
Defines functions gs4_share

# currently just for development
# I'm generally auth'd as:
#  * as a service acct (which means I can't look at anything in the browser)
#  * with Drive and Sheets scope
#  * with googlesheets4 and googledrive
# so this is helpful for quickly granting anyone or myself specifically
# permission to read or write a Sheet I'm fiddling with in the browser or the
# API explorer
# Note defaults: role = "reader", type = "anyone"
# --> "anyone with the link" can view
# examples:
# gs4_share(ss)
# gs4_share(ss, type = "user", emailAddress = "jane@example.com")
# gs4_share(ss, type = "user", emailAddress = "jane@example.com", role = "writer")
gs4_share <- function(ss,
                      role = c(
                        "reader", "commenter", "writer",
                        "owner", "organizer"
                      type = c("anyone", "user", "group", "domain")) {
  role <- match.arg(role)
  type <- match.arg(type)
    file = as_sheets_id(ss),
    role = role,
    type = type,
tidyverse/googlesheets4 documentation built on July 24, 2024, 1:40 a.m.