#' Embrace operator `{{`
#' @description
#' The embrace operator `{{` is used to create functions that call
#' other [data-masking][topic-data-mask] functions. It transports a
#' data-masked argument (an argument that can refer to columns of a
#' data frame) from one function to another.
#' ```r
#' my_mean <- function(data, var) {
#' dplyr::summarise(data, mean = mean({{ var }}))
#' }
#' ```
#' @section Under the hood:
#' `{{` combines [enquo()] and [`!!`][injection-operator] in one
#' step. The snippet above is equivalent to:
#' ```r
#' my_mean <- function(data, var) {
#' var <- enquo(var)
#' dplyr::summarise(data, mean = mean(!!var))
#' }
#' ```
#' @name embrace-operator
#' @aliases curly-curly
#' @seealso
#' - `r link("topic_data_mask")`
#' - `r link("topic_data_mask_programming")`
#' Defuse an R expression
#' @description
#' `expr()` [defuses][topic-defuse] an R expression with
#' [injection][injection-operator] support.
#' It is equivalent to [base::bquote()].
#' @usage NULL
#' @param expr An expression to defuse.
#' @seealso
#' - `r link("topic_defuse")` for an overview.
#' - [enquo()] to defuse non-local expressions from function
#' arguments.
#' - [Advanced defusal operators][defusing-advanced].
#' - [sym()] and [call2()] for building expressions (symbols and calls
#' respectively) programmatically.
#' - [base::eval()] and [rlang::eval_bare()] for resuming evaluation
#' of a defused expression.
#' @examples
#' # R normally returns the result of an expression
#' 1 + 1
#' # `expr()` defuses the expression that you have supplied and
#' # returns it instead of its value
#' expr(1 + 1)
#' expr(toupper(letters))
#' # It supports _injection_ with `!!` and `!!!`. This is a convenient
#' # way of modifying part of an expression by injecting other
#' # objects.
#' var <- "cyl"
#' expr(with(mtcars, mean(!!sym(var))))
#' vars <- c("cyl", "am")
#' expr(with(mtcars, c(!!!syms(vars))))
#' # Compare to the normal way of building expressions
#' call("with", call("mean", sym(var)))
#' call("with", call2("c", !!!syms(vars)))
#' @export
expr <- function(expr) {
#' Defuse function arguments
#' @description
#' `enquo()` and `enquos()` [defuse][topic-defuse] function arguments.
#' A defused expression can be examined, modified, and injected into
#' other expressions.
#' Defusing function arguments is useful for:
#' - Creating data-masking functions.
#' - Interfacing with another [data-masking][topic-data-mask] function
#' using the [defuse-and-inject][topic-metaprogramming] pattern.
#' These are advanced tools. Make sure to first learn about the embrace
#' operator `r link("{{")` in `r link("topic_data_mask_programming")`.
#' `{{` is easier to work with less theory, and it is sufficient
#' in most applications.
#' @inheritParams dots_list
#' @param arg An unquoted argument name. The expression
#' supplied to that argument is defused and returned.
#' @param ... Names of arguments to defuse.
#' @param .ignore_empty Whether to ignore empty arguments. Can be one
#' of `"trailing"`, `"none"`, `"all"`. If `"trailing"`, only the
#' last argument is ignored if it is empty. Named arguments are not
#' considered empty.
#' @param .ignore_null Whether to ignore unnamed null arguments. Can be
#' `"none"` or `"all"`.
#' @param .unquote_names Whether to treat `:=` as `=`. Unlike `=`, the
#' `:=` syntax supports [names injection][glue-operators].
#' @return `enquo()` returns a [quosure][topic-quosure] and `enquos()`
#' returns a list of quosures.
#' @section Implicit injection:
#' Arguments defused with `enquo()` and `enquos()` automatically gain
#' [injection][topic-inject] support.
#' ```r
#' my_mean <- function(data, var) {
#' var <- enquo(var)
#' dplyr::summarise(data, mean(!!var))
#' }
#' # Can now use `!!` and `{{`
#' my_mean(mtcars, !!sym("cyl"))
#' ```
#' See [enquo0()] and [enquos0()] for variants that don't enable
#' injection.
