
Defines functions alt_alg_predet

#' Full alternating algorithm with predet center locations
#' @param dist_to_centers Distance matrix from demand points to the pre-defined center locations.
#' @param weights Weights of the points in a vector.
#' @param k Number of clusters.
#' @param N Number of starting values.
#' @param range Limits for the cluster size in a list.
#' @param capacity_weights Different weights for capacity limits.
#' @param d Distance function used in clustering.
#' @param center_init Options to initialize center locations. Default is "random" and other choice is "kmpp". 
#' @param lambda Outgroup parameter.
#' @param frac_memb Can points be partially allocated?
#' @param place_to_point Place the cluster head in a point?
#' @param fixed_centers Possible fixed center locations.
#' @param gurobi_params A list of parameters for gurobi function e.g. time limit, number of threads.
#' @param multip_centers Vector (n-length) defining how many centers a point is allocated to.
#' @param dist_mat Distance matrix for all the points. 
#' @param print_output Different types of printing outputs, "progress" is default and "steps" stepwise-print.
#' @return Clustering object with allocation, center locations and the value of the objective function
#' @export
alt_alg_predet <- function(dist_to_centers, 
                    N = 10, 
                    range = c(min(weights)/2, sum(weights)),
                    capacity_weights = weights, 
                    d = euc_dist2, 
                    center_init = "random", 
                    lambda = NULL,
                    frac_memb = FALSE, 
                    place_to_point = TRUE, 
                    fixed_centers = NULL, 
                    gurobi_params = NULL,
                    multip_centers = rep(1, nrow(dist_to_centers)),
                    print_output = "progress",
                    normalization = TRUE,
                    lambda_fixed = NULL){
  # Calculate distance matrix
  #if(is.null(dist_mat) & place_to_point){
  #  # Print information about the distance matrix
  #  n <- nrow(coords)
  #  cat(paste("Creating ", n, "x", n ," distance matrix... ", sep = ""))
  #  temp_mat_time <- Sys.time()
  #  # Calculate distances with distance metric d
  #  dist_mat <- apply(
  #    X = coords,
  #    MARGIN = 1,
  #    FUN = function(x) {
  #      apply(
  #        X = coords,
  #        MARGIN = 1,
  #        FUN = d,
  #        x2 = x
  #      )
  #    }
  #  )
  #  cat(paste("Matrix created! (", format(round(Sys.time() - temp_mat_time)) ,")\n\n", sep = ""))
  #  # Normalizing distances
  #  if(normalization){
  #    dist_mat <- dist_mat / max(dist_mat)
  #  }
  #} else if(place_to_point){
  #  # Normalizing distances
  #  if(normalization){
  #    dist_mat <- dist_mat / max(dist_mat)
  #  }
  #} else {
  #  # If no distance matrix is used
  #  dist_mat <- NULL
  if(normalization) {
    dist_to_centers <- dist_to_centers / max(dist_to_centers)
    # Normalization for the capacity weights
    max_cap_w <- max(capacity_weights)
    capacity_weights <- capacity_weights / max_cap_w
    range <- range / max_cap_w
    # Normalization for the weights
    weights <- weights / max(weights)
  # Print the information about run
  if(print_output == "progress"){
    cat(paste("Progress (N = ", N,"):\n", sep = ""))
    progress_bar <- 0
  # Total iteration time
  temp_total_time <- Sys.time()
  for (i in 1:N) {
    if(print_output == "steps"){
      cat(paste("\nIteration ", i, "/", N, "\n---------------------------\n", sep = ""))
      temp_iter_time <- Sys.time()
    # One clustering
    temp_clust <- capacitated_LA_predet(dist_to_centers = dist_to_centers,
                                 weights = weights,
                                 k = k,
                                 ranges = range,
                                 capacity_weights = capacity_weights,
                                 lambda = lambda,
                                 d = d,
                                 #dist_mat = dist_mat,
                                 center_init = center_init,
                                 #place_to_point = place_to_point,
                                 frac_memb = frac_memb,
                                 fixed_centers = fixed_centers,
                                 gurobi_params = gurobi_params,
                                 multip_centers = multip_centers,
                                 print_output = print_output,
                                 lambda_fixed = lambda_fixed)
    # Save the first iteration as the best one
    if(i == 1){
      min_obj <- temp_clust$obj
      best_clust <- temp_clust
    # Print the number of completed laps
    if(print_output == "progress") {
      if((floor((i / N) * 30) > progress_bar)) {
        cat(paste0(rep("#", floor((
          i / N
        ) * 30) - progress_bar), collapse = ""))
        progress_bar <- floor((i / N) * 30)
    } else if(print_output == "steps"){
      cat(paste("Iteration time: ", format(round(Sys.time() - temp_iter_time)), "\n", sep = ""))
    # Save the iteration with the lowest value of objective function
    if(temp_clust$obj < min_obj){
      min_obj <- temp_clust$obj
      best_clust <-  temp_clust
  # Print total iteration time
  cat(paste("Total iteration time: ", format(round(Sys.time() - temp_total_time)),"\n", sep = ""))
terolahderanta/Probabilistic_clustering documentation built on April 22, 2021, 8:44 p.m.