
Defines functions make.knots

Documented in make.knots

##' Setup knots for spline models.
##' This function can be used in the initial values for splines
##' @name make.knots
##' @title Locate the knots in m-space.
##' @param x "matrix".
##'         n-by-m. Covariates matrix *without* intercept.
##' @param n.knots "integer".
##'         Number of knots used.
##' @param method "character".
##'         Method to be use in the knots locating method. Currently value are "k-means",
##'         "mahalanobis-eball" which came from Villani et al (2009) and "es" for equal
##'         spaced sample quantile with single covariate and "random".
##' @param args "list".
##'         Other arguments need to pass to the function w.r.t different "method". When
##'         method is "mahalanobis-eball", you need to provide:
##'         args$RadiusShrink: "numeric", the radus shrinkage for the ball.
##' @return "list".
##'         A list with knots locations for given numbers of knots.
##' @references Appendix C. in Villani et al (2009)
##' @author Feng Li, Department of Statistics, Stockholm University, Sweden.
##' @note First version: Wed Mar 10 14:03:31  CET 2010;
##'       Current:       Thu Sep 16 13:56:37 CEST 2010.
##' @export
make.knots <- function(x, method, splineArgs)
    stop("x should be a matrix.")

  out <- list()
  ks <- splineArgs$thinplate.s.dim[1]

  if(tolower(method) == "no-knots") # ad-hoc for regression without knots
    ## if("thinplate.s"  %in% splineArgs$comp)
    ##   {
    out[["thinplate.s"]] <- matrix(NA, ks, dim(x)[2])
    ##   }
    ## if("thinplate.a"  %in% splineArgs$comp)
    ##   {
    out[["thinplate.a"]] <- matrix(NA, sum(splineArgs$thinplate.a.locate), 1)
    ## }

  else if(tolower(method) == "k-means")
    iter.max <- 200
    if("thinplate.s"  %in% splineArgs$comp)
      if(ks == 1) # Only one cluster
        location <- matrix(colMeans(x), 1)
        location <- kmeans(x, centers = ks, iter.max = iter.max)$centers
        rownames(location) <- NULL # remove the rownames
      out[["thinplate.s"]] <- location
    if("thinplate.a" %in% splineArgs$comp)
      a.locate <- splineArgs$thinplate.a.locate
      ## x.idx4knots <- rep(1:m, a.locate)

      x.noempty <- x[, a.locate != 0, drop = FALSE]
      x.noempty.list <- array2list(x.noempty, 2)
      nknots <- a.locate[a.locate != 0]
      location <- mapply(x.noempty.list, FUN = function(x, centers) kmeans(x, centers,
                                                                           iter.max = iter.max)$centers, centers = as.list(nknots))
      out[["thinplate.a"]] <- matrix(unlist(location))

  else if(tolower(method) == "random") # TODO: Maybe a good consideration if no. of knots
    # exceed no. of obs.
    if("thinplate.s"  %in% splineArgs$comp)
      dim.x <- dim(x)
      n <- dim.x[1] # no. of obs.
      idx <- sample(1:n, ks)
      location <- x[idx, ,drop = FALSE]
      out[["thinplate.s"]] <- location
    if("thinplate.a"  %in% splineArgs$comp)
      dim.x <- dim(x)
      n <- dim.x[1] # no. of obs.
      a.locate <- splineArgs$thinplate.a.locate

      nknots <- a.locate[a.locate!=0]
      x.noempty <- x[, a.locate!=0, drop = FALSE]
      x.noempty.list <- array2list(x.noempty, 2)
      location <-  mapply(x.noempty.list, FUN = function(x, nknots)  x[sample(1:n,
                                                                              nknots)], nknots = as.list(nknots))
      out[["thinplate.a"]] <- matrix(unlist(location))
  else if(tolower(method)=="equal-spaced")
    if(dim(x)[2] != 1)
      stop("equal-spaced only works with single covariates")
    ## Equal spaced sample quantile for single covariate.  TODO: make this for
    ## multivariate covariates.
    n.knots <- "Not ready!"
    probs <- seq(0,1,length.out=n.knots+2)[-c(1,n.knots+2)]
    xi <- matrix(quantile(x,probs),length(x),1)
    stop("Wrong input argument for method!")
thiyangt/fformpp documentation built on Jan. 5, 2024, 5:44 a.m.