#' @seealso
#' - `r link("topic_defuse")` for an overview.
#' - [expr()] to defuse your own local expressions.
#' - [Advanced defusal operators][defusing-advanced].
#' - [base::eval()] and [rlang::eval_bare()] for resuming evaluation
#' of a defused expression.
#' @examples
#' # `enquo()` defuses the expression supplied by your user
#' f <- function(arg) {
#' enquo(arg)
#' }
#' f(1 + 1)
#' # `enquos()` works with arguments and dots. It returns a list of
#' # expressions
#' f <- function(...) {
#' enquos(...)
#' }
#' f(1 + 1, 2 * 10)
#' # `enquo()` and `enquos()` enable _injection_ and _embracing_ for
#' # your users
#' g <- function(arg) {
#' f({{ arg }} * 2)
#' }
#' g(100)
#' column <- sym("cyl")
#' g(!!column)
#' @export
enquo <- function(arg) {
.Call(ffi_enquo, substitute(arg), parent.frame())
#' @rdname enquo
#' @export
enquos <- function(...,
.named = FALSE,
.ignore_empty = c("trailing", "none", "all"),
.ignore_null = c("none", "all"),
.unquote_names = TRUE,
.homonyms = c("keep", "first", "last", "error"),
.check_assign = FALSE) {
quos <- endots(
call = sys.call(),
frame_env = parent.frame(),
capture_arg = ffi_enquo,
capture_dots = ffi_quos_interp,
named = .named,
ignore_empty = .ignore_empty,
ignore_null = .ignore_null,
unquote_names = .unquote_names,
homonyms = .homonyms,
check_assign = .check_assign
structure(quos, class = c("quosures", "list"))
#' Advanced defusal operators
#' @description
#' These advanced operators [defuse][topic-defuse] R expressions.
#' [expr()], [enquo()], and [enquos()] are sufficient for most
#' purposes but rlang provides these other operations, either for
#' completeness or because they are useful to experts.
#' * `exprs()` is the plural variant of `expr()`. It returns a list of
#' expressions. It is like [base::alist()] but with
#' [injection][nse-inject] support.
#' * `quo()` and `quos()` are like `expr()` and `exprs()` but return
#' quosures instead of naked expressions. When you are defusing
#' your own local expressions (by opposition to function arguments
#' where non-local expressions are supplied by your users), there
#' is generally no need to attach the current environment in a
#' quosure. See `r link("topic_quosure")`.
#' * `enexpr()` and `enexprs()` are like [enquo()] and [enquos()] but
#' return naked expressions instead of quosures. These operators
#' should very rarely be used because they lose track of the
#' environment of defused arguments.
#' * `ensym()` and `ensyms()` are like `enexpr()` and `enexprs()` but
#' they throw an error when the defused expressions are not simple
#' symbols. They also support strings which are interpreted as
#' symbols. These functions are modelled on the behaviour of the
#' left-hand side of `=` and `<-` where you can supply symbols and
#' strings interchangeably.
#' ```
#' "foo" <- NULL
#' list("foo" = NULL)
#' ```
#' * `enquo0` and `enquos0()` are like `enquo()` and `enquos()` but
#' without injection support. The injection operators `!!`, `!!!`,
#' and `{{` are not processed, instead they are preserved in the
#' defused expression. This makes it possible to defuse
#' expressions that potentially contain injection operators meant
#' for later use. The trade off is that it makes it harder for
#' users to inject expressions in your function. They have to
#' enable injection explicitly with [inject()].
#' None of the features of [dynamic dots][dyn-dots] are available
#' when defusing with `enquos0()`. For instance, trailing empty
#' arguments are not automatically trimmed.
#' @inheritParams expr
#' @inheritParams enquo
#' @param ... For `enexprs()`, `ensyms()` and `enquos()`, names of
#' arguments to defuse. For `exprs()` and `quos()`, expressions
#' to defuse.
