
## get_NA_indices() -----------------------------------------------------------
calc_n_index <- function(NA_indices, index_nr) {
  sum(vapply(NA_indices, function(x) any(x == index_nr), logical(1)))

check_index <- function(NA_indices, index_nr, lower_bound, upper_bound) {
  n <- calc_n_index(NA_indices, index_nr)
  expect_true(lower_bound <= n)
  expect_true(n <= upper_bound)

test_that("get_NA_indices() works with comibinations of n_mis_stochastic and prob", {
  N <- 1000
  n <- 10
  p <- 0.1

  # n_mis_stochastic + prob = NULL
  n_mis <- sum(replicate(
    N, length(get_NA_indices(n_mis_stochastic = TRUE, n = n, p = p, prob = NULL))
  expect_true(stats::qbinom(1e-10, n * N, p) <= n_mis)
  expect_true(n_mis <= stats::qbinom(1e-10, n * N, p, FALSE))

  # n_mis_stochastic + prob = seq_len(n)
  NA_indices <- replicate(
    N, get_NA_indices(n_mis_stochastic = TRUE, n = n, p = p, prob = seq_len(n))
  n_mis <- sum(vapply(NA_indices, length, integer(1)))
  expect_true(stats::qbinom(1e-10, n * N, p) <= n_mis)
  expect_true(n_mis <= stats::qbinom(1e-10, n * N, p, FALSE))

    NA_indices, 1,
    stats::qbinom(1e-10, n * N, p * 1 / sum(seq_len(n))),
    stats::qbinom(1e-10, n * N, p * 1 / sum(seq_len(n)), FALSE)
    NA_indices, 10,
    stats::qbinom(1e-10, n * N, p * 10 / sum(seq_len(n))),
    stats::qbinom(1e-10, n * N, p * 10 / sum(seq_len(n)), FALSE)

  # n_mis_stochastic = FALSE + prob = NULL
  n_mis <- replicate(
    N, length(get_NA_indices(n_mis_stochastic = FALSE, n = n, p = p, prob = NULL))
  expect_true(all(n_mis == 1L))

  # n_mis_stochastic = FALSE + prob = seq_len(n)
  NA_indices <- replicate(
    N, get_NA_indices(n_mis_stochastic = FALSE, n = n, p = p, prob = seq_len(n))
  n_mis <- vapply(NA_indices, length, integer(1))
  expect_true(all(n_mis == 1L))

    NA_indices, 1,
    stats::qbinom(1e-10, n * N, p * 1 / sum(seq_len(n))),
    stats::qbinom(1e-10, n * N, p * 1 / sum(seq_len(n)), FALSE)
    NA_indices, 10,
    stats::qbinom(1e-10, n * N, p * 10 / sum(seq_len(n))),
    stats::qbinom(1e-10, n * N, p * 10 / sum(seq_len(n)), FALSE)

test_that("get_NA_indices() check and adjust too high p and n_mis", {
  old <- options("missMethods.warn.too.high.p" = TRUE)
  # Too high p
  NA_indices <- expect_warning(
    get_NA_indices(FALSE, 5, p = 0.9, prob = c(20, 0, 0, 2, 1)),
    "p = 0.9 is too high for the chosen mechanims \\(and data);it will be reduced to 0.6"
  expect_equal(NA_indices, c(1, 4, 5))

  # Too high n_mis
  NA_indices <- expect_warning(
    get_NA_indices(FALSE, 5, prob = c(0, 0, 0, 2, 1), n_mis = 3),
    "p = 0.6 is too high for the chosen mechanims \\(and data);it will be reduced to 0.4"
  expect_true(any(NA_indices == c(4L, 5L), NA_indices == c(5L, 4L)))

test_that("get_NA_indices() works with infinite prob", {
  N <- 1000
  # More inf prob as expected n_mis
  NA_indices <- replicate(N, get_NA_indices(TRUE, 5, p = 0.4, prob = c(Inf, 0, Inf, Inf, 3)))
  n_mis <- sum(vapply(NA_indices, length, integer(1)))
  expect_true(stats::qbinom(1e-10, 3 * N, 2 / 3) <= n_mis)
  expect_true(n_mis <= stats::qbinom(1e-10, 3 * N, 2 / 3, FALSE))
  expect_equal(calc_n_index(NA_indices, 2), 0)
  expect_equal(calc_n_index(NA_indices, 5), 0)

