Man pages for tshmak/lassosum
LASSO with summary statistics and a reference panel summary statistics and PLINK .bim data.frames
countlinesCount number of lines in a text file
elnetPerforms elnet
elnetRElastic net using summary statistics
genotypeMatriximports genotypeMatrix
group.blocksGroup blocks into chunks so as not to exhaust memory or hit...
indeplassoIndependent LASSO using summary statistics (a.k.a....
lassosumFunction to obtain LASSO estimates of a regression problem...
lassosum.pipelineRun lassosum with standard pipeline
lassosumRFunction to obtain LASSO estimates of a regression problem...
logical.vectorFunction to create a logical vector based on position and...
matchposFunction to match a set of variants to a reference by...
merge.lassosumMerge lassosum results
merge.lassosum.pipelineMerge a list of lassosum.pipeline objects
multiBed3Multiply genotypeMatrix by a matrix
multiBed3spMultiply genotypeMatrix by a matrix (sparse)
ncol.bfileObtains the number of column (SNPs) in a PLINK bfile
normalizenormalize genotype matrix
not.a.fileA function to protect a single SNP id from being interpreted...
nrow.bfileObtains the number of individuals in a PLINK bfile
p2corFunction to convert p-values to correlation via the...
parseargsFunction to parse arguments from command line
parseselectParse the keep/remove/extract/exclude/chr options
pgsComputes polygenic scores as a genotype matrix multiplied by...
pgs.vecpgs for a list of bfiles
plot.validate.lassosumPlot function for 'validate.lassosum' objects
pseudovalidateFunction to perform pseudovalidation from a lassosum.pipeline...
pseudovalidationPerforms 'pseudovalidation' to select the best lambda value...
pseudovalidationRPerforms 'pseudovalidation' to select the best lambda value...
readbfileread a PLINK bfile file into a matrix
read.table2Function to read a text file
runElnetRuns elnet with various parameters
sd.bfileObtain the SNP-wise standard deviations from the PLINK bfile
selectregionInternal function to parse extract
splitgenomeFunction to split a set of SNPs by their position using a...
splitvalidateFunction to perform split-validation using output from...
splitvec.from.bfileFunction to create split vectors from the info in vectors of...
subset.lassosum.pipelineSubset a lassosum.pipeline object by lambda and s
validateFunction to validate output from lassosum.pipeline with...
tshmak/lassosum documentation built on Sept. 24, 2020, 9:41 a.m.