
#' Tokenize (or split) text and emit n-word combinations from a document.
#' When \code{n=1} simply tokenize text and emit words with counts. When n>1
#' tokenized words are combined into permutations of length n within
#' each document.
#' @param n number of words 
#' @param tokenSep a character string to separate the tokens when \code{n > 1}
#' @param ignoreCase logical: treat text as-is (\code{FALSE}) or convert to all lowercase
#'   (true); Default is \code{TRUE}. Note that if the \code{stemming} is set to 
#'   \code{TRUE}, tokens will always be converted to lowercase, so this option 
#'   will be ignored. 
#' @param delimiter character or string that divides one word from the next. 
#'   You can use a regular expression as the \code{delimiter} value.
#' @param punctuation a regular expression that specifies the punctuation characters 
#'   parser will remove before it evaluates the input text.
#' @param stemming logical: If true, apply Porter2 Stemming to each token to reduce 
#'   it to its root form. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param stopWords logical or string with the name of the file that contains stop words.
#'   If TRUE then  that should
#'   be ignored when parsing text. Each stop word is specified on a separate line.
#' @param sep a character string to separate multiple text columns.
#' @param minLength exclude tokens shorter than minLength characters.
#' @return pluggable token parser  
#' @export
token <- function(n, tokenSep = '+', ignoreCase = FALSE, delimiter = '[ \\t\\b\\f\\r]+', 
                  punctuation = NULL, stemming = FALSE, stopWords = FALSE, 
                  sep = " ", minLength = 1) {
  stopifnot(n > 0)
  z <- structure(list(method = "token",
                      n = n,
                      tokenSep = tokenSep,
                      ignoreCase = ignoreCase,
                      delimiter = delimiter,
                      punctuation = punctuation,
                      stemming = stemming,
                      stopwords = stopWords,
                      sep = sep,
                      minLength = minLength
  class = c("token", "toatextparser"))

#' Tokenize (or split) text and emit multi-grams.
#' @param n length, in words, of each n-gram
#' @param delimiter character or string that divides one word from the next. 
#'   You can use a regular expression as the \code{delimiter} value.
#' @param overlapping logical: true value allows for overlapping n-grams.
#' @param ignoreCase logical: if FALSE, the n-gram matching is case sensitive and
#'   if TRUE, case is ignored during matching.
#' @param punctuation a regular expression that specifies the punctuation characters 
#'   parser will remove before it evaluates the input text.
#' @param reset a regular expression listing one or more punctuation characters or 
#'   strings, any of which the \code{nGram} parser will recognize as the end of a sentence 
#'   of text. The end of each sentence resets the search for n-grams, meaning that 
#'   \code{nGram} discards any partial n-grams and proceeds to the next sentence to search 
#'   for the next n-gram. In other words, no n-gram can span two sentences.
#' @param sep a character string to separate multiple text columns.
#' @param minLength minimum length of words in ngram. Ngrams that contains words below 
#'   shorter than the limit are omitted. Current implementation is not complete: it
#'   filters out ngrams where each word is below the minimum length, i.e. total length of 
#'   ngram is below n*minLength + (n-1).
#' @return pluggable n-gram parser
#' @export
nGram <- function(n, ignoreCase = FALSE, delimiter = '[ \\t\\b\\f\\r]+',
                  punctuation = NULL, overlapping = TRUE, reset = NULL,
                  sep = " ", minLength = 1) {
  stopifnot(n > 0)
  z <- structure(list(method = "ngram",
                      n = n,
                      delimiter = delimiter,
                      overlapping = overlapping,
                      ignoreCase = ignoreCase,
                      punctuation = punctuation,
                      reset = reset,
                      sep = sep,
                      minLength = minLength
  class = c("nGram", "toatextparser"))

