test_that("expand completes all values", {
df <- data.frame(x = 1:2, y = 1:2)
out <- expand(df, x, y)
expect_equal(nrow(out), 4)
test_that("multiple variables in one arg doesn't expand", {
df <- data.frame(x = 1:2, y = 1:2)
out <- expand(df, c(x, y))
expect_equal(nrow(out), 2)
test_that("expand with nesting doesn't expand values", {
df <- tibble(x = 1:2, y = 1:2)
expect_equal(expand(df, nesting(x, y)), df)
test_that("unnamed data frames are flattened", {
df <- data.frame(x = 1:2, y = 1:2)
out <- expand(df, nesting(x, y))
expect_equal(out$x, df$x)
out <- crossing(df)
expect_equal(out$x, df$x)
test_that("named data frames are not flattened", {
df <- tibble(x = 1:2, y = 1:2)
out <- expand(df, x = nesting(x, y))
expect_equal(out$x, df)
out <- crossing(x = df)
expect_equal(out$x, df)
test_that("expand works with non-standard col names", {
df <- tibble(` x ` = 1:2, `/y` = 1:2)
out <- expand(df, ` x `, `/y`)
expect_equal(nrow(out), 4)
test_that("expand accepts expressions", {
df <- expand(data.frame(), x = 1:3, y = 3:1)
expect_equal(df, crossing(x = 1:3, y = 3:1))
test_that("expand will expand within each group (#396)", {
df <- tibble(
g = c("a", "b", "a"),
a = c(1L, 1L, 2L),
b = factor(c("a", "a", "b"), levels = c("a", "b", "c"))
gdf <- dplyr::group_by(df, g)
out <- expand(gdf, a, b)
# Still grouped
expect_identical(dplyr::group_vars(out), "g")
out <- nest(out, data = -g)
expect_identical(out$data[[1]], crossing(a = 1:2, b = factor(levels = c("a", "b", "c"))))
expect_identical(out$data[[2]], crossing(a = 1L, b = factor(levels = c("a", "b", "c"))))
test_that("expand does not allow expansion on grouping variable (#1299)", {
df <- tibble(
g = "x",
a = 1L
gdf <- dplyr::group_by(df, g)
# This is a dplyr error that we don't own
expect_error(expand(gdf, g))
test_that("can use `.drop = FALSE` with expand (#1299)", {
levels <- c("a", "b", "c")
df <- tibble(
g = factor(c("a", "b", "a"), levels = levels),
a = c(1L, 1L, 2L),
b = factor(c("a", "a", "b"), levels = levels)
gdf <- dplyr::group_by(df, g, .drop = FALSE)
# No data in group "c" for `a`, so we don't get that in the result
expand(gdf, a),
vec_sort(gdf[c("g", "a")])
expect <- crossing(g = factor(levels = levels), b = factor(levels = levels))
expect <- dplyr::group_by(expect, g, .drop = FALSE)
# Levels of empty vector in `b` are expanded for group "c"
expect_identical(expand(gdf, b), expect)
test_that("expand moves the grouping variables to the front", {
df <- tibble(
a = 1L,
g = "x"
gdf <- dplyr::group_by(df, g)
expect_named(expand(gdf, a), c("g", "a"))
test_that("preserves ordered factors", {
df <- tibble(a = ordered("a"))
out <- expand(df, a)
expect_equal(df$a, ordered("a"))
test_that("NULL inputs", {
tb <- tibble(x = 1:5)
expect_equal(expand(tb, x, y = NULL), tb)
test_that("zero length input gives zero length output", {
tb <- tibble(x = character())
expect_equal(expand(tb, x), tb)
test_that("no input results in 1 row data frame", {
tb <- tibble(x = "a")
expect_identical(expand(tb), tibble(.rows = 1L))
expect_identical(expand(tb, y = NULL), tibble(.rows = 1L))
test_that("expand & crossing expand missing factor leves; nesting does not", {
tb <- tibble(
x = 1:3,
f = factor("a", levels = c("a", "b"))
expect_equal(nrow(expand(tb, x, f)), 6)
expect_equal(nrow(crossing(!!!tb)), 6)
expect_equal(nrow(nesting(!!!tb)), nrow(tb))
test_that("expand() reconstructs input dots is empty", {
expect_s3_class(expand(mtcars), "data.frame")
expect_s3_class(expand(as_tibble(mtcars)), "tbl_df")
test_that("expand() with no inputs returns 1 row", {
expect_identical(expand(tibble()), tibble(.rows = 1L))
test_that("expand() with empty nesting() / crossing() calls 'ignores' them (#1258)", {
df <- tibble(x = factor(c("a", "c"), letters[1:3]))
expect_identical(expand(df), expand(df, nesting()))
expect_identical(expand(df), expand(df, crossing()))
expect_identical(expand(df, x), expand(df, x, nesting()))
expect_identical(expand(df, x), expand(df, x, crossing()))
expect_identical(expand(df, x), expand(df, x, nesting(NULL)))
expect_identical(expand(df, x), expand(df, x, crossing(NULL)))
