r descr_models("survival_reg", "flexsurvspline")

Tuning Parameters

This model has one engine-specific tuning parameter:

Translation from parsnip to the original package

r uses_extension("survival_reg", "flexsurvspline", "censored regression")


survival_reg() %>% 
  set_engine("flexsurvspline") %>% 
  set_mode("censored regression") %>% 

Other details

The main interface for this model uses the formula method since the model specification typically involved the use of [survival::Surv()].

For this engine, stratification cannot be specified via [strata()], please see [flexsurv::flexsurvspline()] for alternative specifications.

Case weights

Saving fitted model objects


topepo/parsnip documentation built on April 16, 2024, 3:23 a.m.