
Defines functions flury.test

Documented in flury.test

flury.test <- function(covmats, nvec, B = cpc::FG(covmats = covmats, nvec = nvec)$B, p = dim(covmats)[1], qmax = p - 2, commonvec.order = findcpc(covmats = covmats, B = B, plotting = FALSE)$commonvec.order)
  # Calculates the partial chi square statistics and AIC values for all the models in Flury's (1988) hierarchy
  # Depends on: equal.test, prop.test, cpc.test, cpcq.test, AIC, findcpc functions!
  # Depends on: FGALG, GALG, EIGVEC functions!
  # covmats: array of covariance matrices to be tested, created by a command such as covmats<-array(NA,dim=c(p,p,k))
  # nvec: vector of sample sizes of the k groups
  # B: modal matrix (orthogonal p x p matrix diagonalising the k covariance matrices simultaneously)
  # commonvec.order: vector indicating the order of the most likely candidates of common eigenvectors - from 1 (most likely) to p (least likely)
  # p: number of variables
  # qmax: maximum for q when estimating the CPC(q) models
  if((qmax + 2) > p){
    qmax <- p - 2
    model.names <- c("Equality", "Proportionality", "CPC", paste("CPC(", seq(from = qmax, to = 1), ")", sep = ""), "Heterogeneity")
    No.of.CPCs <- c(p, p, p, (p - 2):1, 0)
  else if(qmax < 1){
    qmax <- 0
    model.names <- c("Equality", "Proportionality", "CPC", "Heterogeneity")
    No.of.CPCs <- c(p, p, p, 0)
    model.names <- c("Equality", "Proportionality", "CPC", paste("CPC(", seq(from = qmax, to = 1), ")", sep = ""), "Heterogeneity")
    No.of.CPCs <- c(p, p, p, (p - 2):1, 0)
  nmodels <- length(model.names)
  chi.square <- rep(NA, times = nmodels)
  df <- rep(NA, times = nmodels)
  model.AIC <- rep(NA, times = nmodels)
  # Equality
  equal.test.output <- equal.test(covmats, nvec)
  chi.square[1] <- equal.test.output$chi.square
  df[1] <- equal.test.output$df
  model.AIC[1] <- flury.AIC(equal.test.output$covmats.equal, covmats, nvec, df = equal.test.output$df)
  # Proportionality
  prop.test.output <- cpc::prop.test(covmats, nvec)
  chi.square[2] <- prop.test.output$chi.square
  df[2] <- prop.test.output$df
  model.AIC[2] <- flury.AIC(prop.test.output$covmats.prop, covmats, nvec, df = prop.test.output$df)
  # CPC
  cpc.test.output <- cpc.test(covmats = covmats, nvec = nvec, B = B)
  chi.square[3] <- cpc.test.output$chi.square
  df[3] <- cpc.test.output$df
  model.AIC[3] <- flury.AIC(cpc.test.output$covmats.cpc, covmats, nvec, df = cpc.test.output$df)
  # CPC(q)
  if(qmax > 0){
    B <- B[, commonvec.order]
    q <- qmax
    for(i in 1:qmax){
      cpcq.test.output <- cpcq.test(covmats, nvec, B, q = q)
      chi.square[3 + i] <- cpcq.test.output$chi.square
      df[3 + i] <- cpcq.test.output$df
      model.AIC[3 + i] <- flury.AIC(cpcq.test.output$covmats.cpcq, covmats, nvec, df = cpcq.test.output$df)
      q <- q - 1
  # Heterogeneity
  model.AIC[3 + qmax + 1] <- flury.AIC(covmats, covmats, nvec, df = 0)
  chi.square[1:(nmodels - 2)] <- chi.square[1:(nmodels - 2)] - chi.square[2:(nmodels - 1)]
  df[1:(nmodels - 2)] <- df[1:(nmodels - 2)] - df[2:(nmodels - 1)]
  chi.div.df <- chi.square / df
  chi.square <- round(chi.square, 2)
  chi.div.df <- round(chi.div.df, 2)
  model.AIC <- round(model.AIC, 2)
  resultmat <- data.frame(Model = model.names, Chi.square = chi.square, DF = df, Chi2.div.df = chi.div.df, AIC = model.AIC, No.of.CPCs = No.of.CPCs)
tpepler/cpc documentation built on July 7, 2022, 2:13 a.m.