lt <- readRDS("C:/Users/pgerl/Dropbox/bayesPop/bayesPop2017/LTWorldMale.rds")
greville.mortpak <- function(QxMx, inputQxMx, Sex) {
# QxMx is either Qx or Mx vector of values
# with inputQxMx = 1 for Qx as input for QxMx, and 2 for Mx otherwise like in Mortpak LIFETB
# with Sex =1 for Male and 2 for Female
if (Sex==1){ # Male under age 5 based on CD-West
if (inputQxMx == 1) { #if input is Qx (Table on p. 20 in Coale and Demeny 1983 for CD-West)
if (QxMx[1] < 0.1) {
ax0 <- 0.0425 + 2.875 * QxMx[1]
ax1 <- 1.653 - 3.013 * QxMx[1]
} else
ax0 <- 0.330
ax1 <- 1.352
if (inputQxMx == 2) { #if input is Mx (Table 3.3, p. 48 in Preston et al 2001)
if (QxMx[1] < 0.107) {
ax0 <- 0.045 + 2.684 * QxMx[1]
ax1 <- 1.651 - 2.816 * QxMx[1]
} else
ax0 <- 0.330
ax1 <- 1.352
if (Sex==2){ # Female under age 5 based on CD-West
if (inputQxMx == 1) { #if input is Qx (Table on p. 20 in Coale and Demeny 1983 for CD-West)
if (QxMx[1] < 0.1) {
ax0 <- 0.050 + 3.000 * QxMx[1]
ax1 <- 1.524 - 1.625 * QxMx[1]
} else
ax0 <- 0.350
ax1 <- 1.361
if (inputQxMx == 2) { #if input is Mx (Table 3.3, p. 48 in Preston et al 2001)
if (QxMx[1] < 0.107) {
ax0 <- 0.053 + 2.800 * QxMx[1]
ax1 <- 1.522 - 1.518 * QxMx[1]
} else
ax0 <- 0.350
ax1 <- 1.361
## Greville (based on Mortpak LIFETB) for other ages
ax <- c(NA,
2.5 - (25 / 12) * (QxMx[-c(1, length(QxMx))] - 0.1 *
log(QxMx[3:length(QxMx)] / QxMx[1:(length(QxMx)-2)])),
ax[1:4] <- c(ax0, ax1, 2.5, 2.5)
greville.mortpak.redux <- function(QxMx, inputQxMx, Sex) {
## Double.MIN_VALUE for log
DBL_MIN <- .Machine$double.xmin
# n = age interval
n <- c(1, 4, rep(5, length(QxMx)))
# with inputQxMx = 1 for Qx as input for QxMx, and 2 for Mx otherwise like in Mortpak LIFETB
# with Sex =1 for Male and 2 for Female
if (Sex==1){ # Male under age 5 based on CD-West
if (inputQxMx == 1) { #if input is Qx (Table on p. 20 in Coale and Demeny 1983 for CD-West)
if (QxMx[1] < 0.1) {
ax0 <- 0.0425 + 2.875 * QxMx[1]
ax1 <- 1.653 - 3.013 * QxMx[1]
} else {
ax0 <- 0.330
ax1 <- 1.352
if (inputQxMx == 2) { #if input is Mx (Table 3.3, p. 48 in Preston et al 2001)
if (QxMx[1] < 0.1072) {
ax0 <- 0.045 + 2.684 * QxMx[1]
ax1 <- 1.651 - 2.816 * QxMx[1]
} else {
ax0 <- 0.330
ax1 <- 1.352
if (Sex==2){ # Female under age 5 based on CD-West
if (inputQxMx == 1) { #if input is Qx (Table on p. 20 in Coale and Demeny 1983 for CD-West)
if (QxMx[1] < 0.1) {
ax0 <- 0.050 + 3.000 * QxMx[1]
ax1 <- 1.524 - 1.625 * QxMx[1]
} else {
ax0 <- 0.350
ax1 <- 1.361
if (inputQxMx == 2) { #if input is Mx (Table 3.3, p. 48 in Preston et al 2001)
