
          signature(object = "hypredGenome"),
                   new.id.add = NULL,
                   new.id.dom = NULL,
                   new.id.per.mar = NULL,
                   new.eff.add = NULL,
                   new.eff.dom = NULL)
            ## number of loci in object
            num.loci <- object@num.chr * (object@num.snp.chr + object@num.add.qtl.chr)

            ## validity checks

            ## there need to be additive QTL
                stop("There needs to be at least one QTL\n")  
            ## ensure correct types

            new.id.add <- as.integer(new.id.add)
            new.eff.add <- as.numeric(new.eff.add)

                new.id.dom <- as.integer(new.id.dom)
                new.id.per.mar <- as.integer(new.id.per.mar)

                new.eff.dom <- as.numeric(new.eff.dom)

            ## ids of the additive QTL must be within the id range of
            ## SNP in the object
            if(!all(new.id.add %in% 1:num.loci))
                stop("Not all QTL ids are within the id range of the SNP in the object!\n")

            ## IDs must be unique
            if(!identical(length(new.id.add), length(unique(new.id.add))))
                stop("The IDs of the qtl must be unique!\n")

            ## IDs must be in strictly increasing order
            if(any(diff(new.id.add) < 0))
                stop("The IDs of the qtl must be in strictly increasing order\n")

            ##--- dominance qtl ---##

                ## ids of the dominance QTL must be within the id range of
                ## newly defined additive QTL, i.e. only for QTL with
                ## additive effects may dominance effects be defined
                if(!all(new.id.dom %in% new.id.add))
                    stop(paste("Not all QTL with dominance effect have an id that\n",
                               "matches the ids of the QTL with additive effect!\n"))

                ## each ID can only appear once
                if(!identical(length(new.id.dom), length(unique(new.id.dom))))
                    stop("IDs of dominance qtl must be unique!\n")

                ## IDs must be in strictly increasing order
                if(any(diff(new.id.dom) < 0))
                     stop("The IDs of the dominance qtl must be in strictly increasing order\n")

            ##--- perfect markers ---##

                ## ids of the perfect marker must match the ids of the QTL 
                if(!all(new.id.per.mar %in% new.id.add))
                    stop(paste("ids of the perfect marker must match the ids of the QTL\n"))
                ## each ID can only appear once
                if(!identical(length(new.id.per.mar), length(unique(new.id.per.mar))))
                    stop("Each ID of an perfect marker can only appear once!\n")
                ## IDs must be in strictly increasing order
                if(any(diff(new.id.per.mar) < 0))
                     stop("The IDs of the perfect markers must be in strictly increasing order\n")
            ## lengths of vectors with effects must match the lengths
            ## of the vectors with ids

            if(!identical(length(new.id.add), length(new.eff.add)))
                stop(paste("The number of additive effects doesn't match the number of QTL\n"))

            if(!identical(length(new.id.dom), length(new.eff.dom)))
                stop(paste("The number of dominance effects doesn't match the number of QTL with dominance effects\n"))

            ##--- this next part is to ensure that the numbers of     ---##
            ##--- purely additive qtl, qtl with dominance and perfect ---##
            ##--- markers are the same for all chromosomes            ---##

            ##--- This proceeds by calculating the expected number of  ---##
            ##--- qtl per chromosome and then checking if the new ids  ---##
            ##--- for qtl or marker on a given chromosome (extracted   ---##
            ##--- from the id vectors according to the expected number ---##
            ##--- of qtl/markers on chromosome) match the ids of snp   ---##
            ##--- on that chromosome                                   ---##
            ## number of qtl must be a multiple of the number of chromosomes
            if(!((length(new.id.add) %% object@num.chr ) == 0))
                stop("The number of qtl must be a multiple of the number of chromosomes!\n")
            ## calculate the number of additive qtl per chromosome
            num.add.qtl.chr.new <- as.integer(length(new.id.add)/object@num.chr)

            ## check if there are exactly num.add.qtl.chr.new per chromosome

            ## index variables
            first.locus.chr <- 1 # ID of first locus on the chromosome
            first.qtl.chr <- 1   # ID of first qtl on the chromosome

            num.loci.chr <- num.loci / object@num.chr ## number of loci on chromosome

            ## loop over chromosomes
            for(i in 1:object@num.chr)
                ## IDs of the newly assigned qtl for this chromosome
                new.qtl.chr <- new.id.add[first.qtl.chr : (first.qtl.chr + num.add.qtl.chr.new - 1)]
                ## IDs of all the loci on the chromosome
                loci.chr <- first.locus.chr : (first.locus.chr + num.loci.chr - 1)

                ## if not all the QTLs have an ID that matches a ID of
                ## a SNP on the chromosome
                if(!all(new.qtl.chr %in% loci.chr))
                    stop("The number of qtl must be the same for all chromosomes!\n")

                ## increment the index variables
                first.locus.chr <- first.locus.chr + num.loci.chr 
                first.qtl.chr <- first.qtl.chr + num.add.qtl.chr.new

            ##-- if there are qtl with dominance, do the same for them ---##


                ## number of qtl must be a multiple of the number of chromosomes
                if(!((length(new.id.dom) %% object@num.chr ) == 0))
                    stop("The number of qtl with dominance must be a multiple of the number of chromosomes!\n")

