
#' Expected distributions of distances
#' These functions compute the expected distributions of distances between pairs
#' of cases given a case reporting probability 'pi'. Analytical results are used
#' for some special cases, including:
#' \itemize{
#' \item temporal distances: the serial interval is assumed to be
#' gamma-distributed; the procedure returns a discretized, weighted convolution
#' of gamma distributions.
#' \item genetic distances: assumed ... TBC
#' }
#' @author Anne Cori (a.cori@@imperial.ac.uk) and Thibaut Jombart
#' (thibautjombart@@gmail.com).
#' @export
#' @rdname dpaircase
#' @param x vector of quantiles.
#' @param type type of distance to be considered (one of "temporal","genetic",
#'   "spatial" or "empiric").
#' @param sd_spatial standard deviation of the Normal spatial kernel.
#' @param pi The reporting probability, i.e. the proportion of cases of the
#'   outbreak that have been reported.
#' @param alpha The probability threshold to be used to determine the maximum
#'   value of generations between two successive cases to consider;
#'   this value ('max_kappa') will be the smallest k so that
#'   p(k > max_kappa) < alpha. Defaults to 0.001.
#' @examples
#' ## Note in this comparison we are not expecting to get exactly the same
#' ## results since dempiric does the convolution between discretised gamma
#' ## distributions whilst dtemporal does the convolution between gamma
#' ## distributions.
#' ## compute empirical distribution correponding to exponential(mean 50)
#' mean_exp <- 50
#' x <- 0:300
#' reporting_rate <- 0.5
#' p <- dgamma(x, shape = mean_exp, rate = 1)
#' ## computes pdf of a gamma distr with shape mean_exp and scale = rate = 1
#' ## (i.e. an exponential distr with mean mean_exp)
#' ## use this as an empirical distribution to feed into dempiric
#' empiric_exp_distr_r50 <- dpaircase(x, type = "empiric",
#'                                    p = p,
#'                                    pi = reporting_rate)
#' temporal_distr_r50 <- dpaircase(x, type = "temporal",
#'                                 gamma_shape = mean_exp,
#'                                 gamma_rate = 1,
#'                                 pi = reporting_rate)
#' ## compare the two
#' correlation <- cor(empiric_exp_distr_r50,
#'                    temporal_distr_r50)
#' ## graphical comparison
#' plot(x, empiric_exp_distr_r50, xlab = "Time", ylab = "pdf",
#'      main = "Time between linked cases",
#'      cex.main = 1, pch = 3)
#' mtext("SI ~ exp(mean=50), pi = 0.5", side = 3)
#' lines(x, temporal_distr_r50, col = "red")
#' legend("topright", c("dempiric","dtemporal"),
#'        pch = c(3, -1), lwd = c(-1, 1),
#'        col = c("black","red"), bty = "n")
#' ## compute empirical distribution correponding to
#' ## an Exponential(mean 50)-Poisson(mean 0.6) mixture
#' mean_exp <- 50
#' mutation_rate <- 0.6
#' x <- 0:300
#' reporting_rate <- 0.5
#' prob <- 1-mutation_rate/(mutation_rate+1)
#' ## pmf of a negative binomial distr with parameters size and prob
#' p <- dnbinom(x, size = mean_exp,prob = prob)
#' ## use this as an empirical distribution to feed into dempiric
#' empiric_exp_distr_r50 <- dpaircase(x, type = "empiric",
#'                                    p = p, pi = reporting_rate)
#' genetic_distr_r50 <- dpaircase(x, type = "genetic",
#'                                gamma_shape = mean_exp,
#'                                gamma_rate = 1,
#'                                poisson_rate = mutation_rate,
#'                                pi = reporting_rate)
#' ## compare the two
#' correlation <- cor(empiric_exp_distr_r50,
#'                    genetic_distr_r50)
#' ## graphical comparison
#' plot(x, empiric_exp_distr_r50,
#'      xlab = "Number of mutations", ylab = "pmf",
#'      main = "Mutations between linked cases",
#'      cex.main = 1, pch = 3)
#' mtext("SI ~ exp(mean=50), pi = 0.6", side = 3)
#' lines(x, genetic_distr_r50, col = "red")
#' legend("topright", c("dempiric", "dgenetic"),
#'        pch = c(3, -1), lwd = c(-1, 1),
#'        col = c("black","red"), bty = "n")
dpaircase <- function(x, type = c("temporal","genetic","spatial", "empiric"),
                      gamma_shape, gamma_rate = 1, gamma_scale = 1/gamma_rate,
                      pi, alpha = 0.001) {

  type <- match.arg(type)

  if (type=="temporal") {
    if (any(is.null(c(gamma_shape, gamma_rate, gamma_scale)))) {
      msg <- paste("type 'temporal' requires non null arguments for",
                   "gamma_shape and either gamma_rate or gamma_scale.")
    out <- dtemporal(x, shape = gamma_shape,
                     scale = gamma_scale,
                     pi = pi, alpha = alpha)

  if (type=="genetic") {
    args <- c(gamma_shape, gamma_rate, gamma_scale, poisson_rate)
    if (any(is.null(args))) {
      msg <- paste("type 'genetic' requires non null arguments for",
                   "gamma_shape, gamma_rate (or gamma_scale),",
                   "and poisson_rate.")
    if (any(x != round(x))) {
      msg <- "The number of mutations must be integer."
    x <- as.integer(x)
    out <- dgenetic(x, gamma_shape = gamma_shape,
                    gamma_scale = gamma_scale,
                    poisson_rate = poisson_rate,
                    pi = pi, alpha = alpha)

  if (type=="spatial") {
    if (is.null(sd_spatial)) {
      stop("type 'spatial' requires non null argument for sd_spatial.")
    out <- dspatial(x, sd = sd_spatial,
                    pi = pi, alpha = alpha)

  if (type=="empiric") {
    if (is.null(p)) {
      stop("type 'empiric' requires non null argument for p.")

    out_val <- dempiric(p, pi = pi, alpha = alpha)
    names(out_val) <- as.character(seq_along(out_val) - 1)

    out <- rep(0, length(x))
    names(out) <- as.character(x)
    to_replace <- names(out)[names(out) %in% names(out_val)]

    if (length(to_replace) > 0) {
      out[to_replace] <- out_val[to_replace]

thibautjombart/vimes documentation built on May 31, 2019, 10:38 a.m.