data(biomass, package = "modeldata")
test_that("default method", {
rec <- recipe(x = biomass)
exp_res <- tibble(
variable = colnames(biomass),
type = rep(
list(c("string", "unordered", "nominal"), c("double", "numeric")),
c(2, 6)
role = NA_character_,
source = "original",
required_to_bake = TRUE
expect_equal(summary(rec, TRUE), exp_res)
test_that("changing roles", {
rec <- recipe(x = biomass)
rec <- update_role(rec, sample, new_role = "some other role")
exp_res <- tibble(
variable = colnames(biomass),
type = rep(
list(c("string", "unordered", "nominal"), c("double", "numeric")),
c(2, 6)
role = rep(c("some other role", NA), c(1, 7)),
source = "original",
required_to_bake = TRUE
expect_equal(summary(rec, TRUE), exp_res)
test_that("change existing role", {
rec <- recipe(x = biomass)
expect_snapshot(error = TRUE,
add_role(rec, sample, new_role = "some other role")
rec <- update_role(rec, sample, new_role = "some other role")
rec <- update_role(rec, sample, new_role = "other other role")
exp_res <- tibble(
variable = colnames(biomass),
type = rep(
list(c("string", "unordered", "nominal"), c("double", "numeric")),
c(2, 6)
role = rep(c("other other role", NA), c(1, 7)),
source = "original",
required_to_bake = TRUE
expect_equal(summary(rec, TRUE), exp_res)
test_that("change only 1 role of variable with multiple roles", {
rec <- recipe(x = biomass)
rec <-
rec %>%
update_role(sample, new_role = "role 1") %>%
add_role(sample, new_role = "role 2")
orig_roles <- rec
# changes only 1
rec <- update_role(rec, sample, new_role = "role 3", old_role = "role 1")
exp_res <- summary(orig_roles)
exp_res$role[exp_res$role == "role 1"] <- "role 3"
exp_res$required_to_bake <- TRUE
expect_equal(summary(rec, TRUE), exp_res)
test_that("change every role of 2 variables", {
rec <- recipe(x = biomass)
rec <- update_role(rec, sample, dataset, new_role = "role 1")
orig_roles <- summary(rec)
rec <- update_role(rec, sample, dataset, new_role = "role 2")
exp_res <- orig_roles
exp_res$role[exp_res$role == "role 1"] <- "role 2"
exp_res$required_to_bake <- TRUE
expect_equal(summary(rec, TRUE), exp_res)
test_that("update only NA role", {
rec <- recipe(x = biomass)
orig_rec <- summary(rec)
rec <- update_role(rec, sample, dataset, new_role = "some other role")
exp_res <- orig_rec %>% arrange(variable)
exp_res$role[exp_res$variable %in% c("sample", "dataset")] <- "some other role"
exp_res$required_to_bake <- TRUE
expect_equal(summary(rec, TRUE) %>% arrange(variable), exp_res)
test_that("new role for existing NA role", {
rec <- recipe(x = biomass)
rec <- update_role(rec, sample, new_role = "some other role")
exp_res <- tibble(
variable = colnames(biomass),
type = rep(
list(c("string", "unordered", "nominal"), c("double", "numeric")),
c(2, 6)
role = rep(c("some other role", NA), c(1, length(colnames(biomass)) - 1)),
source = "original",
required_to_bake = TRUE
expect_equal(summary(rec, TRUE), exp_res)
test_that("new role with specified type", {
rec <- recipe(x = biomass)
rec <- update_role(rec, sample, new_role = "blah")
rec <- add_role(rec, sample, new_role = "some other role", new_type = "new type")
exp_res <- tibble(
variable = c("sample", colnames(biomass)),
type = c(
list(c("string", "unordered", "nominal")),
list("new type"),
list(c("string", "unordered", "nominal")),
rep(list(c("double", "numeric")), 6)
role = rep(c("blah", "some other role", NA), c(1, 1, 7)),
source = "original",
required_to_bake = TRUE
expect_equal(summary(rec, TRUE), exp_res)
test_that("add new role when two already exist with different types", {
# type of the first existing role found is used
rec <- recipe(x = biomass)
rec <- update_role(rec, sample, new_role = "blah")
rec <- add_role(rec, sample, new_role = "some other role", new_type = "new type")
rec <- add_role(rec, sample, new_role = "another role")
exp_res <- tibble(
variable = c("sample", "sample", colnames(biomass)),
type = c(
list(c("string", "unordered", "nominal")),
list("new type"),
list(c("string", "unordered", "nominal")),
list(c("string", "unordered", "nominal")),
rep(list(c("double", "numeric")), 6)
role = c("blah", "some other role", "another role", rep(NA, 7)),
source = "original",
required_to_bake = TRUE
expect_equal(summary(rec, TRUE), exp_res)
test_that("existing role is skipped", {
rec <- recipe(x = biomass)
rec <- update_role(rec, sample, new_role = "blah")
rec <- add_role(rec, sample, new_role = "some other role")
# skip me
rec <- add_role(rec, sample, new_role = "some other role")
