
Defines functions setCosts

Documented in setCosts

## setCosts

#' Set friction in a gGraph object
#' The function \code{setCosts} define costs for the edges of a
#' \linkS4class{gGraph} object according to a node attribute and some rules
#' defined in the \code{@meta\$costs} slot of the object. Each node has a value
#' for the chosen attribute, which is associated to a costs (a friction). The
#' cost of an edge is computed as a function (see argument \code{method}) of
#' the costs of its nodes.\cr
#' Note that costs are inversely proportional to connectivity between edges:
#' the larger the cost associated to an edge, the lower the connectivity
#' between the two concerned nodes.\cr
#' Also note that 'costs' defined in \code{geoGraph} are equivalent to
#' 'weights' as defined in \code{graph} and \code{RBGL} packages.
#' @param x a \linkS4class{gGraph} object with a least one node attribute, and
#' a \code{@meta$costs} component (for an example, see worldgraph.10k dataset).
#' @param attr.name the name of the node attribute used to compute costs (i.e.,
#' of one column of \code{@nodes.attr}).
#' @param node.values a numeric vector giving costs associated to the nodes. If
#' provided, it will be used instead of \code{attr.name}.
#' @param method a character string indicating which method should be used to
#' compute edge cost from nodes costs. Currently available options are 'mean',
#' 'prod' and 'function', where the cost associated to an edge is respectively computed as
#' the mean, the product or a custom function (defined in \code{FUN}) of the costs of its nodes.
#' @param FUN a function used to compute the cost between two nodes (needed if \code{method="function"}).
#' @param \dots additional parameters to be passed to \code{FUN}.
#' @return A \linkS4class{gGraph} object with the newly defined costs used as
#' weightings of edges.

#' @seealso \code{\link{dropDeadEdges}}, to get rid of edge whose cost is below
#' a given threshold. \code{\link{geo.add.edges}} to add edges to a
#' \linkS4class{gGraph} object.
#' @keywords utilities
#' @export
#' @examples
#' plot(rawgraph.10k, reset = TRUE)
#' ## zooming in
#' geo.zoomin(list(x = c(-6, 38), y = c(35, 73)))
#' title("Europe")
#' ## defining a new object restrained to visible nodes
#' x <- rawgraph.10k[isInArea(rawgraph.10k)]
#' ## define weights for edges
#' x <- setCosts(x, attr.name = "habitat")
#' plot(x, edges = TRUE)
#' title("costs defined by habitat (land/land=1, other=100)")
setCosts <- function(x, attr.name = NULL, node.values = NULL, method = c("mean", "product", "function"), FUN = NULL, ...) {
  ## some checks + argument handling
  if (!is.gGraph(x)) stop("x is not a valid gGraph object")
  method <- match.arg(method)
  if ((method == "function") && (is.null(FUN))) {
    stop("if method='function', FUN needs to be defined.")

  ## assign costs to vertices
  if (is.null(node.values)) { # costs from a node attribute
    nodeAttr <- unlist(getNodesAttr(x, attr.name = attr.name))
    if (!is.null(x@meta$costs)) {
      if (!any(attr.name %in% colnames(x@meta$costs))) {
        stop("attr.name is not documented in x@meta$costs.")
      nodeCosts <- as.character(nodeAttr)
      rules <- x@meta$costs
      for (i in 1:nrow(x@meta$costs)) {
        nodeCosts[nodeCosts == rules[i, attr.name]] <- rules[i, ncol(rules)]
      nodeCosts <- as.numeric(nodeCosts)
    } else {
      stop("x@meta does not contain a 'costs' component.")
  } else { # cost directly provided
    if (!is.numeric(node.values)) stop("Provided 'node.values' not numeric.")
    node.values <- rep(node.values, length = length(getNodes(x))) # recycling node costs
    nodeCosts <- node.values
    ## might add some more checks here...

  ## find costs of edges as a function of terminating vertices
  EL <- getGraph(x)@edgeL

  ## method == mean ##
  if (method == "mean") {
    for (i in 1:length(EL)) {
      EL[[i]]$weights <- (nodeCosts[i] + nodeCosts[EL[[i]]$edges]) / 2

  ## method == product ##
  if (method == "product") {
    for (i in 1:length(EL)) {
      EL[[i]]$weights <- nodeCosts[i] * nodeCosts[EL[[i]]$edges]

  ## method == function ##
  if (method == "function") {
    for (i in 1:length(EL)) {
      EL[[i]]$weights <- FUN(nodeCosts[i], nodeCosts[EL[[i]]$edges], ...)

  ## return result
  newGraph <- new("graphNEL", nodes = getNodes(x), edgeL = EL)
  res <- x
  res@graph <- newGraph

} # end setCosts
thibautjombart/geograph documentation built on Jan. 27, 2024, 10 p.m.