test_that("expand() retains `NA` data in factors (#1275)", {
df <- tibble(x = factor(c(NA, "x"), levels = "x"))
expand(df, x),
tibble(x = factor(c("x", NA), levels = "x"))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
test_that("crossing checks for bad inputs", {
expect_snapshot(crossing(x = 1:10, y = quote(a)), error = TRUE)
test_that("preserves NAs", {
x <- c("A", "B", NA)
expect_equal(crossing(x)$x, x)
expect_equal(nesting(x)$x, x)
test_that("crossing() preserves factor levels", {
x_na_lev_extra <- factor(c("a", NA), levels = c("a", "b", NA), exclude = NULL)
expect_equal(levels(crossing(x = x_na_lev_extra)$x), c("a", "b", NA))
test_that("NULL inputs", {
tb <- tibble(x = 1:5)
expect_equal(nesting(x = tb$x, y = NULL), tb)
expect_equal(crossing(x = tb$x, y = NULL), tb)
test_that("crossing handles list columns", {
x <- 1:2
y <- list(1, 1:2)
out <- crossing(x, y)
expect_equal(nrow(out), 4)
expect_s3_class(out, "tbl_df")
expect_equal(out$x, rep(x, each = 2))
expect_equal(out$y, rep(y, 2))
test_that("expand() respects `.name_repair`", {
x <- 1:2
df <- tibble(x)
out <- df %>% expand(x = x, x = x, .name_repair = "unique")
expect_named(out, c("x...1", "x...2"))
test_that("crossing() / nesting() respect `.name_repair`", {
x <- 1:2
out <- crossing(x = x, x = x, .name_repair = "unique")
expect_named(out, c("x...1", "x...2"))
out <- nesting(x = x, x = x, .name_repair = "unique")
expect_named(out, c("x...1", "x...2"))
test_that("crossing() / nesting() silently uniquely repairs names of unnamed inputs", {
x <- 1:2
expect_silent(out <- crossing(x, x))
expect_named(out, c("x...1", "x...2"))
expect_silent(out <- nesting(x, x))
expect_named(out, c("x...1", "x...2"))
test_that("crossing() / nesting() works with very long inlined unnamed inputs (#1037)", {
df1 <- tibble(a = c("a", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"), b = c(1, 2))
df2 <- tibble(c = c("b", "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb"), d = c(3, 4))
out <- crossing(
tibble(a = c("a", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"), b = c(1, 2)),
tibble(c = c("b", "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb"), d = c(3, 4))
expect_identical(out$a, vec_rep_each(df1$a, 2))
expect_identical(out$b, vec_rep_each(df1$b, 2))
expect_identical(out$c, vec_rep(df2$c, 2))
expect_identical(out$d, vec_rep(df2$d, 2))
out <- nesting(
tibble(a = c("a", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"), b = c(1, 2)),
tibble(c = c("b", "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb"), d = c(3, 4))
expect_identical(out$a, df1$a)
expect_identical(out$b, df1$b)
expect_identical(out$c, df2$c)
expect_identical(out$d, df2$d)
test_that("crossing() / nesting() doesn't overwrite after auto naming (#1092)", {
x <- list(0:1, 2:3)
expect_silent(out <- crossing(!!!x))
expect_identical(out[[1]], c(0L, 0L, 1L, 1L))
expect_identical(out[[2]], c(2L, 3L, 2L, 3L))
expect_silent(out <- nesting(!!!x))
expect_identical(out[[1]], c(0L, 1L))
expect_identical(out[[2]], c(2L, 3L))
test_that("crossing() with no inputs returns a 1 row data frame", {
# Because it uses expand_grid(), which respects `prod() == 1L`
expect_identical(crossing(), tibble(.rows = 1L))
expect_identical(crossing(NULL), tibble(.rows = 1L))
test_that("nesting() with no inputs returns a 1 row data frame", {
# Because computations involving the "number of combinations" of an empty
# set return 1
expect_identical(nesting(), tibble(.rows = 1L))
expect_identical(nesting(NULL), tibble(.rows = 1L))
test_that("can use `do.call()` or `reduce()` with `crossing()` (#992)", {
x <- list(tibble(a = 1:2), tibble(b = 2:4), tibble(c = 5:6))
crossing(x[[1]], x[[2]], x[[3]]),
do.call(crossing, x)
crossing(crossing(x[[1]], x[[2]]), x[[3]]),
purrr::reduce(x, crossing)
test_that("crossing() / nesting() retain `NA` data in factors (#1275)", {
x <- factor(c(NA, "x"), levels = "x")
tibble(x = factor(c("x", NA), levels = "x"))
tibble(x = factor(c("x", NA), levels = "x"))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