  # Less inf prob as expected n_mis
  NA_indices <- replicate(N, get_NA_indices(TRUE, 5, p = 0.4, prob = c(Inf, 0, 1:3)))
  n_mis <- sum(vapply(NA_indices, length, integer(1)))
  expect_true(N + stats::qbinom(1e-10, 4 * N, 0.25) <= n_mis)
  expect_true(n_mis <= N + stats::qbinom(1e-10, 4 * N, 0.25, FALSE))
  expect_equal(calc_n_index(NA_indices, 1), N)

test_that("get_NA_indices() scales prob correctly", {
  N <- 1000
  n <- 4
  p <- 3 / 4

  # Check for warning
  old <- options("missMethods.warn.too.high.p" = TRUE)
    get_NA_indices(n_mis_stochastic = TRUE, n = n, p = p, prob = seq_len(n)),
    "p or some prob values are too high; the too high prob"

  # Silence warnings
  options("missMethods.warn.too.high.p" = FALSE)

  # n_mis_stochastic + prob = seq_len(n)
  NA_indices <- replicate(
    N, get_NA_indices(n_mis_stochastic = TRUE, n = n, p = p, prob = seq_len(n))
  n_mis <- sum(vapply(NA_indices, length, integer(1)))
  expect_true(stats::qbinom(1e-10, n * N, p) <= n_mis)
  expect_true(n_mis <= stats::qbinom(1e-10, n * N, p, FALSE))

    NA_indices, 1,
    stats::qbinom(1e-10, N, 1 / 3),
    stats::qbinom(1e-10, N, 1 / 3, FALSE)
    NA_indices, 2,
    stats::qbinom(1e-10, N, 2 / 3),
    stats::qbinom(1e-10, N, 2 / 3, FALSE)
  expect_equal(calc_n_index(NA_indices, 4), N)
  expect_equal(calc_n_index(NA_indices, 3), N)

  # reset option

  # n_mis_stochastic = FALSE + prob = seq_len(n)
  # prob is directly passed to base::sample()
  # just trust in R Core!

## n_mis_stochastic = FALSE and prob not NULL ---------------------------------
# or in other terms: weighted sampling without replacement
# base::sample() is problematic for this situation:

# from ?sample:
# "If replace is false, these probabilities are applied sequentially, that is the
# probability of choosing the next item is proportional to the weights amongst
# the remaining items. The number of nonzero weights must be at least size in
# this case"
# This will lead to wrong prob, see for example:
# https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2008-February/153698.html
# https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2007-October/144645.html

# test_that("weighted sampling without replacement works", {
#   N <- 10000
#   set.seed(12345)
#   res <- matrix(nrow = N, ncol = 2)
#   for (i in seq_len(N)) {
#     df_mis <- delete_MNAR_1_to_x(
#       df_XY_20, 0.3, "X", x = 10,
#       x_stochastic = TRUE, n_mis_stochastic = FALSE
#     )
#     res[i, 1] <- sum(is.na(df_mis[, "X"]))
#     res[i, 2] <- sum(is.na(df_mis[1:10, "X"]))
#   }
#   expect_true(all(res[, 1] == 6L))
#   n_g1_mis <- sum(res[, 2])
#   expect_true(stats::qbinom(1e-10, N * 10, 2/11 * 0.3) <= n_g1_mis)
#   expect_true(n_g1_mis <= stats::qbinom(1e-10, N * 10, 2/11 * 0.3, FALSE))
# })

# check find_groups ---------------------------------------
test_that("find_groups() issues a warning for constant x", {
      x = rep(1, 4), cutoff_fun = median, prop = 0.5,
      use_lpSolve = TRUE,
      ordered_as_unordered = FALSE
    "grouping not possible, because x is constant"

      x = factor("a"), cutoff_fun = median, prop = 0.5,
      use_lpSolve = TRUE,
      ordered_as_unordered = FALSE
    "grouping not possible, because x is constant"

test_that("find_groups() works in general", {
      x = 1:5, cutoff_fun = median, prop = 0.5,
      use_lpSolve = TRUE,
      ordered_as_unordered = FALSE
    list(g1 = 1:2, g2 = 3:5)

test_that("find_groups() treats unordered factors correct", {
      x = factor(1:5), cutoff_fun = median, prop = 0.5,
      use_lpSolve = TRUE,
      ordered_as_unordered = FALSE
    list(g1 = 1:3, g2 = 4:5)

      x = factor(1:5), cutoff_fun = median, prop = 0.5,
      use_lpSolve = FALSE,
      ordered_as_unordered = FALSE
    list(g1 = 1:3, g2 = 4:5)

