#' Time-based Resampling
#' @description
#' These resampling functions are focused on various forms of _time series_
#' resampling.
#' - `sliding_window()` uses the row number when computing the resampling
#' indices. It is independent of any time index, but is useful with
#' completely regular series.
#' - `sliding_index()` computes resampling indices relative to the `index`
#' column. This is often a Date or POSIXct column, but doesn't have to be.
#' This is useful when resampling irregular series, or for using irregular
#' lookback periods such as `lookback = lubridate::years(1)` with daily
#' data (where the number of days in a year may vary).
#' - `sliding_period()` first breaks up the `index` into less granular groups
#' based on `period`, and then uses that to construct the resampling indices.
#' This is extremely useful for constructing rolling monthly or yearly
#' windows from daily data.
#' @inheritParams rlang::args_dots_empty
#' @param data A data frame.
#' @param index The index to compute resampling indices relative to, specified
#' as a bare column name. This must be an existing column in `data`.
#' - For `sliding_index()`, this is commonly a date vector, but is not
#' required.
#' - For `sliding_period()`, it is required that this is a Date or POSIXct
#' vector.
#' The `index` must be an _increasing_ vector, but duplicate values are
#' allowed. Additionally, the index cannot contain any missing values.
#' @param period The period to group the `index` by. This is specified as a
#' single string, such as `"year"` or `"month"`. See the `.period` argument
#' of [slider::slide_period()] for the full list of options and further
#' explanation.
#' @param lookback The number of elements to look back from the current element
#' when computing the resampling indices of the analysis set. The current
#' row is always included in the analysis set.
#' - For `sliding_window()`, a single integer defining the number of rows to
#' look back from the current row.
#' - For `sliding_index()`, a single object that will be subtracted from the
#' `index` as `index - lookback` to define the boundary of where to start
#' searching for rows to include in the current resample. This is often
#' an integer value corresponding to the number of days to look back,
#' or a lubridate Period object.
#' - For `sliding_period()`, a single integer defining the number of groups
#' to look back from the current group, where the groups were defined from
#' breaking up the `index` according to the `period`.
#' In all cases, `Inf` is also allowed to force an expanding window.
#' @param assess_start,assess_stop This combination of arguments determines
#' how far into the future to look when constructing the assessment set.
#' Together they construct a range of
#' `[index + assess_start, index + assess_stop]` to search for rows to include
#' in the assessment set.
#' Generally, `assess_start` will always be `1` to indicate that the first
#' value to potentially include in the assessment set should start one element
#' after the current row, but it can be increased to a larger value to
#' create "gaps" between the analysis and assessment set if you are worried
#' about high levels of correlation in short term forecasting.
#' - For `sliding_window()`, these are both single integers defining the
#' number of rows to look forward from the current row.
#' - For `sliding_index()`, these are single objects that will be added
#' to the `index` to compute the range to search for rows to include
#' in the assessment set. This is often an integer value corresponding to
#' the number of days to look forward, or a lubridate Period object.
#' - For `sliding_period()`, these are both single integers defining the
#' number of groups to look forward from the current group, where the groups
#' were defined from breaking up the `index` according to the `period`.
#' @param complete A single logical. When using `lookback` to compute the
#' analysis sets, should only complete windows be considered? If set to
#' `FALSE`, partial windows will be used until it is possible to create
#' a complete window (based on `lookback`). This is a way to use an
#' expanding window up to a certain point, and then switch to a sliding
#' window.
#' @param step A single positive integer. After computing the resampling
#' indices, `step` is used to thin out the results by selecting every
#' `step`-th result by subsetting the indices with
#' `seq(1L, n_indices, by = step)`. `step` is applied after `skip`.
#' Note that `step` is independent of any time `index` used.
#' @param skip A single positive integer, or zero. After computing the
#' resampling indices, the first `skip` results will be dropped by subsetting
#' the indices with `seq(skip + 1L, n_indices)`. This can be especially
#' useful when combined with `lookback = Inf`, which creates an expanding
#' window starting from the first row. By skipping forward, you can drop
#' the first few windows that have very few data points. `skip` is
#' applied before `step`. Note that `skip` is independent of any time
#' `index` used.