# also tests the order, new roles come directly after old ones
exp_res <- tibble(
variable = c("sample", colnames(biomass)),
type = rep(
list(c("string", "unordered", "nominal"), c("double", "numeric")),
c(3, 6)
role = rep(c("blah", "some other role", NA), c(1, 1, 7)),
source = "original",
required_to_bake = TRUE
expect_equal(summary(rec, TRUE), exp_res)
test_that("existing role is skipped, but new one is added", {
rec <- recipe(x = biomass)
rec <- update_role(rec, sample, new_role = "blah")
rec <- add_role(rec, sample, new_role = "some other role")
# partially skip me
rec <- add_role(rec, sample, dataset, new_role = "some other role")
exp_res <- tibble(
variable = c(
rep(c("sample", "dataset"), c(2, 2)),
setdiff(colnames(biomass), c("sample", "dataset"))
type = rep(
list(c("string", "unordered", "nominal"), c("double", "numeric")),
c(4, 6)
role = c("blah", "some other role", NA, "some other role", rep(NA, 6)),
source = "original",
required_to_bake = TRUE
expect_equal(summary(rec, TRUE), exp_res)
test_that("cannot add roles if the current one is `NA`", {
rec <- recipe(x = biomass)
expect_snapshot(error = TRUE,
add_role(rec, sample, sulfur)
test_that("`update_role()` cannot be ambiguous", {
rec <- recipe(HHV ~ ., data = biomass)
rec <- add_role(rec, sample, new_role = "x")
expect_snapshot(error = TRUE,
update_role(rec, sample, new_role = "y")
test_that("`new_role` cannot be `NA_character_`", {
rec <- recipe(x = biomass)
expect_snapshot(error = TRUE,
add_role(rec, sample, new_role = NA_character_)
expect_snapshot(error = TRUE,
update_role(rec, sample, new_role = NA_character_)
test_that("remove roles", {
rec <- recipe(x = biomass)
rec <- update_role(rec, sample, new_role = "role1")
expect_snapshot(error = TRUE,
rec <- remove_role(rec, sample, old_role = NA)
expect_snapshot(error = TRUE,
rec <- remove_role(rec, sample)
remove_role(rec, sample, old_role = "non-existant")
rec <- remove_role(rec, sample, old_role = "role1")
exp_res <- tibble(
variable = colnames(biomass),
type = rep(
list(c("string", "unordered", "nominal"), c("double", "numeric")),
c(2, 6)
role = NA_character_,
source = "original",
required_to_bake = TRUE
expect_equal(summary(rec, TRUE), exp_res)
test_that("New type for an existing role can be added", {
rec <- recipe(x = biomass)
rec <- update_role(rec, sample, new_role = "role1")
rec <- add_role(rec, sample, new_role = "role1", new_type = "text")
exp_res <- tibble(
variable = c("sample", colnames(biomass)),
type = c(
list(c("string", "unordered", "nominal")),
list(c("string", "unordered", "nominal")),
rep(list(c("double", "numeric")), 6)
role = c("role1", "role1", rep(NA, 7)),
source = "original",
required_to_bake = TRUE
expect_equal(summary(rec, TRUE), exp_res)
test_that("can use tidyselect ops in role selection", {
rec <- recipe(mpg ~ ., mtcars) %>%
# Swap "predictor" for "foo"
rec <- update_role(
starts_with("c") & !carb,
new_role = "foo",
old_role = "predictor"
rec$term_info$role[rec$term_info$variable == "cyl"],
# Add "predictor" back
rec <- add_role(
starts_with("c") & !carb,
new_role = "predictor"
rec$term_info$role[rec$term_info$variable == "cyl"],
c("foo", "predictor")
# Remove "foo"
rec <- remove_role(
starts_with("c") & !carb,
old_role = "foo"
rec$term_info$role[rec$term_info$variable == "cyl"],
test_that("empty dots and zero column selections return input with a warning", {
rec <- recipe(x = biomass)
rec2 <- add_role(rec)
expect_identical(rec2, rec)
rec2 <- update_role(rec)
expect_identical(rec2, rec)
rec2 <- remove_role(rec, old_role = "foo")
expect_identical(rec2, rec)
rec2 <- add_role(rec, starts_with("foobar"))
expect_identical(rec2, rec)
rec2 <- update_role(rec, starts_with("foobar"))
expect_identical(rec2, rec)
rec2 <- remove_role(rec, starts_with("foobar"), old_role = "foo")
expect_identical(rec2, rec)
test_that("bad args", {
expect_snapshot(error = TRUE,
recipe(x = biomass) %>%
add_role(carbon, new_role = letters[1:2])
expect_snapshot(error = TRUE,
recipe(x = biomass) %>%
add_role(carbon, new_role = "a", new_type = letters[1:2])
expect_snapshot(error = TRUE,
recipe(x = biomass) %>%
update_role(carbon, new_role = c("a", "b"))
expect_snapshot(error = TRUE,
recipe(x = biomass) %>%
update_role(carbon, old_role = c("a", "b"))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Multiples roles + Selection testing
test_that("adding multiple roles/types does not duplicate prepped columns", {
rec <- recipe(HHV ~ ., data = biomass)
# second role
rec %>%
add_role(carbon, new_role = "carb") %>%