parseTextSQL <- function(x, tableName, docId, textColumns, where) {

parseTextSQL.nGram <- function(x, tableName, docId, textColumns, where) {
  where_clause = makeWhereClause(where)
  selectList = makeTextSelectList(docId, textColumns, x$sep)
  sql = buildNGramSQL(x, x$n[[1]], tableName, docId, selectList, where_clause)
  for (n in x$n[-1]) {
    sql = paste0(
      sql, " UNION ALL ", buildNGramSQL(x, n, tableName, docId, selectList, where_clause))
  return (sql)

buildNGramSQL <- function (x, n, tableName, docId, selectList, where_clause) {
  ngramLength = x$minLength * n + (n - 1)
  sql = paste0(
    "SELECT __doc_id__ docid, ngram as term, frequency 
         FROM nGram (
           ON (SELECT ", selectList, " FROM ", tableName, where_clause, ")
           TEXT_COLUMN('__text_column__') ",
    ifelse(is.null(x$delimiter), " ", paste0(" DELIMITER('", x$delimiter,"') ")), "
           GRAMS(", as.character(n), ") 
           OVERLAPPING('", ifelse(x$overlapping, "true", "false"), "')
           CASE_INSENSITIVE('", ifelse(x$ignoreCase, "true", "false"), "') ",
    ifelse(is.null(x$punctuation), " ", paste0(" PUNCTUATION('", x$punctuation, "') ")),
    ifelse(is.null(x$reset), " ", paste0(" RESET('", x$reset, "') ")), " 
      WHERE length(ngram) >= ", as.character(ngramLength)

parseTextSQL.token <- function(x, tableName, docId, textColumns, where) {
  where_clause = makeWhereClause(where)
  selectList = makeTextSelectList(docId, textColumns, x$sep)
  withTable = "tokens"
  withSelect = paste0(
    "SELECT *
       FROM text_parser(
         ON (SELECT ", selectList, " FROM ", tableName, where_clause, " ) 
         PARTITION BY __doc_id__  
         TEXT_COLUMN('__text_column__') ",
    ifelse(is.null(x$delimiter), " ", paste0(" DELIMITER('", x$delimiter,"') ")), " 
         CASE_INSENSITIVE('", ifelse(x$ignoreCase, "true", "false"), "')
         STEMMING('", ifelse(x$stemming, "true", "false"), "') ",
    ifelse(is.null(x$punctuation), " ", paste0(" PUNCTUATION('", x$punctuation, "') ")),
    ifelse(is.null(x$stopwords), " ", 
           ifelse(is.logical(x$stopwords), ifelse(x$stopwords, " REMOVE_STOP_WORDS('true') ", " "),
                  paste0("REMOVE_STOP_WORDS('true') STOP_WORDS('", x$stopwords, "') "))), "
      WHERE length(term) >= ", as.character(x$minLength)
  aliases = paste0(rep("t", x$n), as.character(seq(1, x$n)))
  if (x$n > 1) {
    collapse = paste0(" || '", x$tokenSep, "' || ")
    termExpr = paste0(aliases, ".term", collapse=collapse)
    fromTables = paste0(withTable, " ", aliases[[1]])
    for (i in 2:x$n) {
      leftt = aliases[[i-1]]
      rightt = aliases[[i]]
      fromTables = paste0(fromTables, " JOIN ", withTable, " ", rightt,
                             " ON (", leftt, ".__doc_id__ = ", rightt, ".__doc_id__ AND 
                                  ",  leftt, ".term < ", rightt, ".term)")
  }else {
    termExpr = "term"
    fromTables = paste0(withTable, " ", aliases)
  sql = paste0(
    "WITH ", withTable, " AS 
       (", withSelect, ")  
     SELECT ", aliases[[1]], ".__doc_id__ docid, ", termExpr, " term, COUNT(*) frequency
       FROM ", fromTables, "
      GROUP BY 1, 2")

makeTextSelectList <- function(docId, textColumns, sep) {
  collapse = paste0(" || '", sep, "' || ")
  textExpr = paste(textColumns, collapse=collapse)
  selectList = paste0(docId, " __doc_id__, ", textExpr, " __text_column__ ")
teradata-aster-field/toaster documentation built on May 31, 2019, 8:36 a.m.