Man pages for thednainus/pangeaZA
Analyses and models for PANGEA data from South Africa (ZA).

generate_model0Generate a simple HIV epidemic model for use by phydynR
get_sequencesTitle Get fasta sequences from PANGEA dataframe
getsubtrespartition the tree into a set of clades within the desired...
getsubtresRecursivelypartition the tree into a set of clades within the desired...
m0R.tCompute R(t) by integrating over future hazard of removal and...
mcmcfit0.0Runs parallel mcmc chains in order to fit model0
root_and_drop_tipsTitle Root phylogenetic tree and drop outgroup sequences
rrcgrPrunes redundant close global reference sequences for...
rrcgr2remove redundant cgr
sa_treedaterDoes a treedater analysis for gag, env or pol and usign the...
setup.model.equationsSetup Model Equations
summary_model0Generate tables and plots for fits of model0
trajectories_model0Make tfgys for multiple sets of input files
thednainus/pangeaZA documentation built on May 9, 2022, 6:21 p.m.