#' Get list of pre-installed NCBI taxon names
#' @description Get all NCBI taxon names from
#' "PhyloProfile/data/taxonNamesReduced.txt"
#' @export
#' @return List of taxon IDs, their full names, taxonomy ranks and parent IDs
#' obtained from "PhyloProfile/data/taxonNamesReduced.txt"
#' @author Vinh Tran {tran@bio.uni-frankfurt.de}
getNameListCr <- function() {
nameReducedFile <- paste(
if (!file.exists(nameReducedFile)) {
} else {
taxonNamesReduced <- utils::read.table(
nameReducedFile, sep = "\t", header = TRUE, fill = TRUE
taxonNamesReduced$fullName <- as.character(taxonNamesReduced$fullName)
taxonNamesReduced$rank <- as.character(taxonNamesReduced$rank)
taxonNamesReduced <- taxonNamesReduced[!duplicated(taxonNamesReduced), ]
#' Get taxonomy matrix
#' @description Get the (full or subset) taxonomy matrix from
#' "data/taxonomyMatrix.txt" based on an input taxon list
#' @export
#' @param subsetTaxaCheck TRUE/FALSE subset taxonomy matrix based on input taxon
#' IDs. Default = FALSE.
#' @param taxonIDs list of input taxon IDs (e.g. ncbi1234). Default = NULL.
#' @return Data frame contains the (subset of) taxonomy matrix for list of
#' input taxa.
#' @author Vinh Tran {tran@bio.uni-frankfurt.de}
getTaxonomyMatrixCr <- function(subsetTaxaCheck = FALSE, taxonIDs = NULL){
taxonomyMatrixFile <- paste(
if (!file.exists(taxonomyMatrixFile)) {
} else {
taxonomyMatrix <- utils::read.table(
taxonomyMatrixFile, sep = "\t", header = TRUE,
stringsAsFactors = TRUE
if (subsetTaxaCheck) {
if (missing(taxonIDs)) return(taxonomyMatrix)
taxonomyMatrix <- taxonomyMatrix[
taxonomyMatrix$abbrName %in% taxonIDs, ]
#' Get NCBI taxon names for a selected list of taxa
#' @description Get NCBI taxon names from
#' "PhyloProfile/data/taxonNamesReduced.txt" for a list of input taxa
#' @param rankName taxonomy rank (e.g. "species","phylum",...)
#' @param taxonIDs list of taxon IDs (e.g. ncbi1234). Default = NULL
#' @return Data frame contains a list of full names, taxonomy ranks and parent
#' IDs for the input taxa.
#' @author Vinh Tran {tran@bio.uni-frankfurt.de}
#' @export
getInputTaxaNameCr <- function(rankName, taxonIDs = NULL){
# check input parameters
if (missing(rankName)) return("No taxonomy rank name given!")
allMainRanks <- PhyloProfile::getTaxonomyRanks()
if (!(rankName[1] %in% allMainRanks)) return("Invalid taxonomy rank given!")
# load list of unsorted taxa
Dt <- getTaxonomyMatrixCr(TRUE, taxonIDs)
# load list of taxon name
nameList <- getNameListCr()
# return
choice <- data.frame(
"ncbiID" = unlist(Dt[rankName]), stringsAsFactors = FALSE
choice <- merge(choice, nameList, by = "ncbiID", all = FALSE)
#' Get a subset of input taxa based on a selected taxonomy rank
#' @description Get a subset of taxon ncbi IDs and names from an input list of
#' taxa based on a selected supertaxon (identified by its taxonomy rank and
#' supertaxon name or supertaxon ID).
#' @usage getSelectedTaxonNamesCr(inputTaxonIDs, rank, higherRank, higherID,
#' higherName)
#' @param inputTaxonIDs list of input taxon IDs (e.g. c("10116", "122586"))
#' @param rank taxonomy rank of input taxa (e.g. "species")
#' @param higherRank selected taxonomy rank (e.g. "phylum")
#' @param higherID supertaxon ID (e.g. 7711). NOTE: either supertaxon ID or
#' name is required, not neccessary to give both.
#' @param higherName supertaxon name (e.g. "Chordata"). NOTE: either
#' supertaxon ID or name is required, not neccessary to give both.
#' @export
#' @return A data frame contains ncbi IDs and names of taxa from the input taxon
#' list that belong to the selected supertaxon.
#' @author Vinh Tran {tran@bio.uni-frankfurt.de}
getSelectedTaxonNamesCr <- function(
inputTaxonIDs = NULL, rank = NULL,
higherRank = NULL, higherID = NULL, higherName = NULL
) {
rankName <- NULL
if (is.null(inputTaxonIDs) | is.null(rank))
stop("Input taxa and taxonomy rank cannot be NULL!")
