

Suppose one wishes to assess the importance of each observed covariate, in terms of maximizing (or minimizing) the population mean of an outcome under an optimal individualized treatment regime. First, we remind that such a treatment strategy is termed individualized treatment regime (ITR), and the (counterfactual) population mean outcome under an ITR is the value of the ITR. An ITR with the maximal (or minimal) value is referred to as an optimal ITR or the optimal rule, whereas the value of an optimal ITR is termed the optimal value. Under such paradigm, a covariate that maximizes (or minimizes) the population mean outcome the most under an optimal ITR out of all other considered covariates might be considered "more important" with respect to the said criteria.

Estimation-wise, we consider estimation of the mean outcome under the optimal rule, where the candidate rules are restricted to depend only on user-supplied subset of the baseline covariates. The estimation problem is addressed in a statistical model for the data distribution that is nonparametric, and at most places restrictions on the probability of a patient receiving treatment given covariates. For additional background on Targeted Learning and previous work on optimal individualized treatment regimes, please consider consulting @vdl2011targeted, @vdl2018targeted, @vanderLaanLuedtke15 and @luedtke2016super.

To start, let's load the packages we'll use and set a seed for simulation:

#Load packages:

#Set random seed:

Data and Notation

Suppose we observe $n$ i.i.d. observations of $O=(W,A,Y) \sim P_0$. We denote $A$ as treatment, where $A \in {0,1}$ and $Y$ is the final outcome. Note that we treat $W$ as all of our collected baseline covariates. We emphasize that we make no assumptions about the distribution of $P_0$, so that $P_0 \in \mathcal{M}$, where $\mathcal{M}$ is the fully nonparametric model. This is in contrast to much of the current literature that relies on parametric assumptions. We can break the data generating distribution $P_0$ into the following parts:

$$P_0(O) = P_0(Y|A,W)P_0(A|W)P_0(W) = Q_0(Y|A,W)g_0(A|W)Q_{W,0}(W)$$ In addition, we also define $\bar{Q}{Y,0}(A,W) \equiv E_0[Y|A,W]$ such that $E_0(Y_a) = E{0,W}(\bar{Q}_{Y,0}(A=a,W))$.

Simulated Data

First, we load the simulated data. In particular, here our data consists of four baseline covariates $W$ which are continuous, and a binary outcome $Y$ whose mean we want to maximize. In addition, we look at ten continous and categorical covariates we want to assess importance of in terms of their ability to maximize (or minimize) the population mean of the outcome, if each was assigned (possibly contrary to the fact) according to the optimal individualized treatment rule.

#Load data:
data <- data_cat_vim

#Expore the data:

The above composes our observed data structure $O = (W, A, Y)$. To formally express this fact using the tlverse grammar introduced by the tmle3 package, we create a single data object and specify the functional relationships between the nodes in the directed acyclic graph (DAG) via nonparametric structural equation models (NPSEMs), reflected in the node list that we set up:

node_list <- list(
  W = c("W3", "W4"),
  A = c("A","W1", "W2"),
  Y = "Y"

We now have an observed data structure (data) and a specification of the role that each variable in the data set plays as the nodes in a DAG. Note that this methodology only applies to discrete variables, hence we subset out nodes to only discrete $A$s.


Many methods for learning an optimal rule from data have been developed. Here, we focus on the methods developed in @luedtke2016super and @vanderLaanLuedtke15; however tmle3mopttx also supports the widely used Q-learning approach, based on generating an estimate of $\bar{Q}_{Y,0}(A,W)$ @Sutton1998. We cover how to use the Q-learning approach in the later implementation of the vignette.

However, we focus on the methodology outlined in @luedtke2016super and @vanderLaanLuedtke15, where we learn the optimal ITR using Super Learner @vdl2007super, and estimate its value using the cross-validated Targeted Minimum Loss-based Estimation (CV-TMLE) @cvtmle2010. Luedtke and van der Laan present three different appraches for learning the optimal rule, but tmle3mopttx relies on using the Super Learner to estimate the blip function (or "pseudo-blip" for categorical treatment).

In great generality, we first need to estimate an individual treatment regime which corresponds to dynamic treatment rule ($d(V)$) that takes a subset of covariates $V \in W$ and assigns treatment. As specified in the introduction, we are also interested in the value of such a dynamic rule: $$E_0[Y_{d(V)}] = E_{0,W}[\bar{Q}{Y,0}(A=d(V),W)]$$ which, under causal assumptions, can be interpreted as the mean outcome if (possibly contrary to fact), treatment was assigned according to the rule. The optimal rule is the rule with the maximal value: $$d_0 \equiv \text{argmax}{d \in \mathcal{D}} E_0[Y_{d(V)}] $$ where $\mathcal{D}$ represents the set of possible rules, $d$. We note that minimization is completely ok as well, depending on the problem in hand.

