
Defines functions annotate

Documented in annotate

#' Create an annotation layer
#' This function adds geoms to a plot, but unlike a typical geom function,
#' the properties of the geoms are not mapped from variables of a data frame,
#' but are instead passed in as vectors. This is useful for adding small annotations
#' (such as text labels) or if you have your data in vectors, and for some
#' reason don't want to put them in a data frame.
#' Note that all position aesthetics are scaled (i.e. they will expand the
#' limits of the plot so they are visible), but all other aesthetics are
#' set. This means that layers created with this function will never
#' affect the legend.
#' @section Unsupported geoms:
#' Due to their special nature, reference line geoms [geom_abline()],
#' [geom_hline()], and [geom_vline()] can't be used with `annotate()`.
#' You can use these geoms directly for annotations.
#' @param geom name of geom to use for annotation
#' @param x,y,xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax,xend,yend positioning aesthetics -
#'   you must specify at least one of these.
#' @inheritParams layer
#' @inheritParams geom_point
#' @seealso
#' The `r link_book("custom annotations section", "annotations#sec-custom-annotations")`
#' @export
#' @examples
#' p <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(x = wt, y = mpg)) + geom_point()
#' p + annotate("text", x = 4, y = 25, label = "Some text")
#' p + annotate("text", x = 2:5, y = 25, label = "Some text")
#' p + annotate("rect", xmin = 3, xmax = 4.2, ymin = 12, ymax = 21,
#'   alpha = .2)
#' p + annotate("segment", x = 2.5, xend = 4, y = 15, yend = 25,
#'   colour = "blue")
#' p + annotate("pointrange", x = 3.5, y = 20, ymin = 12, ymax = 28,
#'   colour = "red", size = 2.5, linewidth = 1.5)
#' p + annotate("text", x = 2:3, y = 20:21, label = c("my label", "label 2"))
#' p + annotate("text", x = 4, y = 25, label = "italic(R) ^ 2 == 0.75",
#'   parse = TRUE)
#' p + annotate("text", x = 4, y = 25,
#'   label = "paste(italic(R) ^ 2, \" = .75\")", parse = TRUE)
annotate <- function(geom, x = NULL, y = NULL, xmin = NULL, xmax = NULL,
                     ymin = NULL, ymax = NULL, xend = NULL, yend = NULL, ...,
                     na.rm = FALSE) {

  if (is_string(geom, c("abline", "hline", "vline"))) {
      "{.arg geom} must not be {.val {geom}}.",
      "i" = "Please use {.fn {paste0('geom_', geom)}} directly instead."

  position <- compact(list(
    x = x, xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax, xend = xend,
    y = y, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax, yend = yend
  aesthetics <- c(position, list(...))

  # Check that all aesthetic have compatible lengths
  lengths <- lengths(aesthetics)
  n <- unique0(lengths)

  # if there is more than one unique length, ignore constants
  if (length(n) > 1L) {
    n <- setdiff(n, 1L)

  # if there is still more than one unique length, we error out
  if (length(n) > 1L) {
    bad <- lengths != 1L
    details <- paste0(names(aesthetics)[bad], " (", lengths[bad], ")")
    cli::cli_abort("Unequal parameter lengths: {details}")

  data <- data_frame0(!!!position, .size = n)

  params <- list2(na.rm = na.rm, ...)
  reject <- intersect(names(params), c("position", "stat"))
  if (length(reject) > 0) {
      "{.fn annotate} can't accept {.or {.arg {reject}}} argument{?s}."
    params <- params[setdiff(names(params), reject)]

    geom = geom,
    params = params,
    stat = StatIdentity,
    position = PositionIdentity,
    data = data,
    mapping = aes_all(names(data)),
    inherit.aes = FALSE,
    show.legend = FALSE
tidyverse/ggplot2 documentation built on July 1, 2024, 6:44 a.m.