  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"
library(pedmut, quietly = T)
library(pedsuite, quietly = T)
library(mut2, quietly = T)
library(xtable, quietly = T)
library(forrel, quietly = T)

Example 1: Tutorial examples

Consider a marker with $n = 4$ alleles with allele frequencies $p = (0.1, 0.3, 0.4, 0.2)$. Assume an equal mutation model with mutation rate $0.003$, which in this coincides with the expected mutation rate, i.e., \begin{align} Q= \begin{pmatrix} 0.99700 & 0.00100 & 0.00100 & 0.00100 \ 0.00100 & 0.99700 & 0.00100 & 0.00100 \ 0.00100 & 0.00100 & 0.99700 & 0.00100 \ 0.00100 & 0.00100 & 0.00100 & 0.99700 \ \end{pmatrix} . \end{align} The proposed mutation matrix and the allele frequency vector, $(Q,p)$, does not correspond to a balanced mutation model. For instance [ p_2 q_{21} = 0.3\cdot 0.001 = 0.0003 \neq p_1q_{12} = 0.1\cdot 0.001 = 0.0001. ] In this case the proposed matrix $Q$ is symmetric and therefore default balancing simplifies to \begin{align} p_{ij}=q_{ij}\min {1, \frac{p_j}{p_i} }, \;i \neq j; p_{ii}=1-\sum_{i\neq j} p_{ij}, \end{align} Balancing is achieved by

    Q = mutationMatrix("equal", rate = 0.003, alleles = 1:4)
    p = c(0.1,0.3,0.4,0.2)
    names(p) = 1:4
    P1 = makeReversible(Q, afreq = p)

The pair $(P_1,p)$ is balanced with expected mutation rate 0.002, which is lower than the expected for Q, 0.003. In this case the condition $q_{ji} < p_i,\, j\neq i$ holds and we can transform using the alternative transformation (method = PM) \begin{align} p_{ij}=\frac{p_iq_{ij}+p_j q_{ji}}{2p_i},\;i \neq j,\; p_{ii}=1-\sum_{i\neq j} p_{ij}, \end{align} which preserves the expected mutation rate:

    P2 = makeReversible(Q, afreq = p, method = "PM")

Alternatively, the first balanced mutation matrix can be adjusted to have the required expected mutation rate

    P1.adj = adjustReversible(Q, P1,  afreq = p)

There is also third option for balancing, the Barker option

    P3 = makeReversible(Q, afreq = p, method = "BA")

Checking mutation matrices

Create matrices based on database `NorwegianFrequencies'.

db = NorwegianFrequencies
nAlleles = unlist(lapply(db, length))
mN = names(db)
M = lapply(db, function(x){
                          mat = mutationMatrix("proportional",
                          alleles = names(x),
                          rate = 0.003, 
                          rate2 = 0.000001,
                          range = 0.1,
                          afreq = x)

Check matrices

gamma = lapply(M, function(x) expectedMutationRate(x, afreq = NULL))
numerator = lapply(M, function(x) {p = attr(x, "afreq");1-sum(p^2)})
K = unlist(gamma)/unlist(numerator)
res = lapply(M, function(x) reasonableMutationMatrix(x, p = NULL, verbose = F))
names(res) = mN
R = lapply(M, function(x) makeReversible(x, method = "BA"))
res2 = lapply(R, function(x) reasonableMutationMatrix(x, p = NULL, verbose = F))
names(res2) = mN

Example 3: Comparing transformations

We first compare PM to MH.

db = NorwegianFrequencies
nAlleles = unlist(lapply(db, length))
mN = names(db)
mN = mN[nAlleles < 11]
db= db[mN]

M = lapply(db, function(x){
                          mat = mutationMatrix("stepwise",
                          alleles = names(x),
                          rate = 0.001, 
                          rate2 = 1e-05,
                          range = 0.1,
                          afreq = x)
R = lapply(M, function(x) makeReversible(x, method = "PM"))
resPM = compareLRR(M, R)
R = lapply(M, function(x) makeReversible(x, method = "MH"))
resMH = compareLRR(M, R)
res1 = cbind(t(resPM), t(resMH))
colnames(res1) = c("PMmin", "PMmuM", "PMsigma", "PMmax",
                 "MHmin", "MHmuM", "MHsigma", "MHmax") 
tab1 = xtable(res1, digits = c(2,3,4,2,2,3,4,2,1), caption = "The")

We then compare PM to MH on a log scale.

db = NorwegianFrequencies
nAlleles = unlist(lapply(db, length))
mN = names(db)
mN = mN[nAlleles < 11]
db= db[mN]

M = lapply(db, function(x){
                          mat = mutationMatrix("stepwise",
                          alleles = names(x),
                          rate = 0.001, 
                          rate2 = 1e-05,
                          range = 0.1,
                          afreq = x)
R = lapply(M, function(x) makeReversible(x, method = "PM"))
resPM = compareLRR(M, R, ln = TRUE)
R = lapply(M, function(x) makeReversible(x, method = "MH"))
resMH = compareLRR(M, R, ln = TRUE)
res2 = cbind(t(resPM), t(resMH))
colnames(res2) = c("PMmin", "PMmuM", "PMsigma", "PMmax",
                 "MHmin", "MHmuM", "MHsigma", "MHmax") 
tab2 = xtable(res2, digits = c(2,3,4,2,2,3,4,2,1), caption = "The")

We finally compare BA to MH, both adjusted, on a log scale.

db = NorwegianFrequencies
nAlleles = unlist(lapply(db, length))
mN = names(db)
mN = mN[nAlleles < 11]
n = length(mN)
db = db[mN]