test_that("expand_grid() can control name_repair", {
x <- 1:2
expect_snapshot(expand_grid(x = x, x = x), error = TRUE)
out <- expand_grid(x = x, x = x, .name_repair = "unique")
expect_named(out, c("x...1", "x...2"))
out <- expand_grid(x = x, x = x, .name_repair = "minimal")
expect_named(out, c("x", "x"))
test_that("zero length input gives zero length output", {
expand_grid(x = integer(), y = 1:3),
tibble(x = integer(), y = integer())
test_that("no input results in 1 row data frame", {
# Because `prod() == 1L` by definition
expect_identical(expand_grid(), tibble(.rows = 1L))
expect_identical(expand_grid(NULL), tibble(.rows = 1L))
test_that("unnamed data frames are flattened", {
df <- tibble(x = 1:2, y = 1:2)
col <- 3:4
expand_grid(df, col),
tibble(x = c(1L, 1L, 2L, 2L), y = c(1L, 1L, 2L, 2L), col = c(3L, 4L, 3L, 4L))
test_that("packed and unpacked data frames are expanded identically", {
df <- tibble(x = 1:2, y = 1:2)
col <- 3:4
expand_grid(df, col),
unpack(expand_grid(df = df, col), df)
test_that("expand_grid() works with unnamed inlined tibbles with long expressions (#1116)", {
df <- expand_grid(
dplyr::tibble(fruit = c("Apple", "Banana"), fruit_id = c("a", "b")),
dplyr::tibble(status_id = c("c", "d"), status = c("cut_neatly", "devoured"))
expect <- vec_cbind(
vec_slice(tibble(fruit = c("Apple", "Banana"), fruit_id = c("a", "b")), c(1, 1, 2, 2)),
vec_slice(tibble(status_id = c("c", "d"), status = c("cut_neatly", "devoured")), c(1, 2, 1, 2))
expect_identical(df, expect)
test_that("expand_grid() works with 0 col tibbles (#1189)", {
df <- tibble(.rows = 1)
expect_identical(expand_grid(df), df)
expect_identical(expand_grid(df, x = 1:2), tibble(x = 1:2))
test_that("expand_grid() works with 0 row tibbles", {
df <- tibble(.rows = 0)
expect_identical(expand_grid(df), df)
expect_identical(expand_grid(df, x = 1:2), tibble(x = integer()))
test_that("expand_grid() respects `.vary` parameter", {
# Slowest
expand_grid(x = 1:2, y = 1:2),
x = c(1L, 1L, 2L, 2L),
y = c(1L, 2L, 1L, 2L)
# Fastest
expand_grid(x = 1:2, y = 1:2, .vary = "fastest"),
x = c(1L, 2L, 1L, 2L),
y = c(1L, 1L, 2L, 2L)
test_that("expand_grid() throws an error for invalid `.vary` parameter", {
expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, {
expand_grid(x = 1:2, y = 1:2, .vary = "invalid")
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# grid_dots()
test_that("grid_dots() silently repairs auto-names", {
x <- 1
expect_named(grid_dots(x, x), c("x...1", "x...2"))
expect_named(grid_dots(1, 1), c("1...1", "1...2"))
test_that("grid_dots() doesn't repair duplicate supplied names", {
expect_named(grid_dots(x = 1, x = 1), c("x", "x"))
test_that("grid_dots() evaluates each expression in turn", {
out <- grid_dots(x = seq(-2, 2), y = x)
expect_equal(out$x, out$y)
test_that("grid_dots() uses most recent override of column in iterative expressions", {
out <- grid_dots(x = 1:2, x = 3:4, y = x)
expect_identical(out, list(x = 1:2, x = 3:4, y = 3:4))
test_that("grid_dots() adds unnamed data frame columns into the mask", {
out <- grid_dots(x = 1:2, data.frame(x = 3:4, y = 5:6), a = x, b = y)
expect_identical(out$x, 1:2)
expect_identical(out$a, 3:4)
expect_identical(out$b, 5:6)
expect_identical(out[[2]], data.frame(x = 3:4, y = 5:6))
expect_named(out, c("x", "", "a", "b"))
test_that("grid_dots() drops `NULL`s", {
grid_dots(NULL, x = 1L, y = NULL, y = 1:2),
list(x = 1L, y = 1:2)
test_that("grid_dots() reject non-vector input", {
expect_snapshot(grid_dots(lm(1 ~ 1)), error = TRUE)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# fct_unique()
test_that("fct_unique() retains `NA` at the end even if it isn't a level", {
x <- factor(c(NA, "x"))
expect_identical(fct_unique(x), factor(c("x", NA)))
expect_identical(levels(fct_unique(x)), "x")
test_that("fct_unique() doesn't alter level order if `NA` is an existing level", {
x <- factor(c(NA, "x"), levels = c(NA, "x"), exclude = NULL)
expect_identical(fct_unique(x), x)
expect_identical(levels(fct_unique(x)), c(NA, "x"))
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