Man pages for transbioZI/Gimpute
Gimpute: An efficient genetic data processing and imputation pipeline

checkAlign2refCheck the alignment with the imputation reference panel
chrWiseSplitSplit genome-wide genotyping data into chromosome-wide PLINK...
chunk4eachChrChunk each chromosome into multiple segments
computeInfoByQctoolCalculate the info score by QCTOOL
dot-convertImpute2ByGtoolConvert IMPUTE2 format files into PLINK format
dot-filterImputeDataFilter genetic variants
dot-filterImputeData2Filter genetic variants
dot-getInfoScoreImpute2Extract info score
dot-imputedByImpute2Impute genotypes using IMPUTE2
dot-imputedByImpute4Impute genotypes using IMPUTE4
dot-mergePlinkDataMerge chunk-wise PLINK files
dot-prepareLegend2bimPrepare a bim-like reference file
dot-prePhasingByShapeitPrephasing genotypes using SHAPEIT
dot-snpSharedPosFind shared genomic position between two files.
extractByGenipeExtract imputed markers using Genipe
genoQCQuality control for genotype data
getGroupLabelGet the outcome label of the genotype data
imputedByGenipeImpute genotypes using Genipe
mergeByGenipeMerge imputed files using Genipe
phaseImputePhasing and imputation
plotPCA4plinkPopulation outlier detection
postImpQCPost imputation quality control
prepareAnnoFile4affyprepare Affymetrix chip annotation file
reductExpandPost imputation data extraction and expansion
removedDoubleProbesRemove duplicated SNPs
removedExclProbeRemove improper SNPs
removedInstFhetRemove subjects with abnormal autosomal heterozygosity...
removedInstMissRemove subjects with missing values
removedMaleHetXRemove male subjects with haploid heterozygous SNPs
removedMendelErrCheck Mendel errors for family-based data
removedMonoSnpExclude monomorphic SNPs
removedParentIdsMissReset paternal and maternal codes
removedSnpFemaleChrXhweControlHardy Weinberg Equilibrium test for chromosome X SNPs in...
removedSnpFemaleChrXmissremove chromosome X SNPs in females
removedSnpHetXRemove heterozygous SNPs in male chromosome X
removedSnpHWEautoHardy Weinberg Equilibrium test for autosomal SNPs
removedSnpMissRemove SNPs with missing values
removedSnpMissDiffRemove SNPs with difference in SNP missingness between cases...
removedSnpMissPostImpRemove SNPs after post imputation
removedUnmapProbesRemove SNPs not in the chip annotation file
removedWrongAnceInstRemove samples with incorrect ancestry
removedYMtSnpRemove SNPs on the chromosome Y and mitochondrial DNA
removeNoGroupIdRemove samples without group information
removeOutlierByPCsRemove population outliers
removeSampIDRemove samples in PLINK files
renamePlinkBFileRename PLINK binary files
setHeteroHaploMissingSet haploid heterozygous SNPs as missing
splitXchrSplit chromosome X into pseudoautosomal region and...
updatedSnpInfoUpdate the SNP information
updateGenoInfoUpdate genotype information
updateGroupIdAndSexUpdate group and geneder information
transbioZI/Gimpute documentation built on April 10, 2022, 4:20 a.m.