data.extremes: Extracting extremes in the 'climex' app

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Author(s) See Also


Reactive value extracting the extreme event of a time series and all input.


data.extremes(reactive.selection, radioEvdStatistics, sliderBlockLength,
  sliderThreshold, checkboxDecluster, deseasonalize.interactive,
  selectDeseasonalize, selectDataBase, buttonMinMax, extremes.interactive,
  cleaning.interactive, checkboxIncompleteYears)



Reactive value providing a time series of class xts. See data.selection.


Character (radio) input determining whether the GEV or GP distribution shall be fitted to the data. Choices: c( "GEV", "GP" ), default = "GEV".


Numerical (slider) input determining the block length used in the GEV flavor of extreme value theory. On default it is set to one year.


Numerical (slider) input determining the threshold used within the GP fit and the extraction of the extreme events. Boundaries: minimal and maximal value of the deseasonalized time series (rounded). Default: 0.8* the upper end point.


Logical (checkbox) input determining whether to remove all clusters in a time series and to replace them by their maximal value. This box will be only available if radioEvdStatistics equals "GP" and else will be NULL.


Function used to remove seasonality from a given time series. deseasonalize.interactive


Character (select) input determining which deseasonalization method should be used to remove the short-range correlations from the provided time series. deseasonalizeSelectionInput


Character (select) input to determine the data source. It is either of one of the names of the provided list in the argument of the climex function or Artificial data. In case of the latter choice, the function data.selection will provide a reactive object containing random numbers drawn from the distribution specified using radioEvdStatistics. Default = a random element of the provided input.


Character (radio) input determining whether the GEV/GP distribution shall be fitted to the smallest or biggest values. Choices: c( "Max", "Min ), default = "Max".


Function used to split a time series into blocks of equal lengths and to just extract the maximal values from then or to extract all data points above a certain threshold value. Which option is chosen depends of the radioEvdStatistic. See extremes.interactive


Function used to remove incomplete years from blocked time series or to remove clusters from data above a certain threshold.


Logical (checkbox) input determining whether to remove all incomplete years of a time series. This box will be only available if radioEvdStatistics equals "GEV" and else will be NULL.


First this reactive value will use reactive.selection to obtain the time series it shall be working on. Afterwards, it applies both deseasonalize.interactive and extremes.interactive to this time series. Finally, it returns the resulting extreme events as well as the deseasonalized and pure time series.


Reactive value containing a named list of the extracted extreme events, the deseasonalized and pure time series. All three are of class xts.


Philipp Mueller

See Also

Other preprocessing: cleaning.interactive, deseasonalize.interactive, deseasonalizeSelectionInput, deseasonalizeSelection, extremes.interactive, generalButtonMinMaxInput, generalButtonMinMax, generalExtremeExtractionInput, generalExtremeExtraction

theGreatWhiteShark/climexUI documentation built on May 22, 2019, 2:25 p.m.