#' @param every A single positive integer. The number of periods to group
#' together.
#' For example, if the `period` was set to `"year"` with an `every`
#' value of 2, then the years 1970 and 1971 would be placed in the same
#' group.
#' @param origin The reference date time value. The default when left
#' as `NULL` is the epoch time of `1970-01-01 00:00:00`,
#' _in the time zone of the index_.
#' This is generally used to define the anchor time to count from,
#' which is relevant when the `every` value is `> 1`.
#' @seealso
#' [rolling_origin()]
#' [slider::slide()], [slider::slide_index()], and [slider::slide_period()],
#' which power these resamplers.
#' @name slide-resampling
#' @examplesIf rlang::is_installed("modeldata")
#' library(vctrs)
#' library(tibble)
#' library(modeldata)
#' data("Chicago")
#' index <- new_date(c(1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 13, 15, 16, 17))
#' df <- tibble(x = 1:10, index = index)
#' df
#' # Look back two rows beyond the current row, for a total of three rows
#' # in each analysis set. Each assessment set is composed of the two rows after
#' # the current row.
#' sliding_window(df, lookback = 2, assess_stop = 2)
#' # Same as before, but step forward by 3 rows between each resampling slice,
#' # rather than just by 1.
#' rset <- sliding_window(df, lookback = 2, assess_stop = 2, step = 3)
#' rset
#' analysis(rset$splits[[1]])
#' analysis(rset$splits[[2]])
#' # Now slide relative to the `index` column in `df`. This time we look back
#' # 2 days from the current row's `index` value, and 2 days forward from
#' # it to construct the assessment set. Note that this series is irregular,
#' # so it produces different results than `sliding_window()`. Additionally,
#' # note that it is entirely possible for the assessment set to contain no
#' # data if you have a highly irregular series and "look forward" into a
#' # date range where no data points actually exist!
#' sliding_index(df, index, lookback = 2, assess_stop = 2)
#' # With `sliding_period()`, we can break up our date index into less granular
#' # chunks, and slide over them instead of the index directly. Here we'll use
#' # the Chicago data, which contains daily data spanning 16 years, and we'll
#' # break it up into rolling yearly chunks. Three years worth of data will
#' # be used for the analysis set, and one years worth of data will be held out
#' # for performance assessment.
#' sliding_period(
#' Chicago,
#' date,
#' "year",
#' lookback = 2,
#' assess_stop = 1
#' )
#' # Because `lookback = 2`, three years are required to form a "complete"
#' # window of data. To allow partial windows, set `complete = FALSE`.
#' # Here that first constructs two expanding windows until a complete three
#' # year window can be formed, at which point we switch to a sliding window.
#' sliding_period(
#' Chicago,
#' date,
#' "year",
#' lookback = 2,
#' assess_stop = 1,
#' complete = FALSE
#' )
#' # Alternatively, you could break the resamples up by month. Here we'll
#' # use an expanding monthly window by setting `lookback = Inf`, and each
#' # assessment set will contain two months of data. To ensure that we have
#' # enough data to fit our models, we'll `skip` the first 4 expanding windows.
#' # Finally, to thin out the results, we'll `step` forward by 2 between
#' # each resample.