taxDf <- getTaxonomyMatrixCr(TRUE, paste0("ncbi", inputTaxonIDs))
if (is.null(higherID) & is.null(higherName))
ncbiID = taxDf$ncbiID[
taxDf$abbrName %in% paste0("ncbi", inputTaxonIDs)],
name = taxDf$fullName[
taxDf$abbrName %in% paste0("ncbi", inputTaxonIDs)],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
if (is.null(higherRank)) {
ncbiID = taxDf$ncbiID[
taxDf$abbrName %in% paste0("ncbi", inputTaxonIDs)],
name = taxDf$fullName[
taxDf$abbrName %in% paste0("ncbi", inputTaxonIDs)],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
} else {
if (!is.null(higherName) & is.null(higherID)) {
taxaList <- getNameListCr()
superID <- taxaList$ncbiID[
taxaList$fullName == higherName
& taxaList$rank %in% c(higherRank, "norank")]
customizedtaxaID <- levels(
as.factor(taxDf[rank][taxDf[higherRank] == superID, ]))
ncbiID = taxaList$ncbiID[
taxaList$rank %in% c(rank, "norank")
& taxaList$ncbiID %in% customizedtaxaID],
name = taxaList$fullName[
taxaList$rank %in% c(rank, "norank")
& taxaList$ncbiID %in% customizedtaxaID],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
} else if (!is.null(higherID)) {
ncbiID = taxDf$ncbiID[taxDf[,higherRank] == higherID],
name = taxDf$fullName[taxDf[,higherRank] == higherID],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
#' Sort list of (super)taxa based on a selected reference (super)taxon
#' @usage sortInputTaxaCr(taxonIDs = NULL, rankName, refTaxon = NULL,
#' taxaTree = NULL)
#' @param taxonIDs list of taxon IDs (e.g.: ncbi1234, ncbi9999, ...). Default =
#' NULL.
#' @param rankName working taxonomy rank (e.g. "species", "phylum",...)
#' @param refTaxon selected reference taxon. Default = NULL.
#' @param taxaTree taxonomy tree for the input taxa (optional). Default = NULL.
#' @return A taxonomy matrix for the input taxa ordered by the selected
#' reference taxon. This matrix is sorted either based on the NCBI taxonomy
#' info, or based on an user-defined taxonomy tree (if provided).
#' @author Vinh Tran {tran@bio.uni-frankfurt.de}
#' @export
sortInputTaxaCr <- function(
taxonIDs = NULL, rankName, refTaxon = NULL, taxaTree = NULL
ncbiID <- fullName <- abbrName <- NULL
if (missing(rankName)) return("No taxonomy rank name given!")
allMainRanks <- PhyloProfile::getTaxonomyRanks()
if (!(rankName[1] %in% allMainRanks)) return("Invalid taxonomy rank given!")
if (is.null(refTaxon)) refTaxon <- taxonNames$fullName[1]
# get list of taxon names
fullnameList <- getNameListCr()
taxonNames <- getInputTaxaNameCr(rankName, taxonIDs)
# get selected supertaxon ID(s)
rankNameTMP <- taxonNames$rank[taxonNames$fullName == refTaxon]
if (rankName == "strain") {
superID <- fullnameList$ncbiID[fullnameList$fullName == refTaxon]
} else
superID <- fullnameList$ncbiID[
fullnameList$fullName == refTaxon
& fullnameList$rank == rankNameTMP[1]]
# get full taxonomy data & representative taxon
Dt <- getTaxonomyMatrixCr()
repTaxon <- Dt[Dt[, rankName] == superID, ][1, ]
if (is.null(taxaTree)) {
distDf <- subset(Dt, select = -c(ncbiID, fullName))
row.names(distDf) <- distDf$abbrName
distDf <- distDf[, -1]
taxaTree <- PhyloProfile::createRootedTree(
distDf, as.character(repTaxon$abbrName)
} else
taxaTree <- ape::root(
taxonList <- PhyloProfile::sortTaxaFromTree(taxaTree)
sortedDt <- Dt[match(taxonList, Dt$abbrName), ]
# subset to get list of input taxa only
sortedDt <- subset(sortedDt, abbrName %in% taxonIDs)
# get only taxonIDs list of selected rank and rename columns
sortedOut <- subset(
select = c("abbrName", "ncbiID", "fullName", as.character(rankName)))
colnames(sortedOut) <- c("abbrName", "species", "fullName", "ncbiID")
# add name of supertaxa into sortedOut list
sortedOut <- merge(
sortedOut, fullnameList, by = "ncbiID", all.x = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
sortedOut$species <- paste0("ncbi", sortedOut$species)
## create new column for sorted supertaxon
indexSpec <- unlist(lapply(
seq_len(nlevels(as.factor(sortedOut$fullName.y))),function (x) 1000+x))
indexSpecDf <- data.frame(
fullName.y = unique(as.character(sortedOut$fullName.y)),
sortedSupertaxon = paste0(
indexSpec, "_", unique(as.character(sortedOut$fullName.y))
), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
sortedOut <- merge(indexSpecDf, sortedOut, by = "fullName.y")
# final sorted supertaxa list
sortedOut$taxonID <- 0
sortedOut$category <- "cat"
sortedOut <- sortedOut[, c(
"abbrName", "taxonID", "fullName.x", "species", "ncbiID",
"sortedSupertaxon", "rank", "category")]
colnames(sortedOut) <- c(
"abbrName", "taxonID", "fullName", "ncbiID", "supertaxonID",
"supertaxon", "rank", "category")
sortedOut$ncbiID <- as.factor(sortedOut$ncbiID)
sortedOut$supertaxon <- as.factor(sortedOut$supertaxon)
sortedOut$category <- as.factor(sortedOut$category)
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