makeAdjacencyMatrixFromGroupMemberList: Wrangle anansi dictionary list into binary adjacency matrix

View source: R/weaveWebFromTables.R

makeAdjacencyMatrixFromGroupMemberListR Documentation

Wrangle anansi dictionary list into binary adjacency matrix


Takes the anansi dictionary in list format and wrangles it into a binary adjacency matrix based on group membership. For general use, should probably not be called directly, but rather through weaveWebFromTables.


makeAdjacencyMatrixFromGroupMemberList(dict_list, mode = mode)



A list that has tableY names as entries in the case of mode == "interaction" and groupnames in the case of mode == "membership". For general use, we recommend using the one provided in this package.


A character vector. Can be "interaction" or "membership". Toggles whether to link two datasets based on their interactions or based on shared group membership.


a binary adjacency matrix with the group members on both the rows and columns.

See Also


thomazbastiaanssen/anansi documentation built on Feb. 9, 2025, 2:07 p.m.