#' Manually alter roles
#' @description
#' `update_role()` alters an existing role in the recipe or assigns an initial
#' role to variables that do not yet have a declared role.
#' `add_role()` adds an _additional_ role to variables that already have a role
#' in the recipe. It does not overwrite old roles, as a single variable can have
#' multiple roles.
#' `remove_role()` eliminates a single existing role in the recipe.
#' @param recipe An existing [recipe()].
#' @param ... One or more selector functions to choose which variables are being
#' assigned a role. See [selections()] for more details.
#' @param new_role A character string for a single role.
#' @param new_type A character string for specific type that the variable should
#' be identified as. If left as `NULL`, the type is automatically identified
#' as the _first_ type you see for that variable in `summary(recipe)`.
#' @param old_role A character string for the specific role to update for the
#' variables selected by `...`. `update_role()` accepts a `NULL` as long as
#' the variables have only a single role.
#' @return An updated recipe object.
#' @details
#' `update_role()`, `add_role()` and `remove_role()` will be applied on a recipe
#' before any of the steps or checks, regardless of where they are located in
#' position. This means that roles can only be changed with these three
#' functions for columns that are already present in the original data supplied
#' to `recipe()`. See the `role` argument in some step functions to update
#' roles for columns created by steps.
#' Variables can have any arbitrary role (see the examples) but there are three
#' special standard roles, `"predictor"`, `"outcome"`, and `"case_weights"`.
#' The first two roles are typically required when fitting a model.
#' `update_role()` should be used when a variable doesn't currently have a role
#' in the recipe, or to replace an `old_role` with a `new_role`. `add_role()`
#' only adds additional roles to variables that already have roles and will
#' throw an error when the current role is missing (i.e. `NA`).
#' When using `add_role()`, if a variable is selected that already has the
#' `new_role`, a warning is emitted and that variable is skipped so no duplicate
#' roles are added.
#' Adding or updating roles is a useful way to group certain variables that
#' don't fall in the standard `"predictor"` bucket. You can perform a step on
#' all of the variables that have a custom role with the selector [has_role()].
#' ```{r, child = "man/rmd/non-standard-roles.Rmd"}
#' ```
#' @examplesIf rlang::is_installed("modeldata")
#' library(recipes)
#' data(biomass, package = "modeldata")
#' # Using the formula method, roles are created for any outcomes and predictors:
#' recipe(HHV ~ ., data = biomass) %>%
#' summary()
#' # However `sample` and `dataset` aren't predictors. Since they already have
#' # roles, `update_role()` can be used to make changes, to any arbitrary role:
#' recipe(HHV ~ ., data = biomass) %>%
#' update_role(sample, new_role = "id variable") %>%
#' update_role(dataset, new_role = "splitting variable") %>%
#' summary()
#' # `update_role()` cannot set a role to NA, use `remove_role()` for that
#' \dontrun{
#' recipe(HHV ~ ., data = biomass) %>%
#' update_role(sample, new_role = NA_character_)
#' }
#' # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Variables can have more than one role. `add_role()` can be used
#' # if the column already has at least one role:
#' recipe(HHV ~ ., data = biomass) %>%
#' add_role(carbon, sulfur, new_role = "something") %>%
#' summary()
#' # `update_role()` has an argument called `old_role` that is required to
#' # unambiguously update a role when the column currently has multiple roles.
#' recipe(HHV ~ ., data = biomass) %>%
#' add_role(carbon, new_role = "something") %>%
#' update_role(carbon, new_role = "something else", old_role = "something") %>%
#' summary()
#' # `carbon` has two roles at the end, so the last `update_roles()` fails since
#' # `old_role` was not given.
#' \dontrun{
#' recipe(HHV ~ ., data = biomass) %>%
#' add_role(carbon, sulfur, new_role = "something") %>%
#' update_role(carbon, new_role = "something else")
#' }
#' # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # To remove a role, `remove_role()` can be used to remove a single role.
#' recipe(HHV ~ ., data = biomass) %>%
#' add_role(carbon, new_role = "something") %>%
#' remove_role(carbon, old_role = "something") %>%
#' summary()
#' # To remove all roles, call `remove_role()` multiple times to reset to `NA`
#' recipe(HHV ~ ., data = biomass) %>%
#' add_role(carbon, new_role = "something") %>%
#' remove_role(carbon, old_role = "something") %>%
#' remove_role(carbon, old_role = "predictor") %>%
#' summary()
#' # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # If the formula method is not used, all columns have a missing role:
#' recipe(biomass) %>%
#' summary()
#' @name roles
#' @export
#' @rdname roles
add_role <- function(recipe, ..., new_role = "predictor", new_type = NULL) {
check_string(new_role, allow_empty = FALSE)
check_string(new_type, allow_empty = FALSE, allow_null = TRUE)
if (new_role == "case_weights") {
"!" = "Roles of {.val case_weights} cannot be set using \\
{.fn add_role}.",
"i" = "Please use {.help hardhat::frequency_weights} or \\
{.help hardhat::importance_weights} to specify case weights \\
before the data is passed to {.fn recipe}."
# Roles can only be changed on the original data supplied to `recipe()`,
# so this is safe
data <- recipe$template
info <- recipe$var_info
terms <- quos(...)
vars <- recipes_eval_select(terms, data, info, check_case_weights = FALSE)
if (length(vars) == 0L) {
cli::cli_warn("No columns were selected in {.fn add_role}.")
case_weights_vars <- info %>%
filter(role == "case_weights", variable %in% vars)
if (nrow(case_weights_vars) > 0) {
"{.fn add_role} cannot be used on variables with role \\
{.val case_weights}."