                ## calculate the number of additive qtl per chromosome
                num.dom.qtl.chr.new <- as.integer(length(new.id.dom)/object@num.chr)

                ## check if there are exactly num.dom.qtl.chr.new per chromosome

                ## index variables
                first.locus.chr <- 1 # ID of first locus on the chromosome
                first.qtl.chr <- 1 # ID of first qtl on the chromosome

                num.loci.chr <- num.loci / object@num.chr ## number of loci on chromosome

                ## loop over chromosomes
                for(i in 1:object@num.chr)
                    ## IDs of the newly assigned qtl for this chromosome
                    new.qtl.chr <- new.id.dom[first.qtl.chr : (first.qtl.chr + num.dom.qtl.chr.new - 1)]
                    ## IDs of all the loci on the chromosome
                    loci.chr <- first.locus.chr : (first.locus.chr + num.loci.chr - 1)

                    ## if not all the QTLs have an ID that matches a ID of
                    ## a SNP on the chromosome
                    if(!all(new.qtl.chr %in% loci.chr))
                        stop("The number qtl with dominance must be the same for all chromosomes!\n")

                    ## increment the index variables
                    first.locus.chr <- first.locus.chr + num.loci.chr 
                    first.qtl.chr <- first.qtl.chr + num.dom.qtl.chr.new
              } ## end if dom

            ##--- if there are perfect markers, do the same for them ---##
                ## number of perfect markers must be a multiple of the
                ## number of chromosomes
                if(!((length(new.id.per.mar) %% object@num.chr ) == 0))
                    stop("The number of perfect markers must be a multiple of the number of chromosomes!\n")

                ## calculate the number of perfect markers per chromosome
                num.per.mar.chr.new <- as.integer(length(new.id.per.mar)/object@num.chr)

                ## check if there are exactly num.per.mar.chr.new per chromosome

                ## index variables
                first.locus.chr <- 1 # ID of first locus on the chromosome
                first.per.mar.chr <- 1 # ID of first perfect marker on the chromosome

                num.loci.chr <- num.loci / object@num.chr ## number of loci on chromosome

                ## loop over chromosomes
                for(i in 1:object@num.chr)
                    ## IDs of the newly assigned perfect markers for this chromosome
                    new.per.mar.chr <- new.id.per.mar[first.per.mar.chr : (first.per.mar.chr + num.per.mar.chr.new - 1)]
                    ## IDs of all the loci on the chromosome
                    loci.chr <- first.locus.chr : (first.locus.chr + num.loci.chr - 1)

                    ## if not all the perfect markers have an ID that matches a ID of
                    ## a SNP on the chromosome
                    if(!all(new.per.mar.chr %in% loci.chr))
                        stop("The number of perfect markers must be the same for all chromosomes!\n")

                    ## increment the index variables
                    first.locus.chr <- first.locus.chr + num.loci.chr 
                    first.per.mar.chr <- first.per.mar.chr + num.per.mar.chr.new
                  } ## end if per.mar
              }     ## end for

            ##--- end of this part ---##

            ## everything ok?, than copy and modify the object and
            ## return it

            object.mod <- object

            ##--- QTL with additive effect ---##
            ## change num.add.qtl.chr
            object.mod@num.add.qtl.chr <- num.add.qtl.chr.new
            ## change the ids of the additve QTL
            object.mod@pos.add.qtl$ID <- new.id.add

            ## change the map positions of the additve QTL
            object.mod@pos.add.qtl$M <- object@pos.snp[new.id.add]

            ## change the additive effects
            object.mod@add.and.dom.eff <- list(add = new.eff.add,
                                               dom = NULL)

            ##--- QTL with dominance ---##

            ## if new.id.dom is not NULL
                ## change num.per.mar.chr
                object.mod@num.dom.qtl.chr <- num.dom.qtl.chr.new
                ## set pos.dom.qtl 
                object.mod@pos.dom.qtl$ID <- new.id.dom
                object.mod@pos.dom.qtl$M  <- object@pos.snp[new.id.dom]
                ## set the dominance effects
                object.mod@add.and.dom.eff$dom <- new.eff.dom
                ## set num.dom.qtl.chr in the object to zero
                object.mod@num.dom.qtl.chr <- as.integer(0)
                ## set pos.dom.qtl in the object to NULL
                object.mod@pos.dom.qtl <- list(ID = NULL,
                                               M = NULL)
                ## dominance effects were set to NULL already

            ##--- perfect markers ---##

            ## if new.id.per.mar is not NULL
                ## change num.per.mar.chr
                object.mod@num.per.mar.chr <- num.per.mar.chr.new
                ## change the IDs 
                object.mod@per.mar.id <- new.id.per.mar
                ## set num.per.mar.chr in the object to zero
                object.mod@num.per.mar.chr <- as.integer(0)
                ## set per.mar.id in the object to NULL
                object.mod@per.mar.id <- as.integer(0)

            ##--- The number of loci always remains constant.          ---##
            ##--- Hence, change num.snp.chr according to the number of ---##
            ##--- qtl per chr                                          ---##

            object.mod@num.snp.chr <- as.integer((num.loci - length(new.id.add)) / object@num.chr)

timflutre/hypred documentation built on May 6, 2019, 10:51 a.m.