check.input: Check whether the input fulfills our requirements

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Author(s)


The time series has to be provided as a named list of named lists of class xts or data.frame objects. The position data has to be a data.frame containing at least the named columns name, longitude, and latitude or a SpatialPointsDataFrame containing a name column in their data slot.


check.input(, data.frame.positions, silent = FALSE)


A named list of named lists of xts-class time series or data.frames. The first level of hierarchy in the list corresponds to the different climatological variables, which will be accessible via the first drop down menu in the sidebar. The second level corresponds to the names of the individual stations measurements of the top level variable are available for. The series themselves can be provided either as a xts object to data.frame containing a numerical value and a time-date date column.


Either a data.frame containing at least the named columns name, longitude, and latitude or a SpatialPointsDataFrame containing a name column in its @data slot.


Whether to display warnings if the check failed. Default = FALSE.


All named elements of, which do not appear in the name column of data.frame.positions will be discarded and vice versa.

Internally the data.frame-type of will be converted into the xts type and the SpatialPointsDataFrame type of data.frame.positions will be converted into its data.frame equivalent.


A list containing the result of the check (TRUE if the input has the right format) and a version of the input stripped of any list elements and data.frame columns, which just appear in one of the input arguments.


Philipp Mueller

theGreatWhiteShark/climexUI documentation built on May 22, 2019, 2:25 p.m.