climex: The 'climex' app initialization

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Author(s) See Also


shiny app combining most tools of the extreme value analysis using the generalized extreme value (GEV) and generalized Pareto (GP) distribution and providing an interface to most of the functionality of the climex package.


climex( = NULL, data.frame.positions = NULL, = NULL)


A named list of named lists of xts-class time series or data.frames. The first level of hierarchy in the list corresponds to the different climatological variables, which will be accessible via the first drop down menu in the sidebar. The second level corresponds to the names of the individual stations measurements of the top level variable are available for. The series themselves can be provided either as a xts object to data.frame containing a numerical value and a time-date date column.


Either a data.frame containing at least the named columns name, longitude, and latitude or a SpatialPointsDataFrame containing a name column in its data slot.

Folder all the resources of the app, like JavaScript scripts, images etc., will be copied in. If NULL, the content will be copied in the directory contained in the global climex.path variable pointing at ~/R/climex/. Note that the folder won't be removed afterwards. Default: NULL.


This app needs its own .css, .js files, and images. In order to assure its correct behavior, the folder will be generated to store all the necessary configuration scripts. The configuration files themselves are provided along with the climexUI package.

The data, which will be handled by the app, has to be provided using in a format as described in the parameter section. In addition, the data.frame.positions argument has to contain further information about the data linking the names of the individual stations (contained in the names of the list elements in the second level of hierarchy in to their longitude and latitude. Both inputs will be checked using the check.input function and only if it was successful, the data can be accessed in the application. If not, the fallback data and data.frame.positions.fallback will be used instead. You can also use them as a general guide for the format the climexUI package is able to handle internally.

If you are lacking time series altogether, you can use the package to download large sets of climatological quantities from the FTP servers of the German weather service (DWD).

After checking the data, the function will save them in a input.RData file, which will be loaded by the starting shiny application. This way it can be use easily both locally and via shiny-server.


Starts a shiny app


Philipp Mueller

See Also

Other top-level: climex.server, climex.ui

theGreatWhiteShark/climexUI documentation built on May 22, 2019, 2:25 p.m.