrays must be provided.')}
  if (is.null(dim(x)) & is.null(dim(y))) {
    dim = c(length(x), length(y))
    x = array(x, dim = dim)
    y = t(array(y, dim = rev(dim)))

  ## calculate polygon boundary points
  vertex = calc.vertex(x, y)

  if (is.null(col)) {
    if (is.null(zlim)) { zlim = range(z, na.rm = T)}
    col = make.pal(z, pal = pal, n = n, rev = rev, min = zlim[1], max = zlim[2])

  if (is.null(xlim)) { xlim = range(vertex$x, na.rm = T)}
  if (is.null(ylim)) { ylim = range(vertex$y, na.rm = T)}

  dim(col) = dim(x) # in case of vector colors

  ## Start plot
  plot(NULL, NULL, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, xaxs = 'i', yaxs = 'i')

  for (i in 1:dim(col)[1]) {
    for (j in 1:dim(col)[2]) {
      polygon(x = c(vertex$x[i,j], vertex$x[i,j+1], vertex$x[i+1,j+1], vertex$x[i+1,j]),
              y = c(vertex$y[i,j], vertex$y[i,j+1], vertex$y[i+1,j+1], vertex$y[i+1,j]),
              col = col[i,j], border = NA)

#' @title Plot Boxplot
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @description Generate a blank boxplot
#' @keywords Plotting
#' @param n The width of the x axis, i.e. n = 10 corresponds to xlim = c(1,10)
#' @param ylim the y axis limit
#' @param at Values to draw x-axis labels
#' @param main The plot's main title
#' @param labels The labels to use for the x-axis
#' @param ylab The y axis label
#' @param xlab The x axis label
#' @param ... Optional arguemnts passed to plot()
#' @export
plot.boxplot = function(n = 10, ylim = c(0,1), at = NULL, main = NULL,
                        labels = NULL, ylab = 'x', xlab = 'y', ...) {

  plot(NULL, NULL, xlim = c(1-1, n+1), xaxs='i', ylim = ylim, yaxs = 'i', ylab = ylab, xlab = xlab, xaxt = 'n', main = main, ...)
  if(is.null(labels)) { labels = c(1:n)}
  if (is.null(at)) { at = c(1:length(labels)) }

  axis(1, at = at, labels = labels)

#' @title Add Boxplot Box
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @description Add a box to a boxplot that was initialized by plot.boxplot.
#' @keywords Plotting
#' @param x The x locations for the boxs
#' @param y The y values that will be plotted.
#' @export
add.boxplot.box = function(x, y, side = 1, col = '#33333330', border.col = 'black', line.col = 'black', point.col = 'black',
                           width = 0.7, lty = 1, lwd = 1, xlwd = NULL, outliers = T, pch = 1, cex = 1) {

  if (length(x) < length(y)) { x = rep(x, length(y) / length(x))}

  ## Remove NAs before they poison anything...
  l = which(!is.na(x) & !is.na(y))
  x = x[l]
  y = y[l]

  ## For each unique x value
  for (xx in unique(x)) {
    l = which(x == xx)
    if(is.null(xlwd)) { xlwd = width / 3 }

    ## statistics
    q1 = quantile(y[l], probs = 0.25)
    q3 = quantile(y[l], probs = 0.75)
    iqr = IQR(y[l], na.rm = TRUE)
    m = median(y[l], na.rm = TRUE)

    if (side == 1 | side == 3) {
      ## Box
      rect(xleft = xx - width/2, ybottom = q1, xright = xx + width/2, ytop = q3, col = col, border = border.col)
      lines(x = c(xx - width/2, xx + width/2), y = rep(m,2)) # Horizontal

      ## Add outliers
      k = which(y[l] < q1 - 1.5 * iqr | y[l] > q3 + 1.5 * iqr)
      if (length(k) > 0 & outliers) {
        points(x = rep(xx, length(k)), y = y[l[k]], pch = pch, col = point.col, cex = cex)

      ## Add whiskers
      if (length(k) > 0) {
        lines(x = rep(xx, 2), y = c(q1, min(y[l[-k]])), col = line.col, lwd = lwd)
        lines(x = rep(xx, 2), y = c(q3, max(y[l[-k]])), col = line.col, lwd = lwd)
        lines(x = c(xx - xlwd/2, xx + xlwd/2), y = rep(min(y[l[-k]]), 2), col = line.col, lwd = lwd)
        lines(x = c(xx - xlwd/2, xx + xlwd/2), y = rep(max(y[l[-k]]), 2), col = line.col, lwd = lwd)
      } else {
        lines(x = rep(xx, 2), y = c(q1, min(y[l])), col = line.col, lwd = lwd)
        lines(x = rep(xx, 2), y = c(q3, max(y[l])), col = line.col, lwd = lwd)
        lines(x = c(xx - xlwd/2, xx + xlwd/2), y = rep(min(y[l]), 2), col = line.col, lwd = lwd)
        lines(x = c(xx - xlwd/2, xx + xlwd/2), y = rep(max(y[l]), 2), col = line.col, lwd = lwd)
    } else {
      #### HORIZONTAL
      ## Box
      rect(ybottom = xx - width/2, xleft = q1, ytop = xx + width/2, xright = q3, col = col, border = border.col)
      lines(y = c(xx - width/2, xx + width/2), x = rep(m,2)) # Horizontal

