Man pages for trestletech/rgl
3D visualization device system (OpenGL)

3dobjectsadd primitive set shape
abclinesLines intersecting the bounding box
addNormalsAdd normal vectors to objects so they render more smoothly.
aspect3dSet the aspect ratios of the current plot
attributesGet information about shapes
axes3dDraw boxes, axes and other text outside the data
bboxSet up Bounding Box decoration
bgSet up Background
bgplot3dUse base graphics for RGL background
callbacksUser callbacks on mouse events
check3dCheck for an open rgl window.
cylinder3dCreate cylindrical or "tube" plots.
ellipse3dMake an ellipsoid
extrude3dGenerate extrusion mesh
GramSchmidtThe Gram-Schmidt algorithm
grid3dAdd a grid to a 3D plot
identify3dIdentify points in plot.
lightadd light source
materialGeneric Appearance setup
matricesWork with homogeneous coordinates
mesh3d3D Mesh objects
mfrow3dSet up multiple figure layouts in rgl.
observer3dSet the observer location.
par3dSet or Query RGL Parameters
par3dinterpInterpolator for par3d parameters
persp3dSurface plots
persp3d.functionPlot a function of two variables
planesadd planes
play3dPlay animation of rgl scene
plot3d3D Scatterplot
polygon3dTriangulate and draw a polygon in three dimensions.
postscriptexport screenshot
primitiveadd primitive set shape
r3dGeneric 3D interface
readSTLRead and write STL (stereolithography) format files
rgl.bringtotopAssign focus to an RGL window
rgl-internalInternal rgl functions and data
rgl.open3D visualization device system
rgl-package3D visualization device system
rgl.pixelsExtract pixel information from window
rgl.selectSwitch to select mode, and return the mouse position...
rgl.SweaveIntegrating 'rgl' with 'Sweave'
rgl.useNULLReport default use of null device.
rgl.user2windowConvert between rgl user and window coordinates
scenescene management
scene3dSaves the current scene to a variable, and displays such...
select3dSelect a rectangle in an RGL scene
selectpoints3dSelect points from a scene
shapelist3dCreate and plot a list of shapes
snapshotexport screenshot
spheresadd sphere set shape
spin3dCreate a function to spin a scene at a fixed rate
spritesadd sprite set shape
subdivision3dgeneric subdivision surface method
subscene3dCreate, select or modify a subscene.
subsceneInfoGet information on subscenes
surfaceadd height-field surface shape
surface3dadd height-field surface shape
textsadd text
triangulateTriangulate a two-dimensional polygon.
turn3dCreate a solid of rotation from a two-dimensional curve.
viewpointSet up viewpoint
webGLcontrolsWrite HTML/Javascript code to control a WebGL display.
writeOBJWrite Wavefront OBJ format files; read simple ones
writePLYWrite Stanford PLY format files
writeWebGLWrite scene to HTML.
trestletech/rgl documentation built on May 31, 2019, 7:49 p.m.