Man pages for tdmore-dev/tdmore
In silico evaluation of precision dosing

algebraicInitialize a structural model using algebraic equations.
as.populationCreate a typical value subject
as.sampleCreate a tiible of N random tdmorefit instances
autolayer.recommendationAutomatically create the required layers for a recommendation...
autoplot.tdmoreAutomatically plot a tdmorefit object
autoplot.tdmorefitPlot a tdmorefit object.
autoplot.tdmorefit_mixturePlot a tdmorefit_mixture object.
covariateCreate a new covariate object.
dataTibbleUtility function to create a data tibble.
defaultModelGet the first available model name in the given directory
doseSimulationSimulate dose adaptation in a population
ensurePackagePresentThis utility function will check if the given package is...
errorModelInstantiate a new error model.
formula.tdmorefitGet the model used to provide this fit
formulationCreate a new formulation object.
getDosingIntervalGet the dosing interval for the given formulation
getMetadataByClassGet metadata by class.
getMetadataByNameGet metadata (output, formulation or covariate) by name.
getModelThis searches for the given model name in a directory
getObservedVariablesGet the observed variables from the tdmore model.
linCmtThis function guesses which model should be calculated, based...
logLik.tdmorefitCalculate the log-likelihood of the predicted values. If...
metadataAppend metadata to a TDMore model
model.frame.tdmoreGet the specified data values, with the upper and lower...
model.frame.tdmorefitGet the observed values used to provide this model fit.
mpcMPC is a generic function to make a tdmore model compatible...
observed_variablesCreate an 'observed variables' object. This metadata...
outputCreate a new output object.
parameterPlot.tdmorefitGenerate a plot of the parameters
phenoPhenobarbitol dataset, as included in the NONMEM...
pheno_nlmixrNlmixrUI object describing Phenobarbitol 1-compartment model...
pkExecutes the requested PK model, and fetches the arguments...
pk_Algebraic equations for PK models
pkmodelExecute the appropriate PK model, based on the same rules as...
posthocFind the individual parameters for a set of virtual subjects...
predictionLayerThis creates a special type of ggplot2 Layer object. The...
predict.tdmorePredict from a tdmore model
predict.tdmorefitPredict new data using a model fit
predict.tdmore_mpcMPC predict method. This simply generates a cumulative sum...
residualsGet the residual values of a predicted value vs the observed...
targetCreate a new target.
tdmoreAppend TDM functionality to a pharmacometrics structural...
tdmore.algebraicBuild a tdmore object based on an algebraic model
tdmore_mixtureCreate a TDMore mixture model.
tdmore_mixture_covariatesCreate a TDMore mixture model, based on several options for a...
theoppTheophylline dataset, as included in the NONMEM distribution.
theopp_nlmixrNlmixrUI object describing theophylline 1-compartment model...
tdmore-dev/tdmore documentation built on Jan. 1, 2022, 3:21 a.m.