      ## Add outliers
      k = which(y[l] < q1 - 1.5 * iqr | y[l] > q3 + 1.5 * iqr)
      if (length(k) > 0 & outliers) { points(y = rep(xx, length(k)), x = y[l[k]], pch = pch, col = point.col, cex = cex) }

      ## Add whiskers
      if (length(k) > 0) {
        lines(y = rep(xx, 2), x = c(q1, min(y[l[-k]])), col = line.col, lwd = lwd)
        lines(y = rep(xx, 2), x = c(q3, max(y[l[-k]])), col = line.col, lwd = lwd)
        lines(y = c(xx - xlwd/2, xx + xlwd/2), x = rep(min(y[l[-k]]), 2), col = line.col, lwd = lwd)
        lines(y = c(xx - xlwd/2, xx + xlwd/2), x = rep(max(y[l[-k]]), 2), col = line.col, lwd = lwd)
      } else {
        lines(y = rep(xx, 2), x = c(q1, min(y[l])), col = line.col, lwd = lwd)
        lines(y = rep(xx, 2), x = c(q3, max(y[l])), col = line.col, lwd = lwd)
        lines(y = c(xx - xlwd/2, xx + xlwd/2), x = rep(min(y[l]), 2), col = line.col, lwd = lwd)
        lines(y = c(xx - xlwd/2, xx + xlwd/2), x = rep(max(y[l]), 2), col = line.col, lwd = lwd)

#' @title Add violin to Plot
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @export
add.violin = function(x, y, side = 1, col = 'grey', scale = 1, border = NA, ...) {

  ## Get 1 to 1 matching
  if (length(x) < length(y)) {
    x = rep(x, length(y) / length(x))

  ## Remove NAs
  l = which(!is.na(x) & !is.na(y))
  x = x[l]
  y = y[l]

  for (xx in unique(x)) {
    l = which(x == xx)
    ## Calculate density function
    d = density(y[l], n = 5e3, ...)

    if (side == 1 | side == 3) {
      polygon(x = c(d$x, rev(d$x)), y = xx + scale * c(d$y, -rev(d$y)), col = col, border = border)
    } else {
      polygon(x = xx + scale * c(d$y, -rev(d$y)), y = c(d$x, rev(d$x)), col = col, border = border)

#' @title Add Shaded Box
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @description A helper function for adding shaded regions to figures (such as in timeseries).
#' @keywords Plotting
#' @export
add.shade = function(x, side = 1, col = 'grey', border = NA) {
  usr = par('usr')

  if (side == 1 | side == 3) {
    rect(xleft = x[1], ybottom = usr[3], xright = x[2], ytop = usr[4], col = col, border = border)
  } else {
    rect(xleft = usr[1], ybottom = x[1], xright = usr[2], ytop = x[2], col = col, border = border)

#' @title Calculate point sizes
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @description Returns a vector of cex values for use in plotting points with size dependent on a vector of values. For example, plotting a scatter plot where point size is proportional to population size.
#' @export
#' @import dplyr
make.cex = function(x, min = 0.4, max = 4, log = FALSE, base = 10) {
  if (log) { x = log(x, base)}

  splits <- (ntile(x, 100) - 1) / 99 # give svalues of [0 - 1]
  cex = splits * (max - min) + min


#' @title Add Barplot Bar (auto-stacked)
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @param dataa vector or numeric for the height of the bar to draw
#' @param sd the uncertainty of data (absolute units)
#' @param x the x position to plot the bar
#' @param width the width of the bars drawn
#' @param col the colors for the bars, should be same length as data
#' @param pal the color pallete used in get.pal() if col is not defined
#' @param rev.pal boolean, reverse color assignment?
#' @param border option passed to rect() controlling border appearance
#' @param angle the angle of the hash-marks if density is given
#' @param density the density of hash-marks on shape.
#' @export
add.barplot.bar = function(data, sd = NULL, x = 1, width = 0.6, col = NULL, pal = 'greyscale', rev.pal = F, border = NA,
                           angle = NULL, density = NULL) {

  if (is.null(col)) { col = get.pal(length(data), pal = pal, rev = rev.pal) }
  if (!is.null(angle) & length(angle) == 1) { angle = rep(angle, length(data))}
  if (!is.null(angle) & length(density) == 1) { density = rep(density, length(data))}

