
# TODO: Function to connect to Teradata
# Author: Linh Tran
# Date: Dec 10, 2015
# Email: Linh_m_tran@apple.com

#' @title tdConn
#' @description Checks for a connection to the Teradata server. If none exists,
#' tries to establish one. If no JDBC connection is provided (\code{tdConn}),
#' then a connection is attempted using the \code{user}, and \code{password} provided.
#' @details If desired, you can define your username and password in the .Rprofile
#' file using the command \code{options(tdPassword = c(<username>="<password>"))}, which
#' will then automatically assign the password in the background each time R is started.
#' This then allows you to connect without having to enter your username and password
#' manually each time you connect.
#' The JDBC driver included uses the v15.10.00.33 release (12 Jan 2016)
#' tdgssconfig.jar and terajdbc4.jar drivers.
#' @param username Connection user name. By default, will try to search for a global
#' environment variable called \code{tdPassword}. If found, will use those credentials.
#' @param password Connection password. By default, will try to search for a global 
#' environment variable called \code{tdPassword}. If found, will use those credentials.
#' @param addr String containing address of database to connect to. By default, will 
#' try to search for a global environment variable called \code{tdAddr}. If found, will
#' use those credentials.
#' @param db Name of database to connect to.
#' @param classPath The location of the JDBC drivers. By default, will use the drivers included
#' in the package.
#' @param conn \code{DBIConnection} object with established connection to the RDMBS.
#' Only used internally to check connection and establish a connection if none exists.
#' @return A \code{RJDBC} connection object is returned.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{td}} for Teradata queries, \code{\link{tdDisk}} for disk usage,
#' \code{\link{tdSpool}} for spool usage, \code{\link{tdCpu}} for CPU
#' usage, and \code{\link{tdJoin}} for joining tables.
#' @examples
#' ## NOT RUN ##
#' ## Connect to default data warehouse and data base
#' # conn = tdConn()
#' ## Connect to data warehouse using different credentials and data base
#' # conn = tdConn(<username>, <password>, db='ADM_AMR')
#' ## Connect to different data warehouse than default
#' # conn = tdConn(<username>, <password>, addr="jdbc:teradata://new.warehouse.com")
#' @export
tdConn = function(username=getOption("tdPassword"), password=NULL, addr=getOption("tdAddr"), db="", classPath=NULL, conn=NULL) {

	## CHECKS ##
	if(!is.null(username) && is.null(password) && length(names(username)) > 0) {
		password = username
		username = names(username)
	if(is.null(conn) & (is.null(username) | is.null(password) | is.null(addr))) stop('No connection or profile provided.')
	if(!is.null(conn) & class(conn)!="JDBCConnection") stop('Connection object needs to be JDBCConnection class.')
	if(!is.null(conn) & class(conn)=="JDBCConnection") return(conn)

	if (is.null(conn)) {
		pkg = requireNamespace('RJDBC')
		if(!pkg) {
			stop("Package RJDBC not found.")
		} else {
			if(is.null(classPath)) {
				pkg = find.package('tdR')
				CLASSPATH = paste(paste0(pkg, c('/drv/tdgssconfig.jar', '/drv/terajdbc4.jar')), collapse=':')
			} else {
				if (grepl("/$", classPath)) classPath = gsub("/$", "", classPath)
				CLASSPATH = paste(paste0(classPath, c('/tdgssconfig.jar', '/terajdbc4.jar')), collapse=':')
			drv = RJDBC::JDBC("com.teradata.jdbc.TeraDriver", classPath=CLASSPATH)
			if (is.null(db) | db=='') {
				st = addr
			} else if (grepl('[[:alpha:]]/', addr)) {
				if (grepl('[[:alnum:]]$', addr)) {
					st = paste0(addr, ',database=', db)
				} else st = paste0(addr, 'database=', db)
			} else {
				st = paste0(addr, '/database=', db)

		conn = DBI::dbConnect(drv, st, username, password)
		attr(conn, "tmpConnection") = FALSE


	} else stop('Unknown bug preventing connection.')

tranlm/tdR documentation built on May 31, 2019, 7:45 p.m.