test_that("find_groups() treats ordered factors correct", {
      x = ordered(1:5), cutoff_fun = median, prop = 0.5,
      use_lpSolve = TRUE,
      ordered_as_unordered = FALSE
    list(g1 = 1:2, g2 = 3:5)

      x = ordered(1:5), cutoff_fun = median, prop = 0.5,
      use_lpSolve = TRUE,
      ordered_as_unordered = TRUE
    list(g1 = 1:3, g2 = 4:5)

test_that("find_groups() treats char vectors correct", {
      x = rep(c("a", "b"), each = 3),  cutoff_fun = median, prop = 0.5,
      use_lpSolve = TRUE, ordered_as_unordered = FALSE
    list(g1 = 1:3, g2 = 4:6)

# check find_groups_by_cutoff_val -------------------------
test_that("find_groups_by_cutoff_val()", {
    find_groups_by_cutoff_val(df_with_ord_factors[, "X"], "d"),
    list(g1 = 1:3, g2 = 4:20)
    find_groups_by_cutoff_val(df_XY_100[, "X"], 25),
    list(g1 = 1:24, g2 = 25:100)
    find_groups_by_cutoff_val(c(20:29, 19:48), 25),
    list(g1 = c(1:5, 11:16), g2 = c(6:10, 17:40))

    find_groups_by_cutoff_val(c(rep(0, 10), 1), 0),
    list(g1 = c(1:10), g2 = 11)

# check find_groups_by_prop -------------------------
test_that("find_groups_by_prop()", {
    find_groups_by_prop(ordered(letters[1:20]), 0.25),
    list(g1 = 1:5, g2 = 6:20)
    find_groups_by_prop(1:100, 0.4),
    list(g1 = 1:40, g2 = 41:100)
    find_groups_by_prop(c(20:29, 19:48), 0.1),
    list(g1 = c(1:2, 12:13), g2 = c(3:11, 14:40))

  # check lpSolve -----------------------------------------
    find_groups_by_prop(ordered(letters[1:20]), 0.25,
      use_lpSolve = TRUE
    list(g1 = 1:5, g2 = 6:20)
    find_groups_by_prop(ordered(letters[1:20]), 0.25,
      use_lpSolve = FALSE
    list(g1 = 1:5, g2 = 6:20)
    find_groups_by_prop(1:100, 0.4,
      use_lpSolve = TRUE
    list(g1 = 1:40, g2 = 41:100)
    find_groups_by_prop(c(20:29, 19:48), 0.1,
      use_lpSolve = TRUE
    list(g1 = c(1:2, 12:13), g2 = c(3:11, 14:40))

  # problematic for very basic heuristic:
    find_groups_by_prop(c("c", "c", "a", "d", "c"), 0.1,
      use_lpSolve = FALSE
    list(g1 = c(1:2, 5), g2 = 3:4)
  # better use_lpSolve:
    find_groups_by_prop(c("c", "c", "a", "d", "c"), 0.1,
      use_lpSolve = TRUE
    list(g1 = 3, g2 = c(1:2, 4:5))

  # g1 not empty, if x not constant
    find_groups_by_prop(ordered(letters[1:20]), 0.0005,
      use_lpSolve = TRUE
    list(g1 = 1, g2 = 2:20)
    find_groups_by_prop(ordered(letters[1:20]), 0.0005,
      use_lpSolve = FALSE
    list(g1 = 1, g2 = 2:20)

# check find_groups_by_values -----------------------------
test_that("find_groups_by_values()", {
      c("a", "b", "e")
    list(g1 = c(1, 2, 5), g2 = c(3, 4, 6:20))
      c(5:10, 25)
    list(g1 = c(5:10, 25), g2 = c(1:4, 11:24, 26:100))

# check calc_n_mis_g1 --------------------------------
test_that("calc_n_mis_g1() works", {
  expect_equal(calc_n_mis_g1(50, 0.8, 50, 50, 4), 40)
  expect_equal(calc_n_mis_g1(50, 0.25, 50, 20, 4), 12)
  expect_equal(calc_n_mis_g1(50, 0.45, 50, 30, 3), 22)
  expect_equal(calc_n_mis_g1(20, 1 / 17, 80, 20, 4), 1)

  expect_equal(calc_n_mis_g1(50, 0.8, 0, 50, 4), 50)
torockel/missMethods documentation built on Sept. 16, 2022, 5:16 p.m.