#' Process TreeNet Data to L1 or L2
#' \code{proc_treenet} processes \code{L0} dendrometer data from the
#' TreeNet server directly to \code{L1} (i.e. time-aligned data) or
#' \code{L2} (i.e. cleaned \code{L1} data).
#' @param proc_to character, specify to which level the data should be
#' processed. Can be one of \code{L0, L1} or \code{L2}.
#' @inheritParams select_series
#' @inheritParams download_series
#' @inheritParams proc_L1
#' @inheritParams proc_dendro_L2
#' @inheritParams plot_proc_L2
#' @inheritParams phase_stats
#' @inherit proc_dendro_L2 details
#' @inherit proc_dendro_L2 return
#' @seealso \code{\link{proc_L1}} to process dendrometer or climate data to
#' \code{L1}.\cr
#' \code{\link{proc_dendro_L2}} to process dendrometer data from \code{L1}
#' to \code{L2}.\cr
#' \code{\link{corr_dendro_L1}} to correct errors before processing.\cr
#' \code{\link{corr_dendro_L2}} to correct errors after processing.
#' @export
#' @keywords treenet
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' proc_treenet(site = "sagno", year = "full", plot_period = "yearly")
#' proc_treenet(site = "lens", plot_period = "monthly")
#' proc_treenet(sensor_name = c("Alvaneu-2.dendrometer.ch0",
#' "Alvaneu-4.dendrometer.ch0"))
proc_treenet <- function(site = NULL, sensor_name = NULL,
from = NULL, to = NULL, last = NULL, reso = 10,
frost_thr = 5, lowtemp = 5,
tol_jump = 50, tol_out = 10,
interpol = NULL, frag_len = NULL,
proc_to = "L2", plot = TRUE, plot_period = "full",
plot_export = TRUE, plot_name = "proc_L2_plot",
plot_show = "all", plot_phase = FALSE,
path_cred = NULL, year = "asis", iter_clean = 1,
tz = "Etc/GMT-1", use_intl = FALSE) {
# Check input variables -----------------------------------------------------
list_inputs <- mget(ls())
check_input_variables(list = list_inputs)
# Download L0 data from server ----------------------------------------------
print("download data from server...")
# load credentials
path_cred <- load_credentials(path_cred = path_cred)
# select series and reference temperature for download
meta_series <- select_series(site = site, sensor_class = "dendrometer",
sensor_name = sensor_name,
path_cred = path_cred)
# download selected series
df_L0 <- download_series(meta_series = meta_series,
data_format = "L0", data_version = NULL,
from = from, to = to, last = last, bind_df = TRUE,
reso = reso, path_cred = path_cred,
server = "treenet", temp_ref = TRUE, tz = tz,
use_intl = use_intl)
# Process data to L1 --------------------------------------------------------
print("process data to L1 (time-aligned data)...")
df_L1 <- proc_L1(data_L0 = df_L0, reso = reso, year = year, input = "long",
date_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tz = tz)
if (proc_to == "L1") {
# Process data to L2 --------------------------------------------------------
print("process data to L2...")
# add reference temperature column
df_L1 <- df_L1 %>%
dplyr::left_join(., meta_series, by = "series")
if (use_intl) {
df_L2 <- proc_dendro_L2(dendro_L1 = df_L1, temp_L1 = NULL,
tol_jump = tol_jump, tol_out = tol_out,
frost_thr = frost_thr, lowtemp = lowtemp,
interpol = interpol, frag_len = frag_len,
plot = plot, plot_period = plot_period,
plot_show = plot_show, plot_export = plot_export,
plot_name = plot_name, iter_clean = iter_clean,
tz = tz))
df_L2 <- grow_seas(dendro_L2 = df_L2, agg_yearly = FALSE, tz = tz))
df_L2 <- phase_stats(dendro_L2 = df_L2, agg_daily = FALSE,
plot_phase = plot_phase, plot_export = plot_export,
tz = tz))
} else {
df_L2 <- proc_dendro_L2(dendro_L1 = df_L1, temp_L1 = NULL,
tol_jump = tol_jump, tol_out = tol_out,
frost_thr = frost_thr, lowtemp = lowtemp,
interpol = interpol, frag_len = frag_len,
plot = plot, plot_period = plot_period,
plot_show = plot_show, plot_export = plot_export,
plot_name = plot_name, iter_clean = iter_clean,
tz = tz)
df_L2 <- grow_seas(dendro_L2 = df_L2, agg_yearly = FALSE, tz = tz)
df_L2 <- phase_stats(dendro_L2 = df_L2, agg_daily = FALSE,
plot_phase = plot_phase, plot_export = plot_export,
tz = tz)
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