#' @examples
#' # `exprs()` is the plural variant of `expr()`
#' exprs(foo, bar, bar)
#' # `quo()` and `quos()` are the quosure variants of `expr()` and `exprs()`
#' quo(foo)
#' quos(foo, bar)
#' # `enexpr()` and `enexprs()` are the naked variants of `enquo()` and `enquos()`
#' my_function1 <- function(arg) enexpr(arg)
#' my_function2 <- function(arg, ...) enexprs(arg, ...)
#' my_function1(1 + 1)
#' my_function2(1 + 1, 10 * 2)
#' # `ensym()` and `ensyms()` are symbol variants of `enexpr()` and `enexprs()`
#' my_function3 <- function(arg) ensym(arg)
#' my_function4 <- function(arg, ...) ensyms(arg, ...)
#' # The user must supply symbols
#' my_function3(foo)
#' my_function4(foo, bar)
#' # Complex expressions are an error
#' try(my_function3(1 + 1))
#' try(my_function4(1 + 1, 10 * 2))
#' # `enquo0()` and `enquos0()` disable injection operators
#' automatic_injection <- function(x) enquo(x)
#' no_injection <- function(x) enquo0(x)
#' automatic_injection(foo(!!!1:3))
#' no_injection(foo(!!!1:3))
#' # Injection can still be done explicitly
#' inject(no_injection(foo(!!!1:3)))
#' @name defusing-advanced
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname defusing-advanced
#' @export
enexpr <- function(arg) {
.Call(ffi_enexpr, substitute(arg), parent.frame())
#' @rdname defusing-advanced
#' @export
exprs <- function(...,
.named = FALSE,
.ignore_empty = c("trailing", "none", "all"),
.unquote_names = TRUE) {
frame_env = environment(),
named = .named,
ignore_empty = .ignore_empty,
unquote_names = .unquote_names,
homonyms = "keep",
check_assign = FALSE
#' @rdname defusing-advanced
#' @export
enexprs <- function(...,
.named = FALSE,
.ignore_empty = c("trailing", "none", "all"),
.ignore_null = c("none", "all"),
.unquote_names = TRUE,
.homonyms = c("keep", "first", "last", "error"),
.check_assign = FALSE) {
call = sys.call(),
frame_env = parent.frame(),
capture_arg = ffi_enexpr,
capture_dots = ffi_exprs_interp,
named = .named,
ignore_empty = .ignore_empty,
ignore_null = .ignore_null,
unquote_names = .unquote_names,
homonyms = .homonyms,
check_assign = .check_assign
#' @rdname defusing-advanced
#' @export
ensym <- function(arg) {
.Call(ffi_ensym, substitute(arg), parent.frame())
#' @rdname defusing-advanced
#' @export
ensyms <- function(...,
.named = FALSE,
.ignore_empty = c("trailing", "none", "all"),
.ignore_null = c("none", "all"),
.unquote_names = TRUE,
.homonyms = c("keep", "first", "last", "error"),
.check_assign = FALSE) {
exprs <- endots(
call = sys.call(),
frame_env = parent.frame(),
capture_arg = ffi_enexpr,
capture_dots = ffi_exprs_interp,
named = .named,
ignore_empty = .ignore_empty,
ignore_null = .ignore_null,
unquote_names = .unquote_names,
homonyms = .homonyms,
check_assign = .check_assign
map(exprs, function(expr) {
if (is_quosure(expr)) {
expr <- quo_get_expr(expr)
#' @rdname defusing-advanced
#' @export
quo <- function(expr) {
#' @rdname defusing-advanced
#' @export
quos <- function(...,
.named = FALSE,
.ignore_empty = c("trailing", "none", "all"),
.unquote_names = TRUE) {
frame_env = environment(),
named = .named,
ignore_empty = .ignore_empty,
unquote_names = .unquote_names,
homonyms = "keep",
check_assign = FALSE
#' @rdname defusing-advanced
#' @export
enquo0 <- function(arg) {
info <- .External(ffi_capturearginfo, environment(), parent.frame())
as_quosure(info$expr, info$env)
#' @rdname defusing-advanced
#' @export
enquos0 <- function(...) {
dots <- .External(ffi_capturedots, environment())
