
fit_glm = function(mm, response, train){
    #error checks
    if(nrow(mm) != length(response)) stop('mm not equal to response length')
    if(nrow(mm) != length(train)) stop('mm not equal to train length')
    if(!is.logical(train)) stop('train is no logical')
    if(!is.logical(response)) stop('response is not logical')
    glmnet_fit = glmnet::cv.glmnet(x = mm[train,], y = response [train], family= "binomial")
    glmnet_test_prob = c(predict(glmnet_fit  , newx = mm[!train,]))
    glmnet_fit$out_of_bag = data.frame(predicted = inverse.logit(glmnet_test_prob), actual = response [!train])

    glmnet_fit$auc = auc(glmnet_fit$out_of_bag$predicted,  glmnet_fit$out_of_bag$actual )
    cat('auc =',     glmnet_fit$auc, '\n')

    # glmnet_fit$non_zero = en_coefs( glmnet_fit  , mm = mm, i_train = train, response =  response, min_size = 0)
    # glmnet_fit$non_zero$exp_coef = exp(glmnet_fi$non_zero$coef )
 en_coefs =  function(mod, mm, i_train, response, min_size = 0, plot = FALSE){
    cc = as.matrix(coef(mod,  mod $lambda.min))  

    mm_plus = mm[response,]
    mm_minus = mm[!response,]
    coefs = data.frame(name = rownames(cc),
        coefs = c(cc))#, 
        #count_training = c(NA, colSums( mm[i_train,])), 
       # count_test = c(NA, colSums( mm[!i_train,])),
       # positive_count = c(NA, colSums( mm_plus)) ,
         #negative_count = c(NA, colSums(  mm_minus) ))
    coefs = arrange(coefs, coefs)
    coefs_big = coefs[abs(coefs$coefs) > min_size,]

    coefs_big$name = gsub('\\n', ' ', coefs_big$name)
    if(plot)    barplot(coefs_big$coefs, names.arg = coefs_big$name, horiz = TRUE)  
 #' @export
fit_xgboost <- function (response, ...) {
   UseMethod("fit_xgboost ", response)

#' @export
fit_xgboost.logical = function(response, mm, train,plot_it = FALSE,  ...){
    #error checks
    if(nrow(mm) != length(response)) stop('mm not equal to response length')
    if(nrow(mm) != length(train)) stop('mm not equal to train length')
    if(!is.logical(train)) stop('train is no logical')
    dtrain <- xgb.DMatrix(data =  mm[train,], label=response [train])
    if(!is.logical(response)) stop('response is not logical')
    cv <- xgb.cv(data = dtrain , nrounds = 2000,...,
                 nthread = 4, nfold = 5, metrics = list("logloss"), objective = "binary:logistic", early_stopping_rounds = 5)
    bst = xgboost(data = dtrain , ...,
                  nrounds = cv$best_iteration, objective = "binary:logistic")
    boost_test_pred <- predict(bst, mm[!train,])
    out = list(bst = bst)
    out$out_of_bag = data.frame(predicted = boost_test_pred , actual = response [!train])
    out$auc = auc(boost_test_pred, response [!train] )
    cat('auc =',    out$auc, '\n')
    class(out) = 'boostfit'    
   if(plot_it) plot_boost_vars(bst, mm, 40)

#todo make into s3 methods
#' @export
fit_xgboost.numeric = function(response, mm, train, plot_it = FALSE,  ...){
  #error checks
  if(nrow(mm) != length(response)) stop('mm not equal to response length')
  if(nrow(mm) != length(train)) stop('mm not equal to train length')
  dtrain <- xgb.DMatrix(data =  mm[train,], label=response [train])
  if(!is.numeric(response)) stop('response is not numericl')
  cv <- xgb.cv(data = dtrain , nrounds = 2000,...,
               nthread = 4, nfold = 5, metrics = list("rmse"), objective = "reg:linear", early_stopping_rounds = 5)
  bst = xgboost(data = dtrain , ...,
                nrounds = cv$best_iteration, objective = "reg:linear")
  boost_test_pred <- predict(bst, mm[!train,])
  out = list(bst = bst)
  out$out_of_bag = data.frame(predicted = boost_test_pred , actual = response [!train])
  out$ rmse =  rmse(boost_test_pred, response [!train] )
  cat('rmse =',    out$rmse, '\n')
  class(out) = 'boostfit'    
  if(plot_it) plot_boost_vars(bst, mm, 40)
plot.boostfit = function(boostfit, probs = seq(0, 1, 0.25)){
  boostfit$q = quantile(boostfit$out_of_bag$predicted, probs = probs)
  boostfit$q[1] = 0
  boostfit$q[length( boostfit$q)] = 1
  boostfit$out_of_bag$group = cut(boostfit$out_of_bag$predicted, boostfit$q, labels = 1:(length( boostfit$q)-1))
  tt = table(boostfit$out_of_bag$group , boostfit$out_of_bag$actual)
  pt = prop.table(tt, 1)
  mp(mfrow = c(2,2))
  boxplot(predicted ~ actual , boostfit$out_of_bag)
  barplot(tt[,2], main = 'Count')
  barplot(pt[,2], main = 'Proportion')
  abline(h = mean(boostfit$out_of_bag$actual), lty = 2)

predict.boostfit = function(model, newdata){
  vars = intersect(model$vars, colnames(newdata))
  hmm_new = FeatureHashing::hashed.model.matrix(vars, newdata, 
                                                hash.size = model$hash_size)
  p = xgboost:::predict.xgb.Booster(model$bst, hmm_new)
  group = cut(p, model$q, labels = 1:(length(model$q) - 1))
  group = tomr::unfactor(group)
  return(data.frame(p, group))
  else return(data.frame(p))
boost_variables = function(model, mm, n = 40){
    ri = xgb.importance(colnames(mm), model = model)
    ri = data.frame(arrange(ri, -abs(Gain)))
    barplot(ri$Gain[1:n], horiz = TRUE, names.arg =  ri$Feature[1:n])
tomliptrot/tlml documentation built on May 31, 2019, 6:18 p.m.