#' sliding_period(
#' Chicago,
#' date,
#' "month",
#' lookback = Inf,
#' assess_stop = 2,
#' skip = 4,
#' step = 2
#' )
#' @export
#' @rdname slide-resampling
sliding_window <- function(data,
lookback = 0L,
assess_start = 1L,
assess_stop = 1L,
complete = TRUE,
step = 1L,
skip = 0L) {
if (!is.data.frame(data)) {
cli_abort("{.arg data} must be a data frame.")
lookback <- check_lookback(lookback)
assess_start <- check_assess(assess_start, "assess_start")
assess_stop <- check_assess(assess_stop, "assess_stop")
step <- check_step(step)
skip <- check_skip(skip)
if (assess_start > assess_stop) {
cli_abort("{.arg assess_start} must be less than or equal to {.arg assess_stop}.")
seq <- vctrs::vec_seq_along(data)
id_in <- slider::slide(
.x = seq,
.f = identity,
.before = lookback,
.after = 0L,
.step = 1L,
.complete = complete
id_out <- slider::slide(
.x = seq,
.f = identity,
.before = -assess_start,
.after = assess_stop,
.step = 1L,
.complete = TRUE
indices <- compute_complete_indices(id_in, id_out)
if (!identical(skip, 0L)) {
indices <- slice_skip(indices, skip)
if (!identical(step, 1L)) {
indices <- slice_step(indices, step)
splits <- purrr::map(
~ make_splits(.x, data = data, class = "sliding_window_split")
ids <- names0(length(indices), prefix = "Slice")
attrib <- list(
lookback = lookback,
assess_start = assess_start,
assess_stop = assess_stop,
complete = complete,
step = step,
skip = skip
splits = splits,
ids = ids,
attrib = attrib,
subclass = c("sliding_window", "rset")
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname slide-resampling
sliding_index <- function(data,
lookback = 0L,
assess_start = 1L,
assess_stop = 1L,
complete = TRUE,
step = 1L,
skip = 0L) {
if (!is.data.frame(data)) {
cli_abort("{.arg data} must be a data frame.")
step <- check_step(step)
skip <- check_skip(skip)
index <- rlang::enexpr(index)
loc <- tidyselect::eval_select(index, data)
if (length(loc) != 1L) {
cli_abort("{.arg index} must specify exactly one column in {.arg data}.")
index_attrib <- index
index <- data[[loc]]
seq <- vctrs::vec_seq_along(data)
id_in <- slider::slide_index(
.x = seq,
.i = index,
.f = identity,
.before = lookback,
.after = 0L,
.complete = complete
id_out <- slider::slide_index(
.x = seq,
.i = index,
.f = identity,
.before = -assess_start,
.after = assess_stop,
.complete = TRUE
indices <- compute_complete_indices(id_in, id_out)
if (!identical(skip, 0L)) {
indices <- slice_skip(indices, skip)
if (!identical(step, 1L)) {
indices <- slice_step(indices, step)
splits <- purrr::map(
~ make_splits(.x, data = data, class = "sliding_index_split")
ids <- names0(length(indices), prefix = "Slice")
attrib <- list(
index = index_attrib,
lookback = lookback,
assess_start = assess_start,
assess_stop = assess_stop,
complete = complete,
step = step,
skip = skip
splits = splits,
ids = ids,
attrib = attrib,
subclass = c("sliding_index", "rset")
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname slide-resampling
sliding_period <- function(data,
lookback = 0L,
assess_start = 1L,
assess_stop = 1L,
complete = TRUE,
step = 1L,
skip = 0L,
every = 1L,
origin = NULL) {
if (!is.data.frame(data)) {
cli_abort("{.arg data} must be a data frame.")
lookback <- check_lookback(lookback)
assess_start <- check_assess(assess_start, "assess_start")
assess_stop <- check_assess(assess_stop, "assess_stop")
step <- check_step(step)
if (assess_start > assess_stop) {
cli_abort("{.arg assess_start} must be less than or equal to {.arg assess_stop}.")
index <- rlang::enexpr(index)
loc <- tidyselect::eval_select(index, data)
if (length(loc) != 1L) {
cli_abort("{.arg index} must specify exactly one column in {.arg data}.")