prep(training = biomass) %>%
bake(new_data = NULL) %>%
# second type
rec %>%
add_role(carbon, new_type = "carb") %>%
prep(training = biomass) %>%
bake(new_data = NULL) %>%
test_that("type selectors can be combined", {
rec <- recipe(HHV ~ ., data = biomass)
prepped <- rec %>%
add_role(carbon, new_role = "predictor", new_type = "carb") %>%
step_center(all_numeric(), -has_type("carb")) %>%
prep(training = biomass)
c("hydrogen", "oxygen", "nitrogen", "sulfur", "HHV")
test_that("step_rm() removes ALL mention of variables with that role", {
rec <- recipe(HHV ~ ., data = biomass)
rec_prepped <- rec %>%
add_role(carbon, new_role = "predictor", new_type = "carb") %>%
step_rm(has_type("carb")) %>%
prep(training = biomass) %>%
expect_false("carbon" %in% rec_prepped$variable)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tests related to #296
test_that("Existing `NA` roles are not modified in prep() when new columns are generated", {
rec_dummy <- recipe(x = iris) %>%
update_role(Sepal.Length, new_role = "outcome") %>%
update_role(Species, new_role = "predictor") %>%
prepped_rec_dummy <- prep(rec_dummy, iris)
orig <- summary(rec_dummy)
new <- summary(prepped_rec_dummy)
# These should be identical except for the modified Species term
filter(orig, !grepl("Species", variable)),
filter(new, !grepl("Species", variable))
filter(new, grepl("Species", variable)),
variable = c("Species_versicolor", "Species_virginica"),
type = rep(list(c("double", "numeric")), 2),
role = rep("predictor", times = 2),
source = rep("derived", times = 2)
# Juicing with all predictors should only give these two columns
colnames(bake(prepped_rec_dummy, new_data = NULL, all_predictors())),
c("Species_versicolor", "Species_virginica")
test_that("Existing `NA` roles are not modified in prep() when multiple new columns are generated", {
rec <- recipe(x = iris) %>%
update_role(Sepal.Length, new_role = "outcome") %>%
update_role(Sepal.Width, new_role = "predictor") %>%
update_role(Species, new_role = "predictor") %>%
step_dummy(Species) %>%
prepped_rec <- prep(rec, iris)
orig <- summary(rec)
new <- summary(prepped_rec)
# These should be identical except for the
# modified Species and Sepal.Width terms
filter(orig, !grepl("Species", variable), !grepl("Sepal.Width", variable)),
filter(new, !grepl("Species", variable), !grepl("Sepal.Width", variable))
test_that("Roles are correcly selected in bake", {
x <- tibble::tibble(
a = runif(10),
b = runif(10),
c = runif(10)
rec <- recipe(c ~ ., x) %>%
update_role(b, new_role = "id") %>%
add_role(a, new_role = "id") %>%
o <- recipes::bake(rec, x, recipes::has_role("id"))
expect_equal(names(o), c("a", "b"))
test_that("role functions handle case weights correctly", {
expect_snapshot(error = TRUE,
recipe(mpg ~ ., data = mtcars) %>%
update_role("disp", new_role = "case_weights")
expect_snapshot(error = TRUE,
recipe(mpg ~ ., data = mtcars) %>%
add_role("disp", new_role = "case_weights")
mtcars1 <- mtcars %>%
mutate(wt = importance_weights(wt))
expect_snapshot(error = TRUE,
recipe(mpg ~ ., data = mtcars1) %>%
remove_role(wt, old_role = "case_weights")
expect_snapshot(error = TRUE,
recipe(mpg ~ ., data = mtcars1) %>%
expect_snapshot(error = TRUE,
recipe(mpg ~ ., data = mtcars1) %>%
test_that("role information from summary()", {
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# non-formula method
rec_roles <- recipe(mtcars) %>%
update_role(-mpg, new_role = "predictor") %>%
update_role(mpg, new_role = "outcome") %>%
update_role(gear, new_role = "id") %>%
update_role(carb, new_role = "important") %>%
req_roles <-
rec_roles %>%
update_role_requirements("important", bake = FALSE) %>%
expect_snapshot(summary(rec_roles, original = TRUE))
expect_snapshot(summary(req_roles, original = TRUE))
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# missing role values
na_rec <-
mtcars %>%
recipe() %>%
update_role(mpg, new_role = "outcome") %>%
update_role(disp, wt, new_role = "predictor") %>%
update_role(carb, new_role = "other") %>%
na_req_rec <-
na_rec %>%
update_role_requirements("NA", bake = FALSE) %>%
expect_snapshot(summary(na_rec, original = TRUE))
expect_snapshot(summary(na_req_rec, original = TRUE))
test_that("add_roles() error if columns would be both predictor and outcome", {
error = TRUE,
recipe(mpg ~., data = mtcars) %>%
add_role(mpg, new_role = "predictor")
error = TRUE,
recipe(mpg ~., data = mtcars) %>%
add_role(disp, new_role = "outcome")
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