  ## Rationalize sd values
  if (is.null(sd)) { sd = rep(0, length(data)) } else { if (length(sd) == 1) { sd = rep(sd, length(data)) } }

  data = c(0, cumsum(data))
  for (i in 2:length(data)) {
    rect(xleft = x - width/2, ybottom = data[i-1],
         xright = x + width/2, ytop = data[i],
         col = col[i-1], border = border,
         density = density[i-1], angle = angle[i-1])

    ## Add SD lines
    if (sd[i-1] > 0) { lines(x = rep(x, 2), y = c(data[i] + sd[i-1], data[i] - sd[i-1])) }

#' @title Plot Image
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @export
plot.image = function(x = NULL, y = NULL, z, col = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
                      xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, zlim = NULL,
                      pal = 'greyscale', n = 255, rev = F, ...) {

  if (missing(z) & ((is.null(x)) | is.null(y))) { stop('plot.image: if z is not given then x and y are required, along with col.')}

  z = as.matrix(z)

  if (is.null(col)) {
    if (is.null(x)) {x = c(1:dim(z)[1])}
    if (is.null(y)) {y = c(1:dim(z)[2])}
    if (is.null(zlim)) {zlim = range(pretty(z))}

  if (is.null(xlim)) {xlim = range(x, na.rm = T)}
  if (is.null(ylim)) {ylim = range(y, na.rm = T)}

  if (is.null(xlab) & !is.null(x)) {xlab = deparse(substitute(x))} else {xlab = 'x'}
  if (is.null(ylab) & !is.null(y)) {ylab = deparse(substitute(y))} else {ylab = 'x'}

  if (is.null(col)) {
    xx = unique(x)
    yy = unique(y)

    if (length(z) != length(xx) * length(yy)) {
      warning('Z must have length equal to the grid generated from the unique values of x and y (i.e. z = f(x,y)).')

    ## If data was not originally a matrix format.
    if (length(xx) != length(x) | length(yy) != length(y)) {
      z = as.numeric(z) ## Force into vector
      grid = expand.grid(x = xx, y = yy)
      grid$z = NA

      for (i in 1:length(z)) {
        grid$z[i] = z[x == grid$x[i] & y == grid$y[i]]
      z = matrix(grid$z, nrow = length(xx), ncol = length(yy))
    col = get.pal(n = n, pal = pal, rev = rev)
  } else {
    xx = x
    yy = y

  image.default(x = xx[order(xx)],
                y = yy[order(yy)],
                z = matrix(z[order(xx), order(yy)], nrow = length(xx), ncol = length(yy)),
                zlim = zlim,
                xlim = xlim,
                ylim = ylim,
                col = col,
                xlab = xlab,
                ylab = ylab,

#### Misc Plot Stuff ###

#' @title Add Error Bars
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @description A function to add error bars to a figure.
#' @keywords Plotting
#' @param x The x values.
#' @param s.x The standard deviation or uncertainty of the x values.
#' @param y The y values.
#' @param s.y The standard deviation or uncertainty of the y values.
#' @param col The color of the error bars to be drawn.
#' @export
add.error.bars = function(x, s.x, y, s.y, col = 'black') {

  if (length(s.x) == 1) { s.x = rep(s.x, length(x)) }
  if (length(s.y) == 1) { s.y = rep(s.y, length(y)) }

  for (i in 1:length(x)) {
    lines(x = c(x[i], x[i]),
          y = c(y[i] + s.y[i], y[i] - s.y[i]),
          col = col)

    lines(x = c(x[i] + s.x[i], x[i] - s.x[i]),
          y = c(y[i], y[i]),
          col = col)

#' @title Add Error Bars (log x)
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @description A function to add error bars given mean and stdev when the x-axis is log based.
#' @keywords Plotting Log
#' @param x The x values.
#' @param s.x The standard deviation or uncertainty of the x values.
#' @param y The y values.
#' @param s.y The standard deviation or uncertainty of the y values.
#' @param base The base of the log transformation on the x-axis.
#' @param col The color of the error bars to be drawn.
#' @export
add.error.bars.logx = function(x, s.x, y, s.y, base, col = 'black') {

  if (length(s.x) == 1) {
    s.x = rep(s.x, length(x))
  if (length(s.y) == 1) {
    s.y = rep(s.y, length(y))