if (QxMx[1] < 0.1072) {
ax0 <- 0.053 + 2.800 * QxMx[1]
ax1 <- 1.522 - 1.518 * QxMx[1]
} else {
ax0 <- 0.350
ax1 <- 1.361
## Initial ax default values
ax <- c(ax0, ax1, rep(2.5, length(QxMx)-2))
## ax for age 5-9 onward using Greville formula
for (j in 3:(length(QxMx)-1)) {
## Mortpak LIFETB for age 5-9 and 10-14
# ax[j] = 2.5
## for ages 15-19 onward
## AK <- log(QxMx[j+1]/QxMx[j-1])/10
## ax[j] <- 2.5 - (25.0/12.0) * (QxMx[j] - AK)
## improved Greville formula for adolescent ages 5-9 and 10-14
## Let the three successive lengths be n1, n2 and n3, the formula for 5a5 is:
## ax[i] = 2.5 - (25 / 12) * (mx[i] - log(mx[i + 1] / mx[i-1])/(n1/2+n2+n3/2))
## for age 5-9, coefficient should be 1/9.5, because age group 1-4 has only 4 ages (not 5), while the other 5-year age group are 1/10
## ax[i] = 2.5 - (25 / 12) * (mx[i] - (1/9.5)* log(mx[i + 1] / mx[i-1]))
## Age 20-25, ..., 95-99
## Greville (based on Mortpak LIFETB) for other ages, new implementation
ax[j] = (n[j]/2) - ((n[j]^2) / 12) * (QxMx[j] - log(max(QxMx[j + 1] / max(QxMx[j - 1], DBL_MIN), DBL_MIN)) / (n[j-1]/2 + n[j] + n[j+1]/2))
## add constraint at older ages (in Mortpak and bayesPop)
## 0.97 = 1-5*exp(-5)/(1-exp(-5)), for constant mu=1, Kannisto assumption (Mortpak used 1 instead of 0.97).
if (j > 9 && ax[j] < 0.97) {ax[j] = 0.97}
## Extra condition based on Mortpak LIFETB for age 65 onward
if (inputQxMx == 1 & j >= 15) {
tmp <- 0.8 * ax[j-1]
if (ax[j] < tmp) {ax[j] <- tmp}
ax[length(QxMx)] <- 1/QxMx[length(QxMx)]
if (ax[length(QxMx)] < 0.97) {ax[length(QxMx)] = 0.97}
if (inputQxMx == 1) {
tmp <- 0.8 * ax[length(QxMx)-1]
if (ax[length(QxMx)] < tmp) {ax[length(QxMx)] <- tmp}
QxMx <- qx
mx.from.qx <- function(qx, ax, n = inferAgeIntAbr(vec = qx)) {
qx / (n - (n - ax) * qx) } <- function(mx, ax, n = inferAgeIntAbr(vec = qx)) {
(n * mx) / (1.0 + ((n - ax) * mx))
ax.from.qxmx <- function(qx, mx, n = inferAgeIntAbr(vec = qx)){
1 / mx - n / qx + n
qx <- lt$qx
## initialize ax using Qx
ax1 <- greville.mortpak(qx, 1, 1)
axi <- ax1
## iterate until output qx match input qx using mxi with axi and qx as input
smsq <- 99999
epsilon <- 1.00E-16
while(smsq > epsilon) {
mxi <- mx.from.qx(qx, axi, n)
axi <- greville.mortpak(mxi, 2)
qxnew <-, axi, n)
smsq <- sum((qxnew - qx)^2)
mx <- mxi
ax <- axi
## note the last mx for the open age group needs to be computed differently,
# or rather mx only up to age 95-99 used to fit Kannisto, and the open age group discarded.
mx[length(mx)] <- NA
ax[length(mx)] <- NA
check <- data.frame(cbind(mx, qxnew, qx, ax))