# Check to see if role already exists
# remove variables where the role already exists
existing_var_idx <- recipe$var_info$variable %in% vars
if (all(is.na(recipe$var_info$role[existing_var_idx]))) {
"!" = "No role currently exists for column{?s}: {.var {vars}}.",
"i" = "Please use {.fn update_role} instead."
role_already_exists <- recipe$var_info$role[existing_var_idx] %in% new_role
# Allow the user to add the same role with a different type
if (!is.null(new_type)) {
type_already_exists <- recipe$var_info$type[existing_var_idx] %in% new_type
role_already_exists <- role_already_exists & type_already_exists
if (any(role_already_exists)) {
existing_vars <- recipe$var_info$variable[existing_var_idx]
vars_that_role_exists_for <- existing_vars[role_already_exists]
"Role {.val {new_role}} already exists for column{?s}: \\
{.and {.var {vars_that_role_exists_for}}}. Skipping."
vars <- vars[!(vars %in% vars_that_role_exists_for)]
# Pull in first type we come across if unspecified
if (is.null(new_type)) {
new_type <- purrr::map(vars, ~ {
first_row_with_var <- which(recipe$var_info$variable == .x)[1]
} else {
new_type <- as.list(rep(new_type, times = length(vars)))
source <- purrr::map_chr(vars, ~ {
first_row_with_var <- which(recipe$var_info$variable == .x)[1]
for (var in vars) {
old_roles <- recipe$var_info$role[recipe$var_info$variable == var]
if (new_role == "predictor" && any(old_roles == "outcome")) {
"{.var {var}} cannot get {.val predictor} role as it already \\
has role {.val outcome}."
if (new_role == "outcome" && any(old_roles == "predictor")) {
"{.var {var}} cannot get {.val outcome} role as it already \\
has role {.val predictor}."
for (i in seq_along(vars)) {
last_row_with_var <- dplyr::last(which(recipe$var_info$variable == vars[i]))
recipe$var_info <- tibble::add_row(
.data = recipe$var_info,
variable = unname(vars[i]),
type = list(unname(new_type[[i]])),
role = new_role,
source = unname(source[i]),
.after = last_row_with_var
recipe$term_info <- recipe$var_info
#' @export
#' @rdname roles
update_role <- function(recipe, ..., new_role = "predictor", old_role = NULL) {
check_string(new_role, allow_empty = FALSE)
check_string(old_role, allow_empty = FALSE, allow_null = TRUE)
if (new_role == "case_weights") {
"!" = "Roles of {.val case_weights} cannot be set using \\
{.fn update_role}.",
"i" = "Please use {.help hardhat::frequency_weights} or \\
{.help hardhat::importance_weights} to specify case weights \\
before the data is passed to {.fn recipe}."
# Roles can only be changed on the original data supplied to `recipe()`,
# so this is safe
data <- recipe$template
info <- recipe$var_info
terms <- quos(...)
vars <- recipes_eval_select(terms, data, info, check_case_weights = FALSE)
if (length(vars) == 0L) {
cli::cli_warn("No columns were selected in {.fn update_role}.")
case_weights_vars <- info %>%
filter(role == "case_weights", variable %in% vars)
if (nrow(case_weights_vars) > 0) {
"{.fn update_role} cannot be used on variables with role \\
{.val case_weights}."
# check to see if any variables have multiple roles
if (is.null(old_role)) {
var_counts <-
info %>%
dplyr::filter(variable %in% vars) %>%
dplyr::group_by(variable) %>%
if (any(var_counts$n > 1)) {
"{.arg old_role} can only be {.code NULL} when the variable(s) have a \\
single existing role."
rows_to_update <- recipe$var_info$variable %in% vars
if (!is.null(old_role)) {
rows_to_update <- rows_to_update & (recipe$var_info$role %in% old_role)
recipe$var_info$role[rows_to_update] <- new_role
recipe$term_info <- recipe$var_info
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname roles
#' @export
remove_role <- function(recipe, ..., old_role) {
check_string(old_role, allow_empty = FALSE)
if (old_role == "case_weights") {
"Roles of {.val case_weights} cannot removed using {.fn remove_role}."
# Roles can only be changed on the original data supplied to `recipe()`,
# so this is safe
data <- recipe$template
info <- recipe$var_info
terms <- quos(...)
vars <- recipes_eval_select(terms, data, info)
if (length(vars) == 0L) {
cli::cli_warn("No columns were selected in {.fn remove_role}.")
info <- info %>%
mutate(.orig_order = seq_len(nrow(info))) %>%
group_by(variable) %>%
do(role_rm_machine(., role = old_role, var = vars)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
arrange(.orig_order) %>%
recipe$var_info <- info
recipe$term_info <- recipe$var_info
# Does anyone remember the 80's band The Cult?
role_rm_machine <- function(x, role, var) {
if (!any(x$variable %in% var)) {
sel_role <- x$role == role
if (sum(sel_role) == 0) {
"Column {.var {x$variable[1]}} does not have role {.val {role}}."
if (nrow(x) == 1) {
x$role <- NA_character_
} else {
x <- x[x$role != role, ]
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