  ## Remove NAs
  l = !is.na(x) & !is.na(y)
  x = x[l]
  s.x = s.x[l]
  y = y[l]
  s.y = s.y[l]

  for (i in 1:length(x)) {
    if(!is.na(s.y[i])) {
      lines(x = rep(log(x[i], base), 2),
            y = c(y[i] + s.y[i], y[i] - s.y[i]),
            col = col)

    if(!is.na(s.x[i])) {
      lines(x = log(c(x[i] + s.x[i], x[i] - s.x[i]), base),
            y = rep(y[i], 2),
            col = col)

#' @title Add Error Bars (log y)
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @description A function to add error bars given mean and stdev when the y-axis is log based.
#' @keywords Plotting Log
#' @param x The x values.
#' @param s.x The standard deviation or uncertainty of the x values.
#' @param y The y values.
#' @param s.y The standard deviation or uncertainty of the y values.
#' @param base The base of the log transformation on the y-axis.
#' @param col The color of the error bars to be drawn.
#' @export
add.error.bars.logy = function(x, s.x, y, s.y, base, col = 'black') {

  if (length(s.x) == 1) {
    s.x = rep(s.x, length(x))
  if (length(s.y) == 1) {
    s.y = rep(s.y, length(y))

  ## Remove NAs
  l = !is.na(x) & !is.na(y)
  x = x[l]
  s.x = s.x[l]
  y = y[l]
  s.y = s.y[l]

  for (i in 1:length(x)) {
    if(!is.na(s.y[i])) {
      lines(x = rep(x[i], 2),
            y = log(c(y[i] + s.y[i], y[i] - s.y[i]), base),
            col = col)

    if(!is.na(s.x[i])) {
      lines(x = c(x[i] + s.x[i], x[i] - s.x[i]),
            y = rep(log(y[i], base), 2),
            col = col)

#' @title Add Log Axis
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @description A helper function to add log axis to a plot.
#' @param side Side for the axis: 1 = bottom, 2 = left...
#' @param base the log bsae for the axis
#' @param col the color of the major axis labels
#' @param color.minor the color for the minor ticks and grid (if specified)
#' @param grid boolean, draw grid?
#' @export
add.log.axis = function(side = 1, at = NULL, labels = NULL, ticks = T, base = 10, col = 'black', color.minor = 'grey', grid = F, grid.major = F, ...) {
  at.default = c(-30:30)
  if(is.null(at)) {
    at = at.default
    if (ticks) {
      tick.pos = rep(1:(base-1), length(at)) * base^as.numeric(sapply(at, function(x) {rep(x, base-1)}))
  } else {
    at = log(at, base)
    if (ticks) {
      tick.pos = rep(1:(base-1), length(at.default)) * base^as.numeric(sapply(at.default, function(x) {rep(x, base-1)}))

  ## Default labels are just the transformed values
  if (is.null(labels)) {
    labels = base^at

  ## Draw Axis
  axis(side = side, at = log(tick.pos, base), tick = T, labels = F, col = color.minor, ...)
  axis(side = side, at = at, labels = labels, col = col, ...)

  if (grid & (side == 1 | side == 3)) {
    abline(v = log(tick.pos, base), col = color.minor, lty = 3)
  if (grid & (side == 2 | side == 4)) {
    abline(h = log(tick.pos, base), col = color.minor, lty = 3)
  if (grid.major & (side == 1 | side == 3)) {
    abline(v = at, col = color.minor, lty = 3)
  if (grid.major & (side == 2 | side == 4)) {
    abline(h = at, col = color.minor, lty = 3)

#' @title Exaggerate (Transform) Data for plotting
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @param x data values to be transformed (e.g. depth)
#' @param power a positive value, typically less than 1, which is the exponent of the transformation (default = 0.8)
#' @param ... optional values that are passed onto axis()
#' @export
add.exaggerated.axis = function(side, power = 0.8, at = NULL, labels = NULL, grid = F, lty = 2, col = 'grey', ...) {
  if (is.null(at)) {
    if (side == 1 | side == 3) {
      at = pretty(pmax(0, par('usr')[1:2])^(1/power))
    } else {
      at = pretty(pmax(0, par('usr')[3:4])^(1/power))

  if (is.null(labels)) { labels = at }

  ## Transform
  at = at ^ power
  if (grid & (side == 1 | side == 3)) {
    abline(v = at, lty = lty, col = col)
  if (grid & (side == 2 | side == 4)) {
    abline(h = at, lty = lty, col = col)

  axis(side = side, at = at, labels = labels, ...)

#' @title Exaggerate (Transform) Data for plotting
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @param x data values to be transformed (e.g. depth)
#' @param power a positive value, typically less than 1, which is the exponent of the transformation (default = 0.8)
#' @export
exaggerate = function(x, power = 0.8) {
  sign(x) * abs(x)^power
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