#' @keywords internal
calc_beta <- function(focal_tree) {
#beta <- apTreeshape::maxlik.betasplit(focal_tree)$max_lik
lifecycle::deprecate_warn("1.2.7", "calc_beta()",
details = "Unfortunately, the original package calculating beta
is no longer on CRAN (apTreeshape), please install the
package treestats from https://github.com/thijsjanzen/treestats
as a temporary fix")
#' @keywords internal
calc_gamma <- function(focal_tree) {
gamma <- ape::gammaStat(focal_tree)
#' @keywords internal
calc_num_tips <- function(focal_tree) {
#' @keywords internal
calc_tree_height <- function(focal_tree) {
#' @keywords internal
calc_mean_branch_length <- function(focal_tree) {
return(mean(focal_tree$edge.length, na.rm = TRUE))
#' @keywords internal
calc_all_stats <- function(focal_tree) {
focal_tree <- ape::multi2di(focal_tree)
output <- c(calc_beta(focal_tree),
#' calculate summary statistics of a phylogenetic tree,
#' compared with a reference tree. The following statistics are calculated:
#' the beta statistic, gamma statistic, crown age, mean branch length,
#' number of tips, the nLTT statistic and the laplacian difference, given by
#' RPANDA's JSDtree. Because JSDtree can sometimes cause issues, some additional
#' checks are performed to ensure that is possible to run this function.
#' @param trees a phyloList object containing multiple trees
#' @param true_tree a phylo object containing the reference tree, preferably
#' without extinct lineages. If extinct lineages are found,
#' these are dropped.
#' @param verbose verbose output if true (e.g. progressbars)
#' @return list with two tibbles
#' 1) containing the summary statistics of all trees and
#' 2) containing the difference with the true tree
#' @export
calc_sum_stats <- function(trees,
verbose = FALSE) {
if (!inherits(trees, "multiPhylo")) {
if (inherits(trees, "phylo")) {
trees <- list(trees)
class(trees) <- "multiPhylo"
} else {
stop("input needs to be correct phylo object or multiPhylo")
true_tree <- ape::multi2di(true_tree)
if (length(geiger::is.extinct(true_tree) > 0)) {
warning("Found extinct lineages, removed these from tree\n")
true_tree <- geiger::drop.extinct(true_tree)
sum_stats_true_tree <- calc_all_stats(true_tree)
sum_stats_trees <- list()
if (!verbose) sum_stats_trees <- lapply(trees, calc_all_stats)
if (verbose) sum_stats_trees <- pbapply::pblapply(trees, calc_all_stats)
all_sum_stats <- matrix(NA,
nrow = length(trees),
ncol = length(sum_stats_true_tree))
all_differences <- matrix(NA,
nrow = length(trees),
ncol = length(sum_stats_true_tree) + 2)
if (verbose) pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(max = length(trees), style = 3)
for (i in seq_along(sum_stats_trees)) {
# this for loop could be optimized later.
to_add <- sum_stats_trees[[i]]
local_diff <- abs(to_add - sum_stats_true_tree)
local_nltt <- NA
local_jsd <- NA
if (requireNamespace("nLTT", quietly = TRUE)) {
local_nltt <- nLTT::nltt_diff_exact(true_tree, trees[[i]])
} else {
warning("nLTT is currently not available, nLTT statistics not calculated")
# this is rather inefficient off course,
# RPANDA can do all pairwise in one go.
if (requireNamespace("RPANDA", quietly = TRUE)) {
local_jsd <- tryCatch(RPANDA::JSDtree(list(true_tree, trees[[i]]),
meth = "standard")[1, 2],
error = NA)
} else {
warning("RPANDA is currently not available,
Laplacian statistics not calculated")
local_diff <- c(local_diff, local_nltt, local_jsd)
all_differences[i, ] <- local_diff
all_sum_stats[i, ] <- to_add
if (verbose) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
colnames(all_sum_stats) <- c("beta", "gamma", "crown_age",
"mean_branch_length", "num_tips")
colnames(all_differences) <- c(colnames(all_sum_stats), "nLTT",
all_sum_stats <- tibble::as_tibble(all_sum_stats)
all_differences <- tibble::as_tibble(all_differences)
return(list("stats" = all_sum_stats,
"differences" = all_differences))
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