index_attrib <- index
index <- data[[loc]]
seq <- vctrs::vec_seq_along(data)
id_in <- slider::slide_period(
.x = seq,
.i = index,
.period = period,
.f = identity,
.every = every,
.origin = origin,
.before = lookback,
.after = 0L,
.complete = complete
id_out <- slider::slide_period(
.x = seq,
.i = index,
.period = period,
.f = identity,
.every = every,
.origin = origin,
.before = -assess_start,
.after = assess_stop,
.complete = TRUE
indices <- compute_complete_indices(id_in, id_out)
if (!identical(skip, 0L)) {
indices <- slice_skip(indices, skip)
if (!identical(step, 1L)) {
indices <- slice_step(indices, step)
splits <- purrr::map(
~ make_splits(.x, data = data, class = "sliding_period_split")
ids <- names0(length(indices), prefix = "Slice")
attrib <- list(
index = index_attrib,
period = period,
lookback = lookback,
assess_start = assess_start,
assess_stop = assess_stop,
complete = complete,
step = step,
skip = skip,
every = every,
origin = origin
splits = splits,
ids = ids,
attrib = attrib,
subclass = c("sliding_period", "rset")
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
check_lookback <- function(x) {
if (vctrs::vec_size(x) != 1L) {
cli_abort("{.arg lookback} must have size 1.")
if (identical(x, Inf)) {
if (!rlang::is_integerish(x, finite = TRUE)) {
cli_abort("{.arg lookback} must be an integer of size 1, or {.arg Inf}.")
if (x < 0L) {
cli_abort("{.arg lookback} must be positive, or zero.")
vctrs::vec_cast(x, integer(), x_arg = "lookback")
check_assess <- function(x, arg) {
if (vctrs::vec_size(x) != 1L) {
cli_abort("{.arg {arg}} must have size 1.")
if (identical(x, Inf)) {
if (!rlang::is_integerish(x, finite = TRUE)) {
cli_abort("{.arg {arg}} must be an integer of size 1, or {.code Inf}.")
if (x <= 0L) {
cli_abort("{.arg {arg}} must be positive.")
vctrs::vec_cast(x, integer(), x_arg = arg)
check_step <- function(x) {
if (vctrs::vec_size(x) != 1L) {
cli_abort("{.arg step} must have size 1.")
if (!rlang::is_integerish(x, finite = TRUE)) {
cli_abort("{.arg step} must be an integer of size 1.")
if (x <= 0L) {
cli_abort("{.arg step} must be positive.")
vctrs::vec_cast(x, integer(), x_arg = "step")
check_skip <- function(x) {
if (vctrs::vec_size(x) != 1L) {
cli_abort("{.arg skip} must have size 1.")
if (!rlang::is_integerish(x, finite = TRUE)) {
cli_abort("{.arg skip}` must be an integer of size 1.")
if (x < 0L) {
cli_abort("{.arg skip} must be positive, or zero.")
vctrs::vec_cast(x, integer(), x_arg = "skip")
compute_complete_indices <- function(id_in, id_out) {
# Remove where either list has a `NULL` element.
# These are incomplete windows.
id_in_na <- vctrs::vec_detect_missing(id_in)
id_out_na <- vctrs::vec_detect_missing(id_out)
id_either_na <- id_in_na | id_out_na
id_in <- vctrs::vec_slice(id_in, !id_either_na)
id_out <- vctrs::vec_slice(id_out, !id_either_na)
purrr::map2(id_in, id_out, merge_lists)
slice_skip <- function(indices, skip) {
n_indices <- length(indices)
slicer <- rlang::seq2(skip + 1L, n_indices)
vctrs::vec_slice(indices, slicer)
slice_step <- function(indices, step) {
n_indices <- length(indices)
slicer <- seq2_by(1L, n_indices, by = step)
indices <- vctrs::vec_slice(indices, slicer)
seq2_by <- function(from, to, by) {
if (length(from) != 1) {
cli_abort("{.arg from} must be length one")
if (length(to) != 1) {
cli_abort("{.arg to} must be length one")
by <- as.integer(by)
if (length(by) != 1) {
cli_abort("{.arg by} must be length one")
if (by <= 0L) {
cli_abort("{.arg by} must be positive")
if (from > to) {
} else {
seq.int(from, to, by = by)
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