lapply(dots, function(dot) as_quosure(dot$expr, dot$env))
capture_args <- c(
endots <- function(call,
error_call = caller_env()) {
ignore_empty <- arg_match0(
c("trailing", "none", "all"),
error_call = error_call
ignore_null <- arg_match0(
c("none", "all"),
error_call = error_call
syms <- as.list(node_cdr(call))
if (!is_null(names(syms))) {
is_arg <- names(syms) %in% capture_args
syms <- syms[!is_arg]
if (all(names(syms) == "")) {
names(syms) <- NULL
# Avoid note about registration problems
dot_call <- .Call
dots <- map(syms, function(sym) {
if (!is_symbol(sym)) {
"Inputs to defuse must be argument names.",
call = error_call
if (identical(sym, dots_sym)) {
frame_env = frame_env,
named = named,
ignore_empty = ignore_empty,
unquote_names = unquote_names,
homonyms = homonyms,
check_assign = check_assign
} else {
list(dot_call(capture_arg, sym, frame_env))
dots <- list_c(dots) %||% dots
if (ignore_empty == "all") {
if (identical(capture_arg, ffi_enquo)) {
dot_is_missing <- quo_is_missing
} else {
dot_is_missing <- is_missing
is_missing <- map_lgl(dots, dot_is_missing)
# Keep named arguments unless these names come from the `enquos()`
# call, e.g. `enquos(foo)`
is_named <- detect_named(dots)
is_dev_supplied <- is_named & names2(dots) %in% names(syms)
is_empty <- is_missing & (is_dev_supplied | !is_named)
dots <- discard(dots, is_empty)
if (ignore_null == "all") {
if (identical(capture_arg, ffi_enquo)) {
dot_is_null <- quo_is_null
} else {
dot_is_null <- is_null
is_null <- map_lgl(dots, dot_is_null)
# Keep named arguments unless these names come from the `enquos()`
# call, e.g. `enquos(foo)`
is_named <- detect_named(dots)
is_dev_supplied <- is_named & names2(dots) %in% names(syms)
is_null <- is_null & (is_dev_supplied | !is_named)
dots <- discard(dots, is_null)
if (is_true(named)) {
dots <- quos_auto_name(dots)
} else if (is_false(named)) {
names(dots) <- names2(dots)
} else if (!is_null(named)) {
check_bool(named, arg = ".named", call = error_call)
#' Ensure that all elements of a list of expressions are named
#' This gives default names to unnamed elements of a list of
#' expressions (or expression wrappers such as formulas or
#' quosures), deparsed with [as_label()].
#' @param exprs A list of expressions.
#' @inheritParams args_dots_empty
#' @param repair_auto Whether to repair the automatic names. By
#' default, minimal names are returned. See `?vctrs::vec_as_names`
#' for information about name repairing.
#' @param repair_quiet Whether to inform user about repaired names.
#' @export
exprs_auto_name <- function(exprs,
repair_auto = c("minimal", "unique"),
repair_quiet = FALSE) {
repair_auto <- arg_match0(repair_auto, c("minimal", "unique"))
named <- detect_named(exprs)
if (all(named)) {
names <- names(exprs)
auto_names <- map_chr(exprs[!named], as_label)
names[!named] <- auto_names
if (repair_auto == "unique" && anyDuplicated(auto_names)) {
orig <- names
unique_names <- names_as_unique(names, quiet = TRUE)
names[!named] <- unique_names[!named]
if (!repair_quiet) {
names_inform_repair(orig, names)
names(exprs) <- names
#' @rdname exprs_auto_name
#' @param quos A list of quosures.
#' @export
quos_auto_name <- function(quos) {
captureArgInfo <- function(arg) {
.External(ffi_capturearginfo, environment(), parent.frame())
captureDots <- function() {
.External(ffi_capturedots, parent.frame())
# Enable glue syntax in name-unquoting when glue is loaded
on_package_load("glue", .Call(ffi_glue_is_here))
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