Binary treatment

In the case of a binary treatment, a key quantity for optimal ITR is the blip function. In particular, one can show that any optimal ITR assigns treatment to individuals falling in strata in which the stratum specific average treatment effect, the blip function, is positive and does not assign treatment to individuals for which this quantity is negative. Therefore for a binary treatment, we define a blip function as $$E_0[Y_1-Y_0|V] \equiv E_0[\bar{Q}{Y,0}(1,W) - \bar{Q}{Y,0}(0,W) | V] $$ The note that the rule can now be derived as $d_0(V) = I(\bar{Q}_0(V) > 0)$.

In particular, we will:

  1. Estimate $\bar{Q}_{Y,0}(A,W)$ and $g_0(A|W)$ using sl3.

  2. Apply the doubly robust A-IPW transform to our outcome, where we define:

$$D_{\bar{Q},g,a}(O) \equiv \frac{I(A=a)}{g(A|W)} (Y-\bar{Q}Y(A,W)) + \bar{Q}_Y(A=a,W),$$ $$E(D{\bar{Q},g,a}(O) | V) = E(Y^a|V).$$ Using this transform, we can define the following contrast: $D_{\bar{Q},g}(O) = D_{\bar{Q},g,a=1}(O) - D_{\bar{Q},g,a=0}(O)$

We estimate the blip function (\bar{Q}{0,a}(V)) by regressing $D{\bar{Q},g}(O)$ on $V$ using sl3.

  1. Our estimated rule is $d(V) = \text{argmax}{a \in \mathcal{A}} \bar{Q}{0,a}(V)$.

  2. Obtain inference for the mean outcome under the optimal rule using CV-TMLE.

Categorical treatment

In line with the approach considered for binary treatment, we extend the blip function apprach to allow for categorical treatment by estimating "pseudo-blips". We define pseudo-blips as vector valued entities where the output for a given $V$ is a vector of length equal to the number of treatment categories. As such, we define it as: $$\bar{Q}0^{pblip}(V) = {\bar{Q}{0,a}^{pblip}(V): a \in \mathcal{A} }$$ We implement three different pseudo-blips in tmle3mopttx.

  1. "Blip1" corresponds to choosing a reference category of treatment, and defining the blip for all other categories relative to the specified reference. Hence we have that: $$\bar{Q}_{0,a}^{pblip-ref}(V) \equiv E_0(Y_a-Y-0|V)$$ where $Y_0$ is the specified reference category. Note that, for the case of binary treatment, this strategy reduces to the apparoach described in the previous section.

  2. "Blip2" approach corresponds to defining the blip relative to the average of all categories. As such, we can define $\bar{Q}{0,a}^{pblip-avg}(V)$ as: $$\bar{Q}{0,a}^{pblip-avg}(V) \equiv E_0(Y_a- \frac{1}{n_A} \sum_{a^{'} \in \mathcal{A}} Y_{a^{'}}|V)$$

  3. "Blip3" reflects an extension of "Blip2", where the average is now a weighted average. $$\bar{Q}{0,a}^{pblip-wavg}(V) \equiv E_0(Y_a- \frac{1}{n_A} \sum{a^{'} \in \mathcal{A}} P(A=a^{'}|V) Y_{a^{'}}|V)$$

Just like in the binary case, pseudo-blips are estimated by regressing contrasts composed using the A-IPW transform on $V$.

Computational Considerations

We use the estimation approach outlined in @luedtke2016super and @vanderLaanLuedtke15, which makes frequent use of cross-validation for both model selection and CV-TMLE based parameter estimation @cvtmle2010. In order to avoid nesting cross-validation, tmle3mopptx relies on Split-Specific Super Learner in order to estimate the rule, as described by Coyle et al [@jeremythesis].

Interlude: Constructing Optimal Stacked Regressions with sl3

To easily incorporate ensemble machine learning into the estimation procedure, we rely on the facilities provided in the sl3 R package. For a complete guide on using the sl3 R package, consider consulting https://sl3.tlverse.org, or https://tlverse.org for the tlverse ecosystem, of which sl3 is a major part.

Using the framework provided by the sl3 package, the nuisance parameters of the TML estimator may be fit with ensemble learning, using the cross-validation framework of the Super Learner algorithm of @vdl2007super.

xgboost_100<-Lrnr_xgboost$new(nrounds = 100)
xgboost_500<-Lrnr_xgboost$new(nrounds = 500)
lrn1 <- Lrnr_mean$new()

Q_learner <- Lrnr_sl$new(
  learners = list(xgboost_100,xgboost_500,lrn1,lrn2),
  metalearner = Lrnr_nnls$new()

#Define the g learner, which is a multinomial learner:
mn_metalearner <- make_learner(Lrnr_solnp, loss_function = loss_loglik_multinomial, 
                               learner_function = metalearner_linear_multinomial)
g_learner <- make_learner(Lrnr_sl, list(xgboost_500,xgboost_100,lrn1), mn_metalearner)

#Define the Blip learner, which is a multivariate learner:
learners <- list(xgboost_100,xgboost_500,lrn1,lrn2)
b_learner <- create_mv_learners(learners = learners)

As seen above, we generate three different ensemble learners that must be fit, corresponding to the learners for the outcome regression, propensity score, and the blip function.

