generalFitStatistics: Table holding the results in the 'climex' app

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Author(s) See Also


Table to display the results of the GEV/GP fitting procedure.


generalFitStatistics(reactive.fitting, reactive.extreme, sliderThreshold,
  buttonMinMax, radioEvdStatistics, color.table, climex.environment)



Reactive value containing the results of the fit (fit.gev or fit.gpd depending on radioEvdStatistic) to the blocked time series in in the first element of the list returned by data.extremes.


Reactive value containing a list of the extracted extreme events of a time series, the deseasonalized, and the pure version of this very time series. All three elements are provided as class xts.


Numerical (slider) input determining the threshold used within the GP fit and the extraction of the extreme events. Boundaries: minimal and maximal value of the deseasonalized time series (rounded). Default: 0.8* the upper end point.


Character (radio) input determining whether the GEV/GP distribution shall be fitted to the smallest or biggest values. Choices: c( "Max", "Min ), default = "Max".


Character (radio) input determining whether the GEV or GP distribution shall be fitted to the data. Choices: c( "GEV", "GP" ), default = "GEV".


Function adding color to the table constructed within generalFitStatistics. It will replace some placeholders by color tags. See color.table.


Environment containing the global variables used within the climex app. Namely the last values displayed in the table and the lists containing the station data.


Displaying of the Akaike information criterion (AIC), negative log-likelihood (nllh), Bayesien information criterion (BIC), and the fitted GEV/GP parameters as well as the difference between their most recent and last three values. Positive values are highlighted in green and negative in red color. This function will define some global variables to hold the results of the former fits. This is necessary in order to mark the progress in green or red.


renderUI containing a table


Philipp Mueller

See Also

Other climex-fitting: color.table, data.fitting, fit.interactive, generalFitStatisticsTable

theGreatWhiteShark/climexUI documentation built on May 22, 2019, 2:25 p.m.