# this is strictly CD west, but what about the others? asked for Preston ref.
# I'd program these differently if I had all the coefs
Mx2ax.greville <- function(nMx, Sex = "m", SRB = 1.05) {
# QxMx is either Qx or Mx vector of values
# with inputQxMx = 1 for Qx as input for QxMx, and 2 for Mx otherwise like in Mortpak LIFETB
# with Sex ="m" for Male and "f" for Female
if (Sex == "m"){ # Male under age 5 based on CD-West
#if input is Mx (Table 3.3, p. 48 in Preston et al 2001)
if (nMx[1] < 0.107) {
ax0 <- 0.045 + 2.684 * nMx[1]
ax1 <- 1.651 - 2.816 * nMx[1]
} else {
ax0 <- 0.330
ax1 <- 1.352
if (Sex == "f"){ # Female under age 5 based on CD-West
#if input is Mx (Table 3.3, p. 48 in Preston et al 2001)
if (nMx[1] < 0.107) {
ax0 <- 0.053 + 2.800 * nMx[1]
ax1 <- 1.522 - 1.518 * nMx[1]
} else {
ax0 <- 0.350
ax1 <- 1.361
if (Sex == "b"){
# take SRB weighted avg of the above
N <- length(nMx)
## Greville (based on Mortpak LIFETB) for other ages
ax <- c(NA, 2.5 - (25 / 12) * (nMx[-c(1, N)] - 0.1 * log(nMx[3:N] / nMx[1:(N - 2)])), 1 / nMx[N])
ax[1:4] <- c(ax0, ax1, 2.5, 2.5)
qx2ax.greville <- function(nqx, Sex = "m", SRB = 1.05) {
# QxMx is either Qx or Mx vector of values
# with inputQxMx = 1 for Qx as input for QxMx, and 2 for Mx otherwise like in Mortpak LIFETB
# with Sex =1 for Male and 2 for Female
if (Sex=="m"){ # Male under age 5 based on CD-West
#if input is Qx (Table on p. 20 in Coale and Demeny 1983 for CD-West)
# TR: need to check these cutpoints, since same value being used for mx and qx...
if (nqx[1] < 0.1) {
ax0 <- 0.0425 + 2.875 * nqx[1]
ax1 <- 1.653 - 3.013 * nqx[1]
} else {
ax0 <- 0.330
ax1 <- 1.352
if (Sex=="f"){ # Female under age 5 based on CD-West
#if input is Qx (Table on p. 20 in Coale and Demeny 1983 for CD-West)
if (nqx[1] < 0.1) {
ax0 <- 0.050 + 3.000 * nqx[1]
ax1 <- 1.524 - 1.625 * nqx[1]
} else {
ax0 <- 0.350
ax1 <- 1.361
if (Sex == "b"){
# take SRB weighted avg of the above
N <- length(nqx)
## Greville (based on Mortpak LIFETB) for other ages
ax <- c(NA, 2.5 - (25 / 12) * (nqx[-c(1, N)] - 0.1 * log(nqx[3:N] / nqx[1:(N - 2)])),
# TR: this closeout works for mx, but not for qx. Is this just blended out in the iteration?
1 / nqx[N])
ax[1:4] <- c(ax0, ax1, 2.5, 2.5)
axUN <- function(qx, mx, Sex, tol = .Machine$double.eps, maxit = 1e3){
stopifnot(!missing(qx) | !missing(mx))
smsq <- 99999
if (missing(qx) & !missing(mx)){
# UN (1982) p 31
# For ages 15 and over, the expression for nQx is derived
# from Greville" as ,nax, = 2.5 - (25/12) (nmx) - k), where
# k = 1/10 log(nmx+5/nmx-5). For ages 5 and 10, nQx = 2.5
# and for ages under 5, nQx values from the Coale and
# Demeny West region relationships are used."
axi <- mx2ax.greville(nMx = mx, Sex = Sex)
if (!missing(qx) & missing(mx)){
# UN (1982) p 31
# With nqx as input, the procedure is identical, except
# that an iterative procedure is used to find the nmx and nqx
# values consistent with the given nqx and with the Greville
# expression. To complete the life table, the last six nqx
# values are used to fit the Makeham-type expression
axi <- qx2ax.greville(nqx = qx, Sex = Sex)
mxi <- mx.from.qx(qx, ax = axi)
for (i in 1:maxit) {
mxi <- mx.from.qx(qx, axi)
axi <- Mx2ax.greville(mxi, Sex = Sex, SRB = SRB)
qxnew <-, axi)
smsq <- sum((qxnew - qx)^2)
if (smsq < tol){
# if both given, then we have ax via identity:
if (!missing(qx) & !missing(mx)){
axi <- ax.from.qxmx(qx = qx, mx = mx)
# if mx, qx, or both are given, then by now we have ax
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