We make the above explicit with respect to standard notation by bundling the ensemble learners into a list object below:

# specify outcome and treatment regressions and create learner list
learner_list <- list(Y = Q_learner, A = g_learner, B = b_learner)

The learner_list object above specifies the role that each of the ensemble learners we've generated is to play in computing initial estimators to be used in building a TMLE for the parameter of interest. In particular, it makes explicit the fact that our Y is used in fitting the outcome regression while our A is used in fitting our treatment mechanism regression, and finally B is used in fitting the blip function.

Initializing tmle3mopttx through its tmle3_Spec

To start, we will initialize a specification for the TMLE of our parameter of interest (called a tmle3_Spec in the tlverse nomenclature) simply by calling tmle3_mopttx_vim. First, we indicate the method used for learning the optimal individualized treatment by specifying the method argument of tmle3_mopttx_vim. If method="Q", then we will be using Q-learning for rule estimation, and we do not need to specify V, type and b_learner arguments in the spec, since they are not important for Q-learning. However, if method="SL", which corresponds to learning the optimal individualized treatment using the above outlined methodology, then we need to specify the type of pseudo-blip we will use in this estimation problem and the list of learners used to estimate the blip function. Finally, for method="SL" we also need to communicate that we're interested in learning a rule dependent on V covariates by speciflying the V argument. For both method="Q" and method="SL", we need to indicate whether we want to maximize or minimize the mean under the optimal inidvidualized rule. Finally, we also need to specify whether the final comparison of the mean under the optimal individualized rule and the mean under the observed outcome should be on the multiplicative scale (risk ratio) or linear (similar to average treatment effect).

# initialize a tmle specification
tmle_spec <- tmle3_mopttx_vim(
  V = node_list$W, learners = learner_list, type = "blip2",
  contrast = "multiplicative",
  maximize = FALSE,
  method = "SL", 
  complex = TRUE, 
  realistic = FALSE

As seen above, the tmle_mopttx specification object (like all tmle3_Spec objects) does not store the data for our specific analysis of interest. Later, we'll see that passing a data object directly to the tmle3 wrapper function, alongside the instantiated tmle_spec, will serve to construct a tmle3_Task object internally (see the tmle3 documentation for details).

Variable Importance using the Targeted Estimation of the Mean under the Optimal ITR

Now that we have seen how to obtain a contrast between the mean under the optimal individualized rule and the mean under the observed outcome for a single covariate, we are ready to run the variable importance analysis for all of our observed covariates. In order to run the variable importance analysis, we first need to initialize a specification for the TMLE of our parameter of interest as we have done before. In addition, we need to specifly the data and the corresponding list of nodes, as well as the appropriate learners for the outcome regression, propensity score, and the blip function. Finally, we need to specifly whether we should adjust for all the other covariates we are assessing variable importance for. Note that we are able to assess importance of only categorical covariates- hence all continous baseline covariates $W$ will not be included in the variable importance loop, only $A$ terms. However, we will adjust for all $W$s in our analysis, and if adjust_for_other_A=TRUE, also for all $A$ covariates that are not treated as exposure in the variable importance loop. For computational reasons, we set adjust_for_other_A=FALSE below.

vim_results <- tmle3_vim(tmle_spec, data,
                         node_list = node_list, learner_list,
                         adjust_for_other_A = TRUE


The final result of tmle3_vim with the tmle3mopttx spec is an ordered list of mean outcomes under the optimal individualized treatment for the specifed categorical covariates in our dataset. In the column "A" we can see which covariate was handled as treatment, and which were adjusted for, "W". In addition, we can also see the corrected significance of the particular VIM, listed in the "p_nz_corrected" column.

Variable Importance using Q-learning

We can also perform variable importance with the optimal individualized treatment estimated by Q-learning. In order to do that, we need to initialize our tmle3 spec with method="Q", then run as in the above section.

# initialize a tmle specification:
tmle_spec_Q <-  tmle3_mopttx_vim(contrast = "multiplicative",
                               maximize = FALSE,

vim_results_Q <- tmle3_vim(tmle_spec, data, node_list = node_list, learner_list,
                         adjust_for_other_A = TRUE)


tlverse/tmle3mopttx documentation built on Aug. 9, 2022, 3:31 p.m.