
Defines functions sim_table_to_newick sim_table_to_phy sim_envidiv_tree

Documented in sim_envidiv_tree sim_table_to_newick sim_table_to_phy

#' simulate a tree using the environmental diversification model
#' @param params parameters used to simulate:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{extinction}{per lineage extinction rate}
#'   \item{sympatric speciation rate at high water}{per lineage rate of
#'   speciation when the water level is high}
#'   \item{sympatric speciation rate at low water}{per lineage rate of
#'   speciation when the water level is low}
#'   \item{allopatric speciation rate}{per allopatric pair rate of speciation}
#'   \item{perturbation}{standard deviation of post-hoc
#'                       branching time perturbation}
#'   \item{water model}{Water model: 1) no water level changes, 2) literature
#'                     water level change, 3) extrapolated water level changes}
#' }
#' @param crown_age age of the crown of the tree
#' @param max_lin maximum number of extant lineages in the tree.
#' @param abc (boolean) is the tree simulated in an ABC fitting scheme,
#'                      or not? additional verbal output is provided if not.
#' @param seed random nmber seed
#' @return phy object
#' @export
sim_envidiv_tree <- function(params,
                             max_lin = 500,
                             abc = FALSE,
                             seed = NULL) {

  if (crown_age < 0) {
    warning("crown age should be larger than zero\n")
  seed <- round(as.numeric(seed))
  if (is.null(seed) || is.na(seed) || length(seed) == 0)
    seed <- as.numeric(Sys.time())


  water_changes <- generate_water(params[6], crown_age)

  sim_result <- create_tree_cpp(params,

  error_code <- sim_result$code

  if (error_code == "extinction") {
    if (!abc) warning("Tree went extinct, returning NULL\n")

  if (error_code == "overflow") {
    if (!abc) warning("Tree too big, returning NULL")

  phy_tree <- enviDiv::sim_table_to_phy(sim_result$Ltable,


#' function to transform an Ltable to a phylogeny
#' @description transform an Ltable to a phy object
#' @param input_matrix input matrix
#' @param crown_age crown age
#' @export
sim_table_to_phy <- function(input_matrix,
                             crown_age) {

  local_l_table <- input_matrix
  local_l_table[, 1] <- crown_age - local_l_table[, 1]
  local_l_table <-  local_l_table[order(abs(local_l_table[, 3])), 1:4]

  local_l_table[1, 2] <- 0
  local_l_table[which(local_l_table[, 1] < 0), 1] <- 0

  a <- subset(local_l_table, local_l_table[, 1] == crown_age)
  connected <- FALSE
  if (a[2, 3] == a[1, 2]) connected <- TRUE
  if (a[1, 3] == a[2, 2]) connected <- TRUE

  if (connected == FALSE) {
    parent_id <- local_l_table[1, 3]
    local_l_table[which(local_l_table[, 2] == -1), 2] <- parent_id

  phy_tree <- DDD::L2phylo(local_l_table)

  if (length(ape::is.binary(phy_tree)) > 1) {
    new_phy_tree <- ape::collapse.singles(phy_tree)
    if (length(ape::is.binary(new_phy_tree)) > 1) {
      stop("could not generate binary tree\n")
    phy_tree <- new_phy_tree

  if (length(ape::branching.times(phy_tree)) !=
      (-1 + length(phy_tree$tip.label))) {
    new_phy_tree <- ape::collapse.singles(phy_tree)
    if (length(ape::branching.times(new_phy_tree)) !=
        (-1 + length(new_phy_tree$tip.label))) {
      stop("could not generate tree without singles\n")
    phy_tree <- new_phy_tree


#' function to transform an Ltable to a newick string. Calls
#' sim_table_to_phy and then transforms to newick
#' @description transform an Ltable to a newick string
#' @param input_matrix input matrix
#' @param crown_age crown age
#' @export
sim_table_to_newick <- function(input_matrix,
                                crown_age) {
  phy_tree <- sim_table_to_phy(input_matrix, crown_age)
thijsjanzen/enviDiv documentation built on July 11, 2024, 5:30 p.m.