
#' Searches Text Column for Words
#' A convenience function to find words that begin with or contain a letter 
#' chunk and returns the frequency counts of the number of occurrences of each word.
#' @param text.var The text variable.
#' @param begins.with This argument takes a word chunk.  Default is NULL. Use 
#' this if searching for a word beginning with the word chunk.
#' @param contains This argument takes a word chunk.  Default is NULL. Use this 
#' if searching for a word containing the word chunk.
#' @param alphabetical logical.  If True orders rows alphabetically, if false 
#' orders the rows by frequency.
#' @return Returns a dataframe with frequency counts of words that begin with or 
#' contain the provided word chunk.
#' @note Cannot provide both \code{begins.with} and \code{contains} arguments 
#' at once.  If both begins.with and contains are NULL all.words returns a 
#' frequency count for all words.
#' @seealso 
#' \code{\link[qdap]{term.match}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x1 <- all_words(raj$dialogue, begins.with="re")
#' head(x1, 10)
#' x2 <- all_words(raj$dialogue, "q")
#' head(x2, 10)
#' all_words(raj$dialogue, contains="conc")
#' x3 <- all_words(raj$dialogue)
#' head(x3, 10)
all_words <-
function(text.var, begins.with = NULL, contains = NULL, alphabetical = TRUE){
    if (!is.null(begins.with) & !is.null(contains)) {
        stop("Can not use both 'begins.with' & 'contains' arguments")
    if(!is.null(begins.with)) begins.with <- tolower(begins.with)
    if(!is.null(contains)) contains <- tolower(contains)
    WORDS <- unlist(word.split(reducer(strip(text.var))))
    names(WORDS) <- NULL
    y <- data.frame(table(WORDS), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    names(y) <- c("WORD", "FREQ")
    y$WORD <- as.character(y$WORD)
    if (!is.null(begins.with)) {
        y <- y[substring(y[, 1], 1, nchar(begins.with)) %in% begins.with, ]
        if(nrow(y)==0) stop("No words match")
    if (!is.null(contains)) {
        y <- y[grep(contains, y[, 1]), ]
        if(nrow(y)==0) stop("No words match")
    if (!alphabetical) {
        y <- y[order(y$FREQ, y$WORD), ]
    rownames(y) <- NULL
    left.just(y, "WORD")
trinker/qdap2 documentation built on May 31, 2019, 9:47 p.m.