M = lapply(db, function(x){
                          mat = mutationMatrix("stepwise",
                          alleles = names(x),
                          rate = 0.001, 
                          rate2 = 1e-05,
                          range = 0.1,
                          afreq = x)
R = lapply(M, function(x) makeReversible(x, method = "BA"))
RA = R
for(i in 1:n)
  RA[[i]] = adjustReversible(M[[i]], R[[i]])
resBA = compareLRR(M, RA, ln = TRUE)

R = lapply(M, function(x) makeReversible(x, method = "MH"))
for(i in 1:n)
  RA[[i]] = adjustReversible(M[[i]], R[[i]])
resMH = compareLRR(M, RA, ln = TRUE)
res3 = cbind(t(resBA), t(resMH))
colnames(res3) = c("BAmin", "BAmuM", "BAsigma", "BAmax",
                 "MHmin", "MHmuM", "MHsigma", "MHmax") 
tab3 = xtable(res3, digits = c(2,3,4,2,2,3,4,2,1), caption = "The")

We calculate the root mean square errors:

RMSQ.PM = sqrt(sum(res1[,"PMmuM"]^2) + sum(res1[,"PMsigma"]^2))
RMSQ.BA = sqrt(sum(res3[,"BAmuM"]^2) + sum(res3[,"BAsigma"]^2))
RMSQ.MH = sqrt(sum(res3[,"MHmuM"]^2) + sum(res3[,"MHsigma"]^2))
data.frame(RMSQ.MH, RMSQ.PM, RMSQ.BA)

Example 3: Extreme cases

Trivial mutation matrix

Assume zero mutation rate. Then balancing leaves the matrix unchanged as it should:

    Q = mutationMatrix("trivial", alleles = 1:4)
    p = c(0.1,0.3,0.4,0.2)
    names(p) = 1:4
    P= makeReversible(Q, afreq = p)
    all(diag(P) == 1)
    P =makeReversible(Q, afreq = p, method = "PM")
    all(diag(P) == 1)

Always mutation


    Q = mutationMatrix("custom", matrix = matrix(c(0,1,1,0), ncol = 2),
                       alleles = 1:2)
    p = c(0.1,0.9)
    P = makeReversible(Q, afreq = p)

The two other methods, PM and BA do not work in this case.

Equally likely mutations

In this case only "MH" and "BA" work

    p = c(0.1,0.9)
    Q = mutationMatrix("custom", 
                       matrix = matrix(rep(0.5,4), ncol = 2),
                       alleles = 1:2, afreq = p)
    attr(Q, "rate") = expectedMutationRate(Q, p)
    P1 = makeReversible(Q, afreq = p)
    P3 = makeReversible(Q, afreq = p, method = "BA")
    cat("Expected mutation rates:", "\n")
    c("R.Q" = attr(Q, "rate"), "R.MH" = attr(P1, "rate"), 
      "R.BA" = attr(P3, "rate") )

One step model

    Q = mutationMatrix("onestep", rate = 0.003, alleles = 1:4)
    p = c(0.1,0.3,0.4,0.2)
    names(p) = 1:4
    P1 = makeReversible(Q, afreq = p)
    P2 = makeReversible(Q, afreq = p, method = "BA")


The input of the below function specifies the allele frequency $p = (p_1, p_2)$ and a mutation matrix

\begin{align} Q = \begin{pmatrix} 1-q_{12} & q_{12} \ q_{21} & 1-q_{21} \end{pmatrix} \end{align}

LR.Q, the LR comparing "AF father of CH" to "AF and CH are unrelated", is calculated for all genotype combinations. The LR calculation is next done with Q replaced by a reversible mutation matrix with the same expected mutation rate giving LR.M. The ratio LRR = LR.M/LR.Q is found and also its expected value, ELRR.

LRR = function(p1  = 0.5, q12 = 0.05, q21 = 0.05){
  p = c("1" = p1, "2" = 1 - p1)
  q = matrix(c(1 - q12, q21, q12, 1 - q21), ncol = 2)
  Q = mutationMatrix("custom", matrix = q, afreq = p, alleles = 1:2)

  r = expectedMutationRate(Q, p)
  # Reversible mutation model A with same mutation rate:
  if (max(r/(2*p[1]), r/(2*p[2])) > 1)
    stop("Reversible, mutation preserved matrix does not exist")
  A = matrix(c(1-r/(2*p[1]), r/(2*p[2]), r/(2*p[1]), 1-r/(2*p[2])), ncol = 2)

  x1 = nuclearPed(father = "AF", mother = "MO", child = "CH")
  m = marker(x1, afreq = p)
  x1 = setMarkers(x1, m)
  numerator = oneMarkerDistribution(x1, partialmarker = 1, ids = c("AF", "MO"), 
                                    verbose = F)
  x1 = setMutationModel(x1, "custom", matrix = A)
  L1 = oneMarkerDistribution(x1, partialmarker = 1, ids = c("AF", "CH"), 
                             verbose = F)
  x2 = setMutationModel(x1, "custom", matrix = Q)
  L2 = oneMarkerDistribution(x2, partialmarker = 1, ids = c("AF", "CH"), 
                             verbose = F)
  ELRR = sum(L1^2/L2)

  list(ELRR = ELRR,
       tab = list(LRM = L1/numerator,
                  LRQ = L2/numerator, LRR = L1/L2))

The default corresponds to a stationary model and hence we get an expected LRR equal to 1:


Next follows an example where the input matrix is far from stationary:

LRR(p1 = 0.01, q12 = 0.001, q21 = 0.001)

thoree/mut2 documentation built on May 